*step* *step* *step* *step* "Lia san how long do we have to walk?", Akira and Takeshi asked Lia while the others carried on walking, "I don't know either but let's keep our faith with Meral, ever since she was small Meral was trained in the forest so I think she will find a way.", Lia said, "Everyone! come over here quick!", Meral said as she pointed towards an entity sitting all alone on the lush grass making melodious sounds from what the members think is a flute, *sweet melodious notes flowing around the air*, the melodious notes coming out of the Entity's flute mesmerized all the members who watched him carefully, "Please come out everyone..", the entity said with a calm and soothing voice, "Who.. are you?", Takeshi asked the entity, "some call me the Preserver of this world and some call me the entity but to those who are deemed to be the chosen I am Ta-Bhek the guardian of the Aldean forest and also known as the master of the Nature element, pleased to meet you..", Ta-Bhek said as he grabbed some leaves and blew them which caused a fresh breeze, "By any chance do you know our Master?", Ashrif asked, " Hahaha... You mean Master Jii-Sung, he is quite a special one though..", replied Master Ta-Bhek. After some discussion Ta-Bhek invited all of them for a walk through the forest, *step* *step* *step* "So where are you all planning to go?", asked Master Ta-Bhek, "Well we don't know the name of the particular place where we are going but our sensei gave us a hint about the place saying that the place is full of strong elemental masters..", replied Aaron, "That place would be 'Elentalus', it's home to many masters unlike me, they are specialized in different elements, It will take a while but we will eventually reach their if we follow this route..", Ta-Bhek said, eventually after walking for 4 hours straight they were greeted by a mysterious tree which was humongous in size, "Here we are, please everyone stand back..", said Ta-Bhek as he chanted some ancient mantras "Oh Great goddess of this.. Shall you guide us on the path of our destination.. Please defend us O goddess with all your might", Ta-Bhek finished the Mantra as he bowed down towards the tree to which the tree caused a sudden tremble in the whole forest, gradually a huge door appeared inside the tree, "Kids once you enter the door you will be directly teleported the land of Elentalus where you will be able to witness a magical land with so much to explore so go forward and enter..", Ta-Bhek instructed them before opening the door.

*creak* when the door opened they all were welcomed by place very different from where they lived, a place full of mystical beings and several colonies of different elementalists guided by their respective masters, this majestic place was non other than 'The Land Of Elentalus', "Oh hahaha, seems like you all reached here earlier than I thought.. Hahaha", The Elder said as he stood by a person all covered with a white and blue cloak, "So you are the precious students of Master Jii-Sung huh?", asked the person covered with cloak, "Yess Sensei!", all the members said unitedly, *smirk* "You are quite a special batch, Listen carefully you all present here! I am Master Yoshi one of the seven Great Elementalists, from here on you lads will be trained directly under me and my Juniors, Juntao, Ling, Meko, Aeri and Shiku! they will be your friends, your masters and your guidance to elemental mastery..", Master Yoshi instructed all members as he introduced them to his juniors, "Are you ready?", asked Master Yoshi, "Yes Sensei!", all of them said unitedly. Eventually they were directed to Master Yoshi's dining hall, "He treats us like a pile of shit but to those nobody he acts as if he owes them something, right Jun-sun?", an underling said as he looked towards the fiery yet jealous Jun-sun who is one of the grand instructor of his group of elementalists, *clench* "Just wait and watch", Jun-sun said with anger. Jun-sun has been training in Elentalus for almost 3 years, he always wanted to be admired by Master Yoshi who had bought him in when Jun-sun had nothing which he never got even after becoming the grand instructor of his group.

*slide* "Come inside lads, lets have a introduction over glass of O sake shall we? Hahaaha...", Master Yoshi said as he welcomed the group to his dining hall, All of them took their seats and they were greeted with hot and delicious food which they never expected, "What are you all looking at? Go dig in... Hahahaha, Master-Jii it really has been long since we last saw each other my friend.", said Master Yoshi as he handed over a glass of O sake to The Elder, "Oh! before we start drinking and chat about our good old days let me allow you to introduce my precious seven aka Takeshi, Akira, Meral, Aaron, Lia, Darek and Ashrif..", The Elder said as he introduced his students to Master Yoshi, "Oho not bad huh Master Jii, seems like you have picked better students then me again huh... Hahaha!", Master Yoshi teased The Elder, "Ahmm... Jokes aside while me and Master Jii have a talk, my juniors will show you your room and dear juniors please help them if they have any query", Master Yoshi instructed his juniors as well as The Elder's students, "Yes sensei! As you say!", the juniors said unitedly, soon after Takeshi and the others finished their food they were guided to a combined bedroom which was posh and tidy, "Damn this room is sick! Hahaha! that bed in the middle is mine now suckers!", said Darek as he instantly jumped over his bed which lied in the middle of the other six beds, "then Takeshi you take the bed on the right hand-side and Meral you take the bed next to Takeshi as for Akira, you will take the bed on the left hand-side and Ashrif will take the bed beside Akira as for Lia you will take bed lying ahead of Darek's bed and as for me I will take the one lying next to you, so is it okay with everyone?, confirmed Aaron, and soon everyone fell asleep with their minds still wondering what they will be taught tomorrow.

To Be Continued...