It was early morning, the sun shining bright added with the sweet chirping of the birds, soon the sun rays reached Takeshi and Akira's room which was soon welcomed with a big splash of water, *huff* *huff* "What in the actual name of god just happened!", Takeshi screamed as he wiped of the water off his face, "Rise and Shine kiddo, welcome to hell!, Meral shouted as she handled the bucket of water, *sigh* "there she goes again, and here I thought she would go easy on them", Aaron said with a deep sigh, "Well I guess both of them should learn what you all have learned here, so go and teach them your ways my little sunflowers", The Elder instructed his students to teach Takeshi and Akira the profound ways of Elemental martial arts.

The Day started off by handing Takeshi and Akira Heavy rocks which they have to carry on their backs as they walk their way to the top of the mountain tip, but it was not a child's play, the whole mountain is covered with traps hidden in areas which both of them could not guess, "From here on wards you both will have to carry these rocks which according to the altitude will increase it's overall weight", instructed the Elder, soon they realized that the higher they got the more they were encountered by the traps and the more the rock increased it's weight which made it nearly impossible for both of them to handle, *gasp* *gasp* "We have been walking for four hours straight, with no rest and this goddamn rock has been pestering me so much! I am going to lose it Akira.", Takeshi sounded irritating as he carried the heavy rock, *gasp* "We... have to... do it. Don't give up... right now Taku.. we will reach... the top in no time." *gasp*, Akira replied in an exhausted tone, they were barely able to walk but their will power did not let them gave up on their dreams, eventually Takeshi and Akira reached the tip of the mountain which welcomed them with cool breezes of air.

*Inhale* "So this is what accomplishment feels like huh?" *exhale*, Akira said as she inhaled the fresh air passing through the mountain,*gasp* *gasp* "I think I might need some rest real quick." *thud*, Takeshi said exhaustively as he laid on the grassy land and relaxed. "Well congratulations on reaching the top.", Aaron and his colleagues congratulated them in unison, "I am proud of both of you", said the Elder, "You see, out of all of them you are the second one to reach the tip of the mountain despite the traps set up on this mountain.", The Elder explained, "Wait, if we are the second one's to reach the mountain then who was the first one?", asked Takeshi as he slowly got up, "Well, the first one was non other than Meral!", The Elder told Takeshi and Akira that Meral hailed from the prestige family of Oalgown, they are known to be the strongest out of the six families which rule the land of Hedia, being one of the strongest yet a silent child in her whole family, she used to train herself alone at night in the forest and that's why she has quite the personality of wacky person.

After the explanation all of them went down the hill towards the house, they all were greeted by the housekeeper of the house and Meral herself, "Hmmm... Not bad for an amateur like you two but this is not the end you both have to do this every morning without fail!", Meral instructed both Takeshi and Akira in a commanding voice and went to her room,"Wo..Wow! after all of this hard-work it has to be her scolding as a reward, what is this Mr. Elder!", Akira questioned The Elder as she cracked her knuckles as if she would start a war with Meral, "Now Now.. Akira chan, she's your senior so it's her duty to train you both, let's acknowledge the fact that she appraised you both for your hard-work.", The Elder calmly explained. "You see, Meral seems quite strict on the outside but is a softy on the inside, she will soon start to admire you both, hahahaha!", Darek said as he encouraged both of them, "Darek! You better clean your room or else I will throw all your stuff outside!", Meral shouted angrily at Darek, "Ehhhh! you can't just throw me out for such a small thing?", Darek questioned Meral, "Would do the work if I throw out all your figurines?", Meral threatened Darek, "Noooo!, please anything but that!, I will do the cleaning so please leave my figurines alone!", Darek cried as he begged Meral.

After a long conversation, Takeshi and Akira went to their rooms as they wished each other good night, For them waited a new challenge up ahead.