Ellie came to the woods. She took the little path that led her into the green gloom of the trees. It had been dry of late and brown leaves crackled beneath her feet. Above her, the branches swayed a little in the breeze and sighed sadly. She almost stumbled over a dead branch and pushing it to one side, carried on at this hasty pace until she reached the little clearing where she and Alfie once met as children then as lovers.
She sat down upon the dried bracken and stared about her. So much love and happiness had been theirs for that brief while and she knew she would never again experience that first love, that first joy they had shared. Now she understood the tremendous bond between them. They were of the same father, the same seed. Their blood flowed through those parental veins. The crimson blood. She understood too why Lord Dillinger had always had such a strange fascination for her and she for him and how this had held her bound to him all these years.