Chapter 15:

(WARNING: Contains rough words and inappropriate situations. You have been warned.)


"Where are we going?"

"To take a walk..."

"What? A walk? Are you serious? I'm supposed to be studying right now."

"Don't care. Just keep walking."


The sound of their footsteps echoed throughout the alley. It was a pretty abandoned alley and surprisingly it was clean, in addition, the place doesn't even stink, it's just a bit grimy since the lights were dim and it's already in the afternoon.

Two boys at the age of 17 were walking, one with dark black hair and one with white hair, with both eyes who show no care and no life at all.

Wade frowned as he continued walking. Unfortunately, he left his house unwillingly. He was in the middle of reading a political book when Zheon, the son of the Wistella Family suddenly showed up on his balcony. 

Their families had a formal meeting at their mansion and they supposedly should have already left that is why he was surprised to see him.

They escaped through the garden near his bedroom window. Wade doesn't even know why he followed him in the first place even knowing that Zheon of the Wistella Family is popularly recognized as the troublemaker and the disastrous example of the Wistella Family.

Zheon Wistella, that name has a lot of rumors going on in the industry that some are obviously made up like killing, assumptions of murder, mafia, the boss in a gang. He is only 17 years old but his rumors are wild and vicious.

"Look, Zheon. I know you heard them but trust me I'm fine I'm used to it."

"Hmm... Who said I cared about you?"

Zheon was walking in front of him that is why he doesn't really know what kind of expression the guy he was with is having. He then glared at him sharply in the back before speaking.

"If that is the case then I'm going home or else I'm going to get in trouble. I'm not like you who have all the time in the world and would rather cause a ruckus than make their parent proud," Wade said clearly trying to attack him.

"You know when I first met you, I already hated you," Zheon told ignoring what he said.

"I am aware," Wade just nodded with a bored face.

"And now that I got to talk with you... I hate you even more," Zheon finished with an annoyed tone.

"Yes and let us stay that way."


Wade sighed knowing that their conversation will end up with a trifle. He stopped walking and was about to turn when Zheon turned to stop him and glare at him.

"I'll beat you into a pulp if you don't follow me."

"Such threats don't work on me."

"Sure go back on your own, let's see if you can go home with no bruise at all," Zheon said completely done with him.

"I can. There's no one else in this alley and all we did is walked in a straight line," Wade responded.

"Sure, smart pants, why not try to take a look around?" Zheon countered matching Wade's bored face.

Wade lifted up an eyebrow before peeking behind him. The completely deserted alley was now filled with a bunch of men leaning on some walls identifying them and looking at them menacingly.


"The only reason, they're not attacking is because I'm here. If they ever set a finger on me, they know it's gonna be their end," Zheon explained.


Wade who was annoyed by the situation started to walk again that made Zheon smirk. They walked together once again but their distance grew farther to each other. They really hate each other's guts.

Soon, varieties of lights can be seen in the distance as an indication that they're near out of the alley.

Once they have reached the end the busy lights of the city appeared in front of their eyes. Across the street, a huge building is shown.

"Where is this?" Wade looked at Zheon who was suspiciously enthusiastic.

"Sanforte Mall."


"I don't like repeating myself," Zheon's smile instantly disappeared and was replaced with a frown. The two frowned at each other, annoyed by each other's presence.

"Are you going shopping or something?"

"Do I look like someone who shops?" Zheon scowled to let him know that he was unimpressed.

"Oh, of course not after all you don't even have style," Wade shrugged and observe his clothing before smirking which Zheon returned with a furious glare.

The two started to argue while entering the mall. Zheon urged to eat first and as usual, Wade couldn't do anything to halt him. He was dragged into a restaurant, once again out of his will.

They sat at the corner, it was the perfect place, people don't pass by much and they can see the broad restaurant as well as the outside through the glass windows.

Two waitresses came to serve them. One was wearing a pink dress that was revealing her cleavage and thighs, the other one has glasses and a super short mini skirt with an off-shoulder. If they would just remove their name tags you wouldn't know that they work here.

The sexy girl smiled at them and bit his lips waiting for their reaction.

"What are you doing? Where's the fucking menu? I'm hungry! Hurry!"

Wade looked at Zheon weirdly, he expected him to be swayed by her but his expectations flunked him. It seems that food is much more important to him than a girl. It was not only Wade but the girl was also surprised and embarrassed.

She immediately handed the menu to him and looked at Wade and seductively smiled at him again. Attempting.

"Thanks," Wade didn't give a reaction but still responded formally. He took the menu out of the girl's hand because she was leaning in front letting her boobs be visible to him.

"Um~ So you wanna ban-"

"I'll take this and this," Zheon who was finished deciding, ordered. The pink-dressed girl looked at him surprised and nodded, she took the pen and paper and wrote the foods he pointed at.

"And I'll take this. No co- What do you think are you doing?!" Wade grabbed the girl's hand, the one with glasses who was quiet, harshly making her flinched and winced in pain. Her hands were headed to Wade's pocket.

"Ah- That hurts- Ouch!"

With the girls plead he threw her hand with force.

"Republic Act 10344, An Act Penalizing the Unauthorized Taking, Stealing, Keeping or Tempering of Government Risk Reduction and Preparedness Equipment, Accessories, and Similar Facilities."

"You can get arrested for that," Wade recited. The two girls were left with their jaws opened.

"Hey you," Zheon looked at the girl in pink dressed.

"I don't like your way of approaching people. You can't just ask the person you met for the first time for sex. I don't really care about how you dress but if you're just dressing like that so you can distract people to commit crimes then die."

"You're saying that but when you're ganged up by men's on the street you won't be able to recover. Go and fucking fix yourself before approaching people."

Wade was surprised by the words of Zheon, he didn't anticipate him to say anything like that at all. He was starting to like him slightly.

"But first get my order before I report you to the guards here," Zheon threatened in a low voice and a serious face.

The view of a black-shirted man with fashionably black accessories and an aura of a mafia leader with a formally dressed man with a serious expression and an aura of hatred sent chills on their spine. 

The back of their neck felt cold as the two good-looking men were staring at them, it was like they were looking straight at their soul.

"What are you doing? Go and do your jobs properly if you want to earn money," Zheon scowled at them while touching his stomach signifying that he is hungry and needed food.

The two flusteredly bowed at them, one was already close to tears and immediately did their job. Wade gave a look at Zheon tried to ignore it but couldn't.

"What?" Zheon asked annoyed by his stare.

"You're just gonna let them go? They tried to steal. Us giving them threats doesn't mean they'll stop doing it in the near future."

"I'm not that kind," Zheon smirked evilly. Wade gave him a disgusted look.

"Don't give me that look, I won't do anything to them like that, you pervert."

Wade withered even more hearing that from the person who's a troublemaker.

"I'll get my companion to watch them closely, if they dare steal or commit crimes again, they'll immediately be reported to the police," Zheon explained not looking at him but playing with the pen he found.

Wade doesn't trust him but shrugged the situation off.

"I didn't expect you to have that kind of act. Your words were decent, that was the only thing I liked about you."

Zheon raised a brow at him, not knowing if that was an insult or a compliment.

"I could say the same to you, I didn't know you have that kind of awareness in dangerous situations."

"I'm just observant, and it wasn't that dangerous."

"Stealing is dangerous, you won't know how the situation will turn out in the end, especially if the fire's already burning."

Wade didn't argue with him since he knew he had more experience in this kind of situation. Soon the meal was served to them by a different employee. It seems that the two girls were scared to even face them.

They thought this was going to be a peaceful meal but unfortunately, they bickered and roast each other to the bone while eating, even saying that they can't eat properly with each other's presence but finished the meal anyways. 

 Soon they wrapped up and got out of the restaurant passing by the two girls who were trying hard not to make eye contact with them.

They advanced to the popular arcade located on the top floor and decided to compete with each other which of course they both didn't back down to.

They were playing with different kinds of machines, almost winding up with a tie every time. They've been playing peacefully when all of a sudden, when playing basketball, two people decided to ruin the moment.

"Hey, you two fools. Get out that's our spot."

They both glared at the one who spoke since they were just about to know who was going to win but their balls were suddenly taken by a chubby person beside him is a short boy. If Wade hadn't stop Zheon's anger in time they would have been punched in the face already.

"Fools?! Wait oh-" Zheon screamed but then showed a bored face at them.

"What? Huh?!" The short boy, who was trying so hard to be aggressive, asked.

"Hmm? You seem strangely familiar, have I threatened you before?" Zheon frowned.

"So this is one of your troubles... You go and deal with it, I don't want to be involved in this. Go and fight somewhere else," Wade said taking a step back.

"W-What?" The short boy was surprised.

"Oh, have I not? Well, I guess not you're quite ugly and not that close to the standards of people I'm bullying," Zheon judged.

"EXCUSE ME?!" The chubby boy interrupted.

"What? It's the truth. You're ugly. You're short. You're a dick and your parents don't love you, I guess even if you have a crush no matter how rich you are they won't even turn an eye to you."

"Stop it, Zheon. Your words can hurt others," Wade said with a bit of irritation.

"Yeah, I know. That's why I say them. That's exactly the point," Zheon frowned at him.

"Who are you guys to say this to me? Acting all big and shit?! Who do you think you are? I'm warning you I can kill you at any time, yes you and that minion of yours!" The chubby boy pointed at them.

"Hey, I think I know this guy," the short boy whispered to his master.

Wade who was just about to stay out of this turned serious, his aura was too suffocating that even Zheon noticed it and smirked.

"What did you say? Minion?" Wade asked in a low angered voice. The short boy who was observing his face gasped at that moment.

"I remember! That's the son of Exodus Family!" He whispered to the guy panicked. Tapping the chubby boy's shoulder.

"Huh? Who the fuck is that?"

"The Lawyer Family!"

"Who... Shit!" He howled.

"I see you are Mr. Grim's son." 

"N-No I'm not. Fuck off!"

"I cannot believe you denied the truth, is it because you are ashamed of your father?"

"And so what if I am the son of my father?"

"Mr. Grim's son. This is a warning." Wade's hair-raising voice frightened them. He took a step towards them as they froze.

"Be rude to me one more time and I will smack you to poverty!" Wade warned lowly, he looked down on them. Zheon who took a step back finds this very amusing.

"Y-You think I give a fuck?!" The chubby boy retorted. Wade who finally gave them space turned around to see the smiling Zheon.

"Tsk! Zheon, do whatever you want, I won't give a fuck about it either."

"I'm already planning to do that even without your permission," he laughed and stepped closer to them cornering the two.

"H-Hey what are you trying to do? Stop right there don't you dare take another step!"

"Do I look like I give a fuck about what you say?" Zheon's smirk got bigger.

Shortly a bunch of boys in black appeared, the chubby boy and the short guy were pulled out of the arcade and were pushed into a private room in the shadows.


"Good job, get this punk and this pig to the hospital. Get someone to do the job," he ordered his helpers. They were now outside of the private room.

"Alright. We will do as you say."


After their conversation ended Zheon walked towards Wade who's waiting while leaning on the wall with his arms closed.


"Yep, it was kind of satisfying," Zheon licked his lips in satisfaction.

"I'll turn a blind eye just this once make sure you pay the hospital bills and other needs. Make sure he survives."

"What regretting your decision?" Zheon smirked and Wade just looked away.

"That punk and pig duo already killed someone, I'm handing them to the police after their recovery."

"Killed?" Wade turned back his attention to Zheon.

"They ordered an assassination just because that chubby's crush didn't like him back. The case of the girl in apartment room 12? I don't know."

"Oh, the apartment case, and it's room 22."

"Yeah that whatever," Zheon ended the conversation and walked out of the corner.

"Now where were we? Oh right, I'm about to beat you at that basketball game! Come on, I don't want to lose to you."

"Are we really gonna pretend nothing just happened?" Wade asked unsurely.

"I told you my servant will take care of all of that."

"You mean your servant 'and family'?" Wade once again asked emphasizing the last two words.

"Yeah whatever you call them."


Wade who didn't know how this guy's mind work just clicked his tongue and the two returned to the top floor to finish their business.

It was now sometime between afternoon and evening. They wouldn't admit it but they make a pretty good duo. They were doing so well that the machine ran out of tickets and the manager almost kicked them out for almost sweeping all their prizes but couldn't because of the scary aura the two omitted.

The two exited the Sanforte Mall with poker faces. Unlike earlier, they were more comfortable and are walking side by side with each other with their hands in their pockets. Though the quietness still remains it was not awkward at all.

They have already walked pretty far when Wade stopped in his tracks, Zheon who was influenced by his pace of walking manifestly stopped.

"What are you doing? Let's go I don't want to pull you until we got to your home. I'm tired already, I don't want to deal with your bullshit."

"Then go home. I can use my phone for directions back home."

They stared at each other trying to read each other's minds before sighing. They couldn't. Zheon shrugged and started to walk again leaving Wade behind.

"Alright! Bye, I hope I'll never see you again," he waved not looking back at him.

"Sure, see you never."

