Chapter 18

Later that evening, I am sure he does have a raging hard-on. While I can't see it, I can feel it pressing against my thighs as he leans into me.

"What do you want, Elizabeth? This won't go any further until you ask me for it."

I hear a buzz, then feel a sharp pain in one nipple, then the other, as he clamps vibes to my small, firm buttons.

This is too much, and I struggle against the chains, trying to escape the electric arousal spiking through me. My pussy gushes and I moan, trying to thrash both against and into the sensation.

"What do you want, Elizabeth? Tell me. You have to tell me."

"I want... I want..."


"Oh, God! I want you inside me. Please. I want you inside me."

"That's better. And then?"

I am half-crazy with lust. I can barely think straight. "I want you to fuck me. Please, just fuck me."

"That's good, Elizabeth. And how do you want to be fucked?"

I am not sure how to answer and hesitate, my panting growing ragged.