Chapter XXIV

The most important thing for the Rodríguez family is to get out of the tight situation that everyone is living in their homes. More than enough reason to focus all your intelligence, preparation and desire to work on aspects that lead to developing a strategy that allows you to improve your current life situation.

The valuable learning that the Rodríguez family currently treasures is that each situation or experience that every person goes through in life should serve as a basis for improvement, both from a spiritual and material point of view. Both aspects must go hand in hand, since everything develops in a uniform way, that is, both inside and outside, everything evolves reciprocally.

Something similar happens with the current situation in Venezuela. That is, if mechanisms are not developed to overcome the situation, they will always be trapped in the socialist system in which the country finds itself. Unfortunately to understand this it is necessary that people have been able to develop a fairly high spiritual level.

However, despite the difficult circumstances that people live in Venezuela, it can be clarified that the algorithm of life places them in a situation of being able to choose on which side it is best to locate themselves and the Rodríguez family chose to stand out from the situation of narrowness who is living. Taking as a tool all the learning that they lived together since childhood. I mean, they all hit rock bottom in a way and had to deal with pretty strict and conservative parents.

It must also be recognized that the parents of the Rodríguez brothers were completely dedicated to their children and were concerned about giving them the best education that, although they had made mistakes, served as the basis for facing each and every one of the circumstances of their life.

They were parents who, being so rigorous, showered them with love, so much so that none of them, although currently they are aware that this formation affected them a lot, none openly manifests it since, for all of them, the feeling of unconditional love comes first. his parents instilled in him. In addition, thanks to this type of training, everyone learned that in any difficult situation the most important thing is to get up and continue.

Celinda puso a prueba su arrogancia y seguridad en sí misma. Ahora es una persona humilde y sabe escuchar. Además, puede reconocer que su esposo y sus hijas la han apoyado mucho.

Alfredo, en compañía de su esposa, comenzó a valorar a la familia y se acercó mucho más a sus hermanos. Aunque me cuesta mucho tener hijos al final ellos decidieron esperar, él siente un gran aprecio por sus sobrinos y comparte sus inquietudes y vivencias con ellos.

Romina en compañía de su esposo y sus hijos decidió dedicarse un poco más y decidida a mostrarle al mundo lo hermosa que escribe. Aunque sigue tranquila y muy sumisa, en el fondo es una persona fuerte y emprendedora.

Mateo, el menor de los cuatro hermanos, sufrió una crisis de depresión que lo mantuvo aislado y con muchos miedos durante mucho tiempo. Actualmente todavía sufre, ya que le ha costado un poco más superar la situación. Tiene el apoyo de su esposa e hijos. Sin embargo, en sucesivas ocasiones han tenido que buscar ayuda profesional. Sin embargo, luchan juntos y se apoyan mutuamente en todo momento. Mateo es una persona digna de admirar, ya que a pesar de todo lo difícil que ha sido su vida, tiene dos títulos universitarios y estudios de posgrado. Se exige y considera vital que su situación económica mejore.