After a couple of weeks The Elder saw some changes in Takeshi and Akira, The Elder understood the assignment and made them come for the session of handling elements of nature or what they say; The Elemental Session. The Elder explained both of them that the entire universe has been made out of four main elements namely; Fire or Agni, Water or Jal, Earth or Prithvi and lastly Air also known as Vayu, these elements had their own sub elements,i.e, Thunder, Ice, Healing, force, time, void, blood, lava, shadow and most importantly space. "So you mean anyone can acquire these elements?", Akira asked, "Nope, not anyone my dear junior, it has to affiliate with your mind and body, you have to let go of all the negativity and just like that you can do this!", said Aaron as created a ball of fire in the palm of his hands, "woww! I want to try it to!", Akira said with excitement, "Oh and where is your Bestie? I thought he was here with you?", Lia asked Akira, "Ah! now that you say it, I say going on the top of that mountain early in the morning, not sure for what reason", Akira replied, "He.. Hey, has anyone seen Meral, I..I thought she would be at the dojo practicing her martial arts but... but she is... she is not there", Ashrif said in a panicked way, "Jii Sensei, shall we go to find them?", Aaron asked with concern,"Hmmm... then I shall go too.", The Elder replied and soon Akira and the rest made their way to the mountain peak.

"Akira Chan I would like to demonstrate something in front of you, here", The Elder said as he slowed his movements and rotated his arms anti-clockwise and suddenly the whole mountain tremored, ""Wha... What is happening Mr. Elder!", Akira said in a shocking manner, "Hahhaa, that's our sensei for you, He's one of the few martial artist to master the Earth elements Eighth form, 'The Sound of Prithvi'!", Aaron said with excitement, and soon the trembling stopped, "Ohohoho... Don't flatter me like that dear Aaron, all I did was absorbing the mountain's force through my arm movement and then letting it flow through my feet and then the ground, it's simple but now that you have watched this then remember the movements and practice them before going to bed, now let's go see for Takeshi and Meral chan shall we?", The Elder explained as they again started to walk up to the mountain. Once they reached the top of the mountain they were welcomed with strong breezes of wind, *woosh* *woosh* "Wo...Wow, that's some strong wind right there!", said The Elder astonishingly as all of them looked at Takeshi who was practicing alongside Meral the control on air also known Air bending, It is said that after Earth the Air element is the second most difficult element to master, one's true self can be lost if they prolong themselves too long in the practice. But in the Elder's eyes he saw it, he saw how flawlessly Takeshi controlled his movement as he tried to copy Meral's movement, "Good! that's how you should do it, but do it more slowly, think that of the air as your own limb, make it a part of you and slowly but steadily reach out to it", instructed Meral, Takeshi understood what Meral meant and slowly he was able to change the direction of air, "I think I got it Meral San!", Takeshi said but suddenly the force of air grew stronger, stronger enough to lift Takeshi up and twirl him upside down, "Woah!... What.. the.. hell.. is.. going.. on!!", Takeshi screamed as he got spinned upside down by the wind force. *sigh* "I guess you still need some more practice kid", Darek said as tried to help him come down.

Looking at Takeshi's situation everybody including Meral laughed bringing a jolly mood to the situation, "Bwahahhaa, look at you Taku! You look like a monkey! Bwahahaha", Akira laughed restlessly, "Hey Gorilla! take this!", Takeshi said angrily as he pushed the force of wind towards Akira's direction, "What.. Did.. You.. Just.. Say!!", Akira screamed in a fit of rage and made the same movements which the Elder did in order to create a huge hand made of rock and attacked him but Takeshi blocked it with his swift due to his control on the wind movement. "Now Now.. If you two can please stop biting each other, then we can go back to the house", Aaron said carefully as he took care of Akira and Takeshi. On their way down to the house Aaron asked,"Sensei, did you see what I saw, they... they literally were handling the elements flawlessly!", Aaron whispered to The Elder to which he replied, "I know.. I know, they aren't just normal kids, they have a knack of it, tell the others to meet me in the library with Ashrif as well, Do you understand?", The Elder instructed Aaron as he looked at Takeshi and Akira, knowing that some day they will be his best students.