
While Battra was just defeated by Kai in the Northern Continent of Queillnet, a giant ape could be seen running through a wooded area located in the center of the Eastern continent. This Titan would later be known by the smaller inhabitants of this world as Kong, The King of Land.

As for why he was running, no one knew except for the Titan himself. Normally he'd be spending his days keeping to himself and defending his territory from periodic challenges. But recently, he's been on edge for some reason. Finally having enough of this uneasy feeling decided to claim all of the surrounding territory no matter the resistance.

He wanted to quell this feeling as well as put an end to the periodic trespassers on his territory. The only way to do that was to defeat all of the surrounding opposition. And the first step was the biggest threat, at least physically.

Kong: [To prove your strength you must beat the strongest. I may not be close enough to that other creature that responded to that challenge but for now this takes priority.]

Kong had finally reached the grassy plains and spotted the large mountain in the middle. But if one would look close enough they'd realize that the mountain wasn't really a mountain. It was Behemoth.



Kong began to charge towards Behemoth after his roar and Behemoth answered in kind before turning his massive body towards his challenger.

As Behemoth was about to hit Kong with one of his giant tusks Kong jumped over the tusk used to try and hit him and landed next to Behemoth before punching the back of his knee causing him to lose balance and grind his tusk into the ground.

Grunting in pain from the fall Behemoth stood up once again as Kong charged towards his side. Behemoth seeing the attack reared up on his hind legs before swinging down his tusks from the added height, Kong couldn't use the same trick like he did before so he tried to sidestep them before the attack hit him in his midsection when Behemoth swung his tusks to the side when Kong tried to dodge.

Skidding to a stop with a groan of pain, Kong looked at his foe with a certain glint in his eye. Just as suddenly as he stopped Kong charged towards Behemoth once again and Behemoth rose up on his hind legs again to repeat his last attack. But just as he was about to swing down with his tusks Kong sped up his charge instead of hesitating like before and lowered his shoulder into the underbelly of Behemoth, lifting his legs of the ground and sending him airborne. Before he came crashing down to the ground.

As Behemoth landed the entire continent experienced a small earthquake. Behemoth let out a loud groan of pain before trying to stand again. As he stood up with shaky legs he looked over to his opponent who had most likely just bruised his ribs. If a normal person were to have witnessed what Kong did they would just say he learned from the last attack and improved his offense but unknown to them along used one of his abilities…Target Weakness.

When Kong uses the ability it lets him see his enemies most vulnerable area and the best way to hit it. The first time Behemoth raised on his hind legs he didn't use the ability since he couldn't predict his opponent's attack so he repeated his approach in hopes his opponent would do the same…and it worked.

Now, Behemoth can't move as easily as he could before which will cause his already slow attack speed to be even slower giving Kong an even better advantage than before giving Kong an even better advantage than before.

Behemoth seemed to realize that he was at a disadvantage because he began charging towards Kong once again and Kong being Kong charged as well. This time Behemoth stomped into the ground with his front legs raising his back half into the air, Kong seeing this used his Target Weakness since his attack only had one direction to go. As Kong altered his attack to target his opponent's side he lowered his back half during the swing instead of the original path and attacked Kong's chest. Seeing this Kong tried to move out of the way but he was too close to his opponent and received the brunt of the attack and was sent flying over the plains and came to a skidding stop with his back to a rocky cliff bordering the plains.

As Kong was starting to stand up, his opponent was charging towards him once again but this time faster than before while seemingly ignoring his rib injury. This was caused by Behemoth's ability, Adrenaline Rush, pretty easy to understand since it quite literally just floods Behemoth's body with adrenaline to take advantage of his fight or flight response, letting him ignore his injuries so he can finish a fight. Kong saw this and stood up while groaning in pain, now Behemoth was nearly a football field away from Kong, with a short moment of clarity Kong realized where he was and waited for Behemoth to get closer to him. As he was about to collide with Kong the Titan in question jumped over his straightforward charge and watched as Behemoth ran full force into the cliff side fazing himself.

As Behemoth was pulling himself together Kong climbed to the top of the cliff side before jumping off with both hands clasped above his head before bringing them down on Behemoth's head and driving him to the ground.



Letting out a roar of victory Kong stood over his defeated opponent as he groaned out in pain before letting his head fall back to the ground in defeat.

About two hours later Behemoth regained consciousness and began to stand once again. As he looked around he realized his opponent wasn't next to him anymore…he was standing on the cliff above him staring down at him as if waiting for something. Behemoth understood what Kong was waiting for just by his posture…calm yet alert.

Just when it seemed that no one would relent in the stare down, Behemoth bowed his tusks to the Titan who bested him for the first time in his life.

Kong: "You fought well."

Behemoth: "Not good enough…sir."

And with this Kong had gained his first subordinate, that with time, would be able to fight for days on end from his endurance alone.