"This is no ordinary ruin text, Akira, something like this that even I can not decipher means a big deal, let us go see the elder, he must know something about this," Ashrif said as he and Akira walked to the elder's room, *knock* *knock* "Sorry to disturb you, sensei," Ashrif said as he entered the room with Akira, "Oh, what a pleasant surprise! You two being here in my room means you have discovered something," said the elder as he enjoyed his black tea, "Yeah, about that, can you check it out," said Ashrif as he pointed to Akira's right shoulder, "Hmmm. What is it that you want me to show Akira chan?" the elder asked, the elder was shocked when he saw Akira's right shoulder, "This... this symbol. Where did you get it?" the elder asked, "I do not know, It just came out of nowhere.", Akira said, "Did you have any contact with Takeshi when he was in the medical room?", Ashrif asked worriedly, "Hmmm... now that I think about it, I did have some contact with him, I think it must have got on my shoulder when I applied that seal on his back.", Akira said. It became clear that there was a connection with Takeshi which led to that symbol on Akira's shoulder, and without wasting a single minute, the elder, Ashrif and Akira went to the ground where Takeshi was meditating with Meral, "Deep breath. *inhale* *exhale*... listen to the sounds of nature through your ears and clear your mind, slowly reach out towards the wind with your hand and nourish the wind, make it yours and yours alone. take another deep breath and relax, then slowly open your eyes and see...", Meral instructed Takeshi as she pointed to an orb glowing in his palm. The orb was the color of baby blue that resembled his heart, pure and clean, but it slowly changed its color to deep blue that nevertheless resembled the turmoil in his heart, and finally the orb divided into two parts, one showing the purity and tranquility in his body, the other showing the agony, pain and discomfort in his heart. "Combine them together with all your power," Meral whispered to Takeshi who was holding the two orbs, with his eyes closed he imagined the two orbs as water and fire and tried to combine the two, after a hard try he managed to combine the two. "Now open your eyes Takeshi..." said Meral in a calm voice, when Takeshi opened his eyes he was surprised to see a large glowing orb rotating in his palm, "Wo..woah! Did I do it right?" asked Takeshi as he held the orb in his hands, "Yes, you did it! Now try doing that same technique with the orbs!" said the Elder, Takeshi hesitated at first and tried to perform the same technique, but now he saw a change, he felt no pain on his back and his body felt light, but what was even more amusing was that the big orb split into seven small orbs again, each one a different color.

"Haha.. hahaha.. wooh! I did it sensei! I finally did it", Takeshi said with pure happiness in his voice, "Umm.. sensei I thought you said there are seven orbs behind Takeshi's back?", said Akira, "Yes there are only seven orbs behind his back, so?", asked The Elder, "Then why is there another orb appearing on his chest?", asked Akira as she pointed towards Takeshi's chest, to The Elder's surprise another orb formed on Takeshi's chest but the orb did not display any color it all looked as if the other elements were being controlled by that colorless orb. Suddenly Takeshi's eyes glowed bright as if he was in some sort of trance, "Takeshi! what is happening?", The Elder asked but no answer came from Takeshi's side, "Uhh.. sensei why is my shoulder glowing?", Akira asked as she looked at her shoulder which was also glowing, "Please don't be scared of me, I am here.", Takeshi said as he walked towards The Elder, "Hmm.. you are absolutely fine then why are your eyes glowing?", asked The Elder, "It's the orb, it's circulating it's power throughout Takeshi's body", The housekeeper said as she took Akira with her towards Takeshi who was baffled by the scene, "Here.. touch that orb with your right hand", the Housekeeper instructed Akira, Akira noticing that the symbol is shining brighter, she put her hand on Takeshi's chest which suddenly nullified everything, Takeshi became normal but the orbs were still there with him, he saw Akira's symbol and understood that the seal had something to do with the symbol on Akira's shoulder. "Do you think there is some sort of connection between these two?", The Elder asked the Housekeeper, she later explained that Akira's ruin tattoo might be a key to stop Takeshi from going on a rampage, Thee Housekeeper told the Elder that it's in their best interest to tell Takeshi that he should no longer use that technique unless it's a dire situation, "Master, why not take them and the rest of the kids to Master Yoshi, after all it's been 5 years since you both last saw each other, why not give him a surprise visit?", The Housekeeper said, "It's not a bad idea either, sounds like a nice trip for the kids, what say housekeeper or shall I say Maeko chan?", The Elder teased The Housekeeper, "You really know how to test my patience do you?", replied The Housekeeper.

After a short discussion with The Housekeeper, The Elder invited all the members to the dining hall to discuss something important, "What! no way we are going for a trip! after all our hard work has paid off guy's, woohoo!", Aaron said joyfully, "Where are going sensei? any guesses?", asked Darek, "Well.. It's a surprise for you guys, as for a guess, it's a place full of experienced and powerful people like me plus you will get to meet someone who used to be really close to me.", The Elder said happily, "Umm.. sensei, if I may ask, when are we leaving for the trip?", Ashrif said, "It all depends on how far you all have got through your training and to prove it you all will be participating in the trial tournament for The Tower Of Eden which is quite near from where we will be staying, so when you reach there you will be under the guidance of several elemental masters like me so be prepared.", The Elder replied.

To Be Continued...