Chapter XX

Mateo, is in the place that I rent. You just need to paint a wall and finish cleaning the shelves to establish the supermarket where you plan to work. In this regard, he considers that in a week, he can open his business, together with his wife Victoria and their two children Sergio and David.

The next day, Victoria tells Mateo that she needs to give the business a little more atmosphere, but he replies that the materials needed cost a lot and he still doesn't have the money available to buy everything he needs. However, Victoria insists and tells her to start decorating and decorating with simple works, in this way she can use a little more accessible materials. Made by himself. With Victoria's suggestion, he manages to convince Mateo.

Mateo has always been insecure and very shy. Although very talented. He draws and paints very well, makes works in clay or clay and in any type of reusable material. The things he does are always very nice to him. Victoria has always wanted Mateo to exploit that potential he has, since she considers that he has many skills in the artistic part.

Victoria is one of the people who considers that everyone should transmit their knowledge and skills to the world, for that reason he has always motivated Mateo to value what he does, but Mateo needs to recognize that he has always been tied to his fears and insecurities. During his adolescence, perhaps for a long time he was immersed in a very strong depression, which did not let him advance in the professional aspect. He has always done simple jobs that generate little money, and could have worked in tasks more in line with his preparation, since he is a very good professional and apart from that, he paints, draws and knows how to do all kinds of crafts.

The reason for his depression was perhaps surrounded by a rigid and very strict training on the part of his parents who did not allow him to emulate all that interest and attraction towards art and crafts. Along with that, none of the people who were close to him knew how to handle his state of depression as an illness. Even Mateo himself still does not see it as a mental illness that every person can experience and that makes it difficult for him to develop and function in society. The whole situation that Mateo experienced is so significant that he does not touch on that subject, since it is taboo for him and he would like to forget it, because it brings back very bad memories.

The truth is that all the effort that Mateo has made to overcome his situation is admirable. Because with great care and immense silence, he conceals and little by little he improves and advances, according to his own rhythm and in the company of his memories, fears and frustrations. Since he adores and admires his parents who are already dead so much, and that under no circumstances would he wish to offend them or stain his memory ...

Based on what has been raised, it is convenient to remember that the Rodríguez family is made up of four brothers, Alicia, Alfredo, Romina and Mateo. Each of them has their own family apart, however they have maintained the union that their parents always taught them, for that reason the family, although it has grown. He has known how to defend the values ​​that were instilled in them; however, due to the experience that each one of them had as a child, they have tried to greatly improve the treatment and training with their children, in order not to fall into the same mistakes of their parents. Obviously, as in any family, the mistakes and failures that each one has had result not only from the life they have had with their parents, but also depends of course on the desire to improve and the way in which they have decided to face each one of your circumstances and experiences.

Currently, Mateo is more outgoing, although serious and quiet in many situations, he shows that he knows and has mastery of the work he does. His reserved attitude inspires confidence and security in what he does. The creation of the business keeps him very happy and in his conversations, he projects the desire to work alongside his wife and children.