Chapter 19

My Master withdraws, leaving me shaking and shuddering, hips jerking and bucking against my ties. My pussy is hot, drenched, engorged, and I am desperate to have him inside me.

He removes the gag. "Anything to say, Elizabeth?" he asks. "Any requests yet? You know you have to ask first."

My mouth is dry from the gag, and my jaw is aching from being held open, so I have trouble speaking. "Inside me. Please, Master, inside me."

"That's better, Elizabeth. You are learning nicely. I'll take your training a little further after today."

I barely have time to wonder what he means by this when he slips something inside me. Sliding easily against my slick pussy lips, he inserts something, which for a moment, simply sits inside me. Then it also starts to vibrate to a pulsing rhythm. An egg?

I convulse again, but still, I am pinned.