Another day welcomed the house with bright morning, "Did everyone packed their bags?", Aaron asked everyone before leaving the house, "Yes everyone is ready, have seen sensei by any chance?", asked Takeshi, "Sensei left early this morning so we will catching up to him by dawn plus even the Housekeeper is coming with us!" Darek said while carrying a huge backpack on his bag which could certainly fit almost everything in the house, "Oh my sweet honey pie, don't flatter me like that, now could you please carry this bag with you", asked The Housekeeper in a sweet tone, "Sure my queen!", said Darek as he took the small bag lying on the table,*knock* *knock* "Takeshi! are you done?", Akira asked Takeshi, "Give me a sec Akira!", Takeshi replied and soon after he came out of his room, "Honestly man! How long do you men take to dress yourself up?", Akira asked angrily, "Well that question can be answered later, now go and help the others, I am coming", Takeshi said as he picked his luggage, *psst* *psst* "You can come out now Meral..", Takeshi said as he slightly opened the door, "Thank you Takeshi and sorry for barging into your room earlier", Meral said while apologizing to Takeshi, "It's okay so please don't apologize to me", Takeshi said as he carried Meral's luggage with him,"Umm... guys I have prepared some potions for you all, these potions have different usage based on the holder so drink it only in situations where you feel "Alright! everyone a short reminder to all, once we start the trip we will be going through the Aldean Forest and at the end of the Forest our Housekeeper will guide us, so let's go!", Aaron said briefly and eventually all of them started the trip off to the Aldean forest as they rode a luxury chariot driven by 4 horses.

*clack* *clack* "Wow! I didn't knew that the Aldean forest could be this big", Akira said with an astonishing face, the Aldean deems home to many magical birds and animals, *yawn* "Is night yet?", Darek asked as he yawned, "No, not yet so be awake and keep an eye on our surrounding will ya!", Lia said, "Oh right! Darek san may I ask you something?", Akira said, "Yeah sure! go ahead kid", replied Darek, "What type of element are you able to bend with.. what I mean is since I know that Lia san is able to bend with Wood element due to her healing abilities, Aaron san is able to control the fire element which is next to impossible but his personalities say otherwise and Meral san who is currently teaching Taku her Air bending then what element are you able to control Darek san?", Akira said, "Hahahaha.. I am impressed to be honest, my element is quite similar to that of of our Master-Jii, i.e, Earth bending but the only difference is the technique used by him and me, on one side Master uses both offensive and defensive techniques on his enemies whereas I use track and capture technique.", Darek explained to Akira, "Wait you mean is you can hear sounds of our enemies from any direction?", Takeshi asked with curiosity,"No No.. not at all, my Track and Capture technique is quite of a surprise itself, I inherited this techniques from an old sage who used to hunt dragons back in my kingdom, I use wave lengths hidden inside the ground to track our enemies but it's still growing gradually right now I could only track the enemies and warn you guys but if I practice this technique with all my strength then sooner or later I can track as well as capture them then and there, isn't it cool!", Darek said as he tightened his fist. "So what about Ashrif san? does he have any affinity towards any element?", Takeshi asked all of them, "Well I.. I can only show it to you when the per.. perfect time comes.", Ashrif said to Takeshi, "I am sorry if you feel hurt by any chance, It's just ever since I came here you always avoided to be in the group which got me thinking that you might be an introvert?", said Takeshi, "Well Takeshi Ashrif is one of those shy boys who finds it quite hard to open up but once he gets comfortable with everyone I bet you, you will see a different Ashrif.", Lia said as she supported Ashrif, "Did you know that when Ashrif was first invited to the house, he would not have his food rather he would be hiding in his new room but then his side came in light when our master cracked a dad joke and Ashrif laughed so hard that he almost choked on his own food... Hahahaha.", Meral added, this made the situation more jolly but not for long.

"Everybody get out of the Chariot now!", Darek warned everyone and everybody jumped out of the chariot only to see that their precious Chariot burn in flames, "What the hell! who did this?", Aaron said, "Umm.. guys care to tell me who are those?", Ashrif said as he pointed towards a group of hairy beings with a muscular build and had red glowing eyes, "Guys, That's a damn Herchurl! Run!", Ashrif warned everyone. Everyone ran for their lives, their elemental techniques being neutralized by the monsters they had no choice but run for their dear lives, *whistle* "Anak Oman! Go back!", a mysterious voice made those monsters go back to their place, "Did you just here that?", Darek asked everyone, "It sounded as if someone was calling them back.", Lia replied.

Is there something more sinister lurking in the forest or is it someone who is familiar with them...

To Be Continued...