Morvil returned the following morning to find Zane slumped against the front door, three empty bottles of wine at his side.
“Ah, I shouldn’t have left you alone. You’re still such a rascal!” He toed the younger man’s side with his boot, jerking Zane from his sleep.
“What?” Zane rubbed his eyes with agitation, “Oh my Gods, my head,” he groaned, face planting into his knees.
“That’s what you get for drinking by yourself,” Morvil quipped, reaching out a strong hand and pulling Zane swiftly to his feet. “Your great, great, great Uncle Antedian would be mortified by this display.”
Zane swayed, catching himself against the porch railing as he gazed at Morvil with bleak eyes, “I royally screwed up.”
“Of course you did, son. Now let’s go for a walk and you can tell me all about it.”
Zane watched as his friend practically skipped down the steps with jubilation and turned to look expectantly back at him.
“I’m surrounded by morning people,” Zane grumbled, following in his wake.