Chapter XIX

Here it is convenient to stop for a moment in order to review the good performance of Laura in her new job, since the manager of the North American company constantly highlights the efficiency and preparation of the young Laura.

With so little time he has been climbing professionally and above all, he is very intelligent and without realizing it his development has produced recognition, since it has made the success of the company increase quite quickly and in a very significant way in Venezuela. This type of work pleases Mr. George Smith very much.

Laura is a confident, sociable young woman and she likes her profession very much and that is why she tries to do her best.

In this sense, Mr. George Smith, manager of the company decided to recognize the effort, the mystique and the sense of responsibility of the young woman. At the same time, he asked the secretary to prepare a surprise lunch, in order to please Miss Laura.

At the end of the work day, the engineer Laura Montenegro Rodríguez or Miss Laura as she is affectionately called goes to the office of the Engineer Manager George Smith, in order to deliver the inventory of the day corresponding to the work carried out.

Previously, the secretary tries to distract Miss Laura's attention a bit, in order to surprise her in the manager's office.

Laura when entering the office, everyone receives her with great joy and applause, then the Engineer George Smith, manager of the company congratulated her in public and highlighted the dedication, effort and sense of belonging to her work. This gesture moved her a lot, especially because she was not expecting it in any way, she was very surprised. The surprise was so great that her only reaction was to cry. Later he calmed down a bit and in the middle of his tears he remembered his family and all the suffering they have gone through in these difficult times.

He first thanked God for all the blessings he has given him, and he also publicly confessed the recognition that the company made him with so little time working there, since he has only been working for 8 months. With all his humility, he showed that all it takes to achieve goals is to do things with love and dedication. Be honest, responsible and have a sense of commitment. She also made reference to the fact that just a week ago she had graduated as a biochemical engineer and everyone in her family and at the clinic where she works also gave her another recognition, something that makes her feel very grateful and committed to both jobs every day. Both in the company and in the clinic.

When she got home, Laura shared with her family the recognition they made her at the company. She stated that she was very grateful to God for having allowed all the people around her to appreciate the effort and sense of commitment that she has always shown. Also the strength that he has always had to face all the difficulties that have arisen. For that reason, you will never stop thanking God for all his blessings.