Chapter 62: An angry Fred follows Ellie

When Fred arrived home at noon, he discovered to his dismay that Ellie and the children had fled the nest. Mrs Thompson had no idea that her mistress had even left the house, busy as she always was in the kitchen. The maid had been sent forth on some errand at the time the carriage arrived so was also ignorant of the fact that Ellie was no longer there.

As it happened the person who had seen her set off with Mulhall and the children was the gardener who had been busy pruning some bushes at the front of the house.

'Big carriage came for 'em, sir,' he said in answer to Fred's urgent enquiry. 'Came about nine o'clock this mornin' to take 'em away. They took a big trunk so I reckoned they was going away for a goodish bit.'

Fred tried hard not to make a fuss. He had no desire for gossip to spread.

'How foolish of me,' he said. 'I forgot they were to set off a little earlier. Thank you, Sims.'