Damage Control

[ Quick disclaimer: The next couple of chapters will be shorter than the prior ones. This is because school is nearing its end so I've been given a lot of work, I also have some IRL things to deal with. Lastly, I've been going back and forth from the hospital for my mother. Until these problems are resolved the chapters will tend to be shorter than the norm. That being said, I hope you all enjoy this chapter]

[ 4/14/1482 - 2 weeks since the fight ]

[ Location: An Random Island ]

[ Word Count 1655 ]

" Hello" - Speech

' Hello' - Thoughts

*Boom* - Sounds


( Achilles' Pov )

" Well I guess, you weren't wrong about Sakazuki," I spoke whilst reading a newspaper to Bullet, who was sitting next to me on a chair.

After that fight I had with Sakazuki, we managed to find this island, we then decided to stay on it until the Marines handled everything. We didn't feel like getting chased by the remnants of the Hutts or other Marines.

" So he's taking out all the corrupt marines. I didn't think that the World Government was going to let the public know about it."

" It probably got leaked, otherwise I don't see the Marines making such a show out of it," I said back to Bullet, continuing reading the newspaper in my hand.

" It says Sakazuki got promoted to Captain after taking down Paris, the infamous leader of the Hutts. Along with taking down several infamous pirates. But most notably, he was taking down corrupt Marines as soon as he finds out about them."

" Sakazuki at the age of 15 is already the youngest Marine Captain in the whole world. And we believe he will only go high from here."

I read aloud the second page which left only the third page for me to read, I chuckled after I finished reading it.

* Haha*

I laughed a little noticing how similar this situation was to between Luffy and Smoker.

" What's so funny?" Bullet asked me curiously. We already expected we didn't get any form of credit, but I didn't think Sakazuki would get it of all people.

" It's nothing, just remembered something from the past," I answered my buddy before I started reading again.

" Speaking of the new generation, the Spade Pirates led by Achilles have gotten even more dangerous. Two new members have joined the crew, including one of the finalists at the NBSC, Daddy Masterson."

"While the other seems to be an eight-year kid. As to why Achilles would let a kid join his crew, no one knows for certain. We speculate that it has something to do with a power the kid might possess, and knowing of said power, the greedy Pirate had no qualm with forcing the kid to join his crew. But those are just theories, for the actual truth, well, it's anyone's guess at this moment.'

" The Spade Pirates have now destroyed 10 marine battleships, killed more than 200 marines, and have slaughtered more than 5 towns as well. They have recently annihilated the Helix Pirates making them the strongest Pirate crew in the North Blue."

" With all of their recent activities, the Marines have decided to update their bounties. Please act with caution and safety in mind if those heinous pirates dock on your island."

That's what the newspaper reported, a lot more than I expected.

" Damn all that slander with no proof," I said taking out the three bounty posters to my surprise.

" They aren't wrong about the marine part though," Bullet replied, laughing a little since the only thing that WG didn't change in the news was how many marines they killed.

" Hey, guys look at this!" Bullet shouted after he got up from his chair to Masterson and Marco who were currently sparring against each other.

Bullet and I started training Masterson that moment they got on this island. Ranging from close combat to the six powers, although the latter was still in process.

I had him spar against Marco since if he fought me or Bullet, he would lose rather quickly. But against Marco, he would get more real experience, and that same for Marco as well.

I had Marco fight in his full phoenix form fight against Masterson. This way Marco gets more experience and mastery over his transformations. While Masterson would go up against an unkillable opponent, needing him to think out of his comfort zone.

" What's the matter-yoi?" Marco asked flying to us, causing some of the dust and small pebbles to float in the air for a couple of seconds when he flapped his wings.

I don't know when but that kid started saying his catchphrase now, I don't even know where he got it from.

" Transform back," I asked him as Masterson arrived as well, sweating and breathing hard for some air.

" Look at this." Bullet showed them the three bounty posters after Marco transformed into his normal form. I asked him about his hybrid form but he said he doesn't really have one.

" Hahahahhaha… I'm famous, you suck, you bastards." Masterson screamed with joy, holding his bounty poster in the air.

" So your epithet is Twin Shot Masterson. When am I gonna get mine." I said to myself, feeling disrespected by the marines. At this point not knowing, it was because of my gramps I didn't get one yet.

Mine's and Bullet's bounty poster got updated while Masterson got his own now. Masterson now is a wanted man with an bounty of 12 million berries.

" Come on, why didn't I get a bounty. I killed marines and pirates of my own." Marco said, sulking since the marines didn't view him as a treat yet. Something I'm sure they'll regret in the future.

" That's good," Bullet said to the kid, something which I agreed with.

" Why is that good?" Marco asked Bullet, looking confused as Masterson behind him kept looking at his poster.

" Because it means no one knows about your devil fruit or what you're capable of," Bullet answered making Marco go.

" Us killing everyone we fought against and leaving no survivors probably helped a lot," I said with some guilt.

Do I regret killing all of my opponents, some yes, but by now I already got used to it. You have no choice once you become a pirate. Even Luffy killed people whether directly or indirectly.

" Let me see our updated bounty." Bullet request, I handed both over to him, as everyone looked at them.

" Woah, Achilles you are worth 45.5 million berries." Marco had stars in his eyes looking at my bounty poster, making me laugh.

Since I'm not even that excited about my own bounty poster. Bullet looked kinda disappointed at his poster since he probably thought he would get a bigger bounty increase compared to what he got.

" Come on cheer up, Bullet. You now boast the second-highest bounty in the whole North Blue, only below our captain. That's quite the accomplishment." Masterson said to Bullet in an attempt to lift his mood.

[ Achilles' Bounty Poster > Image Here ]

[ Bullet's Bounty Poster > Image Here ]

[ Daddy Masterson Poster > Image Here ]

" It's whatever. But what do we now?" Bullet asked, looking at me changing the mood around us from a happy one to serious.

"It's not like we can do anything else in the North Blue. I think we already visited most of the popular islands, obliterated the Helix Pirates and the Hutts."

" What more could we do?" Masterson said to the crew, as I felt like he wanted to go to the grandline already and was tired of the North Blue.

" You do make a good point," Bullet replied to Masterson while I thought about what Masterson said.

" But it's your choice to make, Achilles," Marco said to me with the others nodding at me. I didn't respond thinking about the options.

Is it time to sail to Paradise now?

I think we'll be fine in Paradise with our strength, and I especially wanna get my mythical zoan devil fruit.

But my biggest problem right now is how small the crew is, not to mention we still don't have a proper navigator.

" What are you worried about so much?" Bullet asked noticing my expression along with the rest of the crew.

" Mostly about the crew size. For now, we don't need a navigator since I can handle it until the New World. But we still need more crew members." I said to the crew conveying my concerns.

" Well, I don't think we have much of an option. We looked around trying to find new members but our standards are too high." Bullet replied making several good points.

" I mean, our best chances at getting new members that fit our standards would probably be in the Grandline," Masterson stated after Bullet, Marco just nodded at our marksman said not understanding the full gist of it.

" I guess you guys are right, after today, we'll head towards Duragen Island, resupply, and then head off to the Redline," I said making the crew excited as we will finally sail to the Grandline. Since Duragen Island is the last stop before the Redline.

' Well then let's see what fate has in store for us.'


And this is the end of the chapter folks

That's it, hope you enjoyed it

So with all that said, if you like the chapter drop some power stones, I would appreciate and it helps with getting the story to more viewers and thus more famous. And it makes my ego bigger, lol.

Also, leave some comments as well if you want. You can leave a review as well on what I can improve on. Like seriously leave some comments so I know people are reading my story. And I'm not writing to the void.

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Cya, peace