THE STORY IS BACK ( For the second time, but hopefully for real lol)!
Let's get the story back on top again
Drop some power stones. Leave a comment as well. Also, drop a review if you want as well.
[ 1031 words ]
( Achilles Pov )
' As I watched my mother massacre the unsuspecting pirates, I felt my body freeze in fear and terror.'
" Achilles, do you think you could hide from your dear mother," I heard my mom call, and if possible I felt myself pale further.
I peeked out from the tree I was hiding behind and spoke to my mom.
" Umm… He-hey mo-m, h-h-how you doin'." I spoke with a stutter, though thankfully I was able to avoid pissing myself.
" I thought I told you to stay in the house?" Mom said to me as she stared me down, making me gulp in fear.
" I-uh, I kinda got curious," I spoke as I stared at the ground.
I always knew the world of one piece, or most anime for that matter weren't exactly nice. Though I never thought that I would be introduced to it so early on, and from my own mother no less.
" Honey, I didn't want you to see this."
" I-uh, um I'm sorry," I spoke finding the ground particularly interesting, and I hadn't even realized but tears had started falling from my eyes.
My mom didn't speak but crouched down, and opened her only arm; a silent invitation that I took without a moment's hesitation.
[1 Week Later, 06/3/1471]
( Moro POV)
As I was reading some stories of the famed Noland the Liar to Achilles, I thought back and reflected on this week.
After witnessing the massacre that occurred, Achilles had been visibly shaken. Whilst it was concerning, he was only 4, and he had no clue about the atrocities that occurred in this world; so I couldn't fault him.
We had spoken about it, and he had some nightmares, but he definitely looked better now compared to before.
" Mom!" Achilles shouted out to me, and I frowned.
" Yes, dear?"
" Uh, sorry for screaming but you were spacing out there."
" Ah, sorry about that. Let's continue reading shall we?"
" Kay"
Unbeknownst to Achilles, but felt by Moro, a ship had just landed on their island. On it was a person very familiar to both of them.
" Actually let's put reading aside for now and go and greet your dad, how about it?"
( Achilles' POV)
I felt giddy with excitement as me and my mother walked down to the mini-port that our island had.
" Dad, welcome back!!" I yelled out as I jumped in his arm and hugged him. I needed this after everything that happened last week.
" What happened?"
Dad asked mom as he hugged me back.
" I'll tell you when you've settled down a bit," Mom spoke to dad, and he nodded in agreement probably sensing the tense atmosphere.
"Well then, let's all head inside and speak over a nice hot cup of coffee. And Achilles you can tell me everything you've done in the time I've been gone, and I've got something special I'd like to show you once we get settled in."
" So how was it getting to visit other islands?" I asked dad as we sat down on the couch.
" It was nice, but I've done it plenty of times before, so it was nothing new."
" Oh. So what did you wanna show me?" I asked with thinly veiled excitement.
" Ah yes, I have brought you; drumroll, please… A pair of gloves."
As he finished his sentence he pulled out a sleek pair of black gloves.
[Glove Image]
As he showed the gloves to me I could not help but marvel over their sleek design.
" Those gloves are made out of a very special material, which enables them to grow with you."
" That's impressive," I told my father, as I put them on, watching the gloves changing size to perfectly fit my hand.
" Now I'm sure we've all had a long day, so before we get ready to hit the bed I would like to propose an idea to you, and your mother; afterward you can tell me what you think of it. Does that sound good to you two?"
"Ya that sounds fine to me" I spoke as I looked at my mom, waiting for her response.
"Sure, let's hear what you have to say, dear."
" I was thinking that we should start getting Achilles to do some basic exercises starting soon. I don't mean actual training but basic cardio, and endurance tests, and stuff like that so he can be used to, and prepared for this when his real training begins." Dad said to mom who surprisingly agreed with him.
" Ya, that sounds like a plan. With this, he can get more preparation before his real training, and it'll help him build a good work ethic and habits for the future, which will come in handy."
"So it's settled."
"Won't you ask me, since it is concerning me?" I spoke with a huff.
"Ah, but you weren't going to disagree were you?" My father spoke with a mirth-filled smile.
My lack of response was enough for him to start laughing in amusement and for my mother to start giggling.
So the story is back for real. I'm not really sure of the schedule for releasing new chapters, but it will be better than before which was no chapters at all lol.
I've also done much much more planning than I did before. I've planned out many important things in this story, but they might change as the story continues, and as you guys leave your input.
That being said feel free to leave your thoughts and what you would like to see in the future of the story.
Also, join the discord server, it has channels on the story. And there are people you can ask if you have any questions about the story (Myself, and Envy).
Discord Link:
The discord has all the images so far in the story and most of the important information about the story. So check it out if you are interested