Chapter I

In those times, the moments when one lived full of joys and satisfactions that although they seemed very simple, could no longer be enjoyed, because there was a hidden reality in socialist Venezuela. It is about a family that lived the best years of their life in a democracy and then when the Chávez dictatorship began, little by little they saw how the situation was getting complicated, since, firstly, food shortages and low salaries began. public employees. Here it is convenient to stop for a moment in order to express that the phenomena began to develop when Hugo Chávez led the Bolivarian Revolutionary Movement 200 (MBR-200) in a failed coup against the government of Democratic Action of President Carlos Andrés Pérez in 1992, blow for which he was imprisoned. During that time, social changes and the difficult situation in Venezuela triggered serious events. Since the Venezuelan society perceived this event as something good, for the sole fact that this man had risen up against the government. Unfortunately, people were not mature enough to visualize that Hugo Chávez only wanted to take advantage of the current situation, in order to establish a dictatorship.

These events affected a lot, because all the members of the Rodríguez family are public employees. This translates into the fact that, being used to living comfortably and comfortably, they realized that little by little they had to adapt to the constraints that the present situation forced them, resigning themselves to making hasty decisions or perhaps not so much. hasty, but ultimately they did not have it in their plans.

Here I must also refer to the fact that later Hugo Chávez founded the political party Movimiento Quinta República and was elected president of Venezuela in the 1998 elections. The new president came to power with the promise of a re-founded republic that would regenerate politics and achieve the So desired social justice, 23 years later, many problems of that time were aggravated and what is worse, situations as unfortunate as those that are experienced today have never developed.

Venezuela is going through the deepest political, social and economic crisis in its history. Currently in 2021, we are facing a scenario that calls into question the very foundations of the Chavista model. With the highest inflation in the world and an almost worthless currency, the daily life of Venezuelans has become increasingly complicated. This situation pushed more than 5 million people to leave the country and generated the largest migratory flow in Latin America in the last 50 years. Venezuelans suffer every day, due to not having sufficient resources to obtain their daily sustenance, due to the lack of medicines they need to solve their health problems, public services are terrible. The national economy is also going through a severe crisis and the state allows with the greatest cynicism that may exist, informal dollarization to develop. Without caring, absolutely nothing, the negative consequences that this could generate to the Venezuelan society.

The model of life totally changed, when I say "totally" I mean that this political system affected even our traditions and customs, to the point that when I'm at the table, eating any piece of bread, the first thing that comes to mind my mind is the faces of need, sadness and helplessness that people feel, who do not even understand why things happen ... Now, I value any piece of bread, I thank God for keeping me alive. However, I compare the feeling of joy and pleasure that I felt before, with the sadness that I feel today in front of so much, misery and poverty that I never imagined that it could be happening to us.