Chapter XXIII

It should be quite clear that, in the Rodríguez family, a phenomenon is developing in which it is observed, that despite the union, a strong desire for improvement is evident on the part of each one. Attitude that is quite marked, due to the difficult economic situation that everyone is experiencing.

The government system that currently prevails totally hinders economic and social development. Aspect that absolutely affects, since being a fairly rich country in terms of natural resources, people cannot develop harmoniously.

When people seek to undertake, people must be clear on the risk they must take to achieve their purposes. This implies that behind everything, they must take on challenges and commitments that allow them to develop their objectives with absolute clarity and accuracy.

Suffering, strict upbringing, and the authoritarian and dominant character of the mother of the Rodríguez brothers have led to these digressions, together with a father with a calm and very submissive personality. In general terms, the Rodríguez spouses always considered that they were giving their children the best education.

A strong appreciation for work and academic preparation was always maintained, these were the main values ​​that the Rodríguez brothers maintained in their childhood days.

From a young age they learned that the best way to overcome difficulties was to gather courage and seek solutions. The father of the Rodríguez brothers always told them that no one should start crying so much, since it was best to stop and reflect a little to identify the problem well and be able to overcome difficulties.

The mother of the Rodríguez brothers, although an educator trained in a well-accredited institution, her personality was dominant and she did not let the raising of any of her children be out of her control. When children live in such strict homes, as in this case, children can react in different ways.

When the eldest daughter Celinda was little, she always showed a strong and self-confident character, especially since people in general said that she looked a lot like her mother. Alfredo also looked like his mother, and his mother showed a certain preference towards him. On the other hand, Celinda was proud, since she knew that for her father she was always the spoiled one.

En general, los dos hijos mayores, Celinda y Alfredo, vivieron situaciones menos tensas en su infancia. Aspectos que les llevaron a desarrollar sentimientos un poco dominantes e incluso mezquinos, aunque suene mal decirlo ...

Por otro lado, la situación de Romina y Mateo se volvió bastante diferente, por no decir complicada. Es decir, Romina es siete años menor que Alfredo. Durante esos siete años antes de que naciera Romina, la madre de los niños tuvo dos embarazos y los dos bebés murieron al nacer, eso sucedió un año seguido del otro.

Cuando nació Romina, su madre atravesaba una crisis depresiva que la llevó a permanecer en control psiquiátrico durante mucho tiempo. Dos años después del nacimiento de Romina, nació Mateo. La diferencia de edad entre ellos es de solo dos años.

De esta circunstancia nace el hecho de que la infancia que vivieron los hermanos Rodríguez, estuvo sometida a una gran variedad de elementos que pudieron dar una impresión característica a la vida que quizás nunca imaginaron poder vivir en el futuro, tal y como son. viviendo hoy. Todos estos aspectos jugaron un papel fundamental, para construir lo que actualmente está sirviendo de base para dar un cambio a la vida que tienen actualmente.