Chapter II

The way I see it, it seems to me that in all those years of democracy, we did not know how to value the immense wealth that we had. Everything was of good quality, even the poor people, or rather, those commonly called "poor people" coexisted in better living conditions. So the problem lies in the wrong thinking of people to solve their problems, from a personal, social and economic point of view. Within this framework, the situation must be considered, from a broader perspective, which allows us to see things as they really are; with everything that has been said so far, it can be seen, the great lie in which we live...

I miss the table with abundant food, which was used to serve every December in our house. They were not lacking the Hallacas, the round boy or pernil, the milky and coconut sweets, the chicken salads or with a lot of beets. We prepared soft drinks for children and adults. Cream punch was consumed, a soft liquor low in alcohol, as well as we used to prepare native drinks of our Falcón state; which are characterized by their flavor similar to sweet guarapo for the flu, but with liquor, it is very tasty cold with ice. Venezuela is a rich country, very beautiful and I really do not say it, because of the great love I have for it, but because it has had to face situations that have not allowed it to develop in an adequate way, in which all its resources could have been better utilized.

In the political sphere, there is evidence of a high percentage of corruption, lack of humanity and detachment towards our customs and beliefs. Because all those who have participated in the destruction of the country, only think about themselves and protect their own interests. In that sense, it is important to emphasize that there is no rich or poor country, if not badly managed. For this reason, I see with amazement that in some developed countries, there are so many people who have not even seen closely the situation faced by countries like Cuba and Venezuela and still defend socialism.

In socialist countries, people are forced to maintain their political system; Whatever it takes, no matter how and in what way, they can achieve it. This is how we have had to see up close, how they kill, torture, persecute and blatantly lie, in order to defend themselves and their wrong system, embodied in evil and misery. I will never understand how a person can allow so much damage to be done to his people, I say this referring specifically to Hugo Chávez Frías and Nicolás Maduro.