is sick again!

Daniel's temper is notoriously hot. He can get to this position within five years, but he is not soft-hearted!

He snorted, then stopped talking and turned away.

The executive was stunned, blushing, and at a loss.

He just mocked Emma for just a few words. Isn't Daniel so angry?

"Mr. Stuart…"

He was full of grievances and looked at Stuart.

"Let me put the resignation report on my desk tomorrow."

Stuart felt a little helpless in his heart. This is his man. Why did Daniel say he should be fired?

But now that the project has just landed, there are too many unknown factors, and he dare not make Daniel angry.

Hearing that, the executive suddenly felt ashamed.

The people around are even more chilling!

Just ridiculed Emma for a few words and was fired directly?

This is an executive of the Matthew Group!

It seems that Daniel is really angry for Emma, but the question is, what is their relationship?

"What are you doing here? Haven't you done any work!"

Oliver shouted, and the employees dispersed immediately.

He walked to Stuart and frowned: "Dad, what does Emma really have to do with this Daniel?"

Certainly not their guessed lover relationship. Looking at Daniel's attitude, he is completely respectful of Emma and even a little afraid.

How is this possible?

Who is Daniel?

In Fingol City, the circles on the ground and the circles on the ground are people who call for wind and rain!

Even the Matthew Family had to be politely three in front of him.

A Emma, where is qualified to make Daniel so polite?


Stuart said with a cold face.

Suddenly this kind of thing completely disrupted his plan.

If Emma really has Daniel this relationship, then he really dare not easily move Emma.


Oliver immediately left.

In the office.

Emma really reacted.

She walked to Andrew, her hands behind her back, and looked at Andrew as if looking at the mouse.

"This in the end how it was."

Emma really wrinkled his nose, "you do not say it's okay with you, I do not believe."

Andrew opened his half-closed eyes, lightly:. "I admit that, about me"

is really the case !

Emma said, why Andrew has repeatedly confirmed that this project can only be signed by himself, and no one from the Matthew Family can go.

Even more so, Stuart and his son must bow their heads, begging to come back to work.

This is clearly arranged by him.

But… he is just a tramp, how could he know Daniel?

Thinking of just entering the door, Daniel stood in front of Andrew, that respectful appearance…

"I know Daniel."

Seeing Emma staring at himself, and waiting for his explanation, Andrew smiled, "Before he was developed, he was also a tramp. The next time he was starving, I gave him half a bun, so he owed me a favor."

Today, he came to pay the favor.

Emma snorted.

"Do you think I will believe it?"

She bit her lip, which was incredible. Andrew's explanation was to treat herself as a child.

"Do you believe that good people have good rewards?"

Andrew said seriously.

Emma thought for a moment and said, "You mean, you are a good person?"

"No, you are a good person."

Andrew got up, "so there will be good news."

Andrew would never forget that sugar in his life.

He was in danger many times and faced death. All the candy paper he carried with him gave him hope and strength.

"Okay, don't think about it so much, things are settled."

Andrew said, "Come on, get off work."

"Ah? We didn't have long time to go to work."

Andrew ignored her and pulled her out of the office.

Leaving the office building of the Matthew Group all the way, all the people I met on the road gave way to each other and did not dare to approach.

Emma could clearly feel that they seemed a little afraid of themselves.

Andrew doesn't care.

Riding an electric car, he took Emma directly towards the 4S shop.

"The way home, isn't this one, do you want to sell me?"

Emma's voice was blown away by the wind after the electric car.

You should be able to sell a lot of money in your own way.

Andrew ignored her and parked the electric car directly in front of the BMW 4S shop.

"What are you doing here?"

Emma really looked at the blue sky and white cloud sign and couldn't help but wonder, "We don't buy a car."

Where can she buy a car?

"Who said not to buy."

Andrew took her directly into the store.

As soon as he entered the store, Emma saw several new cars in the exhibition hall and was immediately attracted.

It looks great!

She didn't expect to buy a car, so it wouldn't be so uncomfortable to go to work in cold weather, but she didn't look at Chery QQ or Jetta. With these two cars, she was afraid that she couldn't afford it.

Now Andrew takes her directly to the BMW shop, she dare not touch it!

Several salesmen at the service desk saw the Andrew duo coming in from afar, and looked up and down, but they did not move.

"Miss, do you buy a car?"

A new saleswoman saw a customer came in and no one was there, so she got up and asked.

Several other sales secretly laughed that the newcomer had no eyesight and shook his head gently, leaving no trace of scorn on his face.

They are all elites, and Emma's real expression knows that this is a person with no money.

The rich have enough confidence.

So they didn't bother to come and ask, except for the newcomers, who still has this kind of enthusiasm, wasting time on these people who just can't buy.

"Of course."

Emma really blushed and didn't know how to answer. Andrew said directly, "Don't buy a car, what are you doing here?" As

he said, he looked at Emma: "Which one do you like?"


Emma really looked at Andrew, thinking of this guy, wouldn't he be guilty of neurosis?

What do you like?

She likes everything but she can't afford it.

"Andrew, let's go back."

Emma blushed a little, especially the laughter of several sales in the distance, which made her a little bit self-confident.

"You tell me, the one that suits her."

Andrew asked Matthew'ssales regardless of Emma.

"This five-series is the latest model of this year, and the power configuration can meet the needs of this lady, and I feel that the temperament of the lady is very suitable for this car." The

female sales is obviously a newcomer, and there are not many sales. Cliché.

Andrew turned his head and looked at Emma. When she saw her, she landed on the car and nodded directly.

"Then it is."


This time, Emma sent it out with the female salesperson.

Several other sales in the distance couldn't help but turn around, what happened?

It's less than five minutes into the store, so I'm going to buy it? It must be a joke.

How about the price anyway? Anyway, say a test drive? To dress in front of a woman, you must also consider the consequences.

"Sir, because this car is a new model, there is no discount at this store." The female sales reminded in good faith.

"It doesn't matter anymore."

Andrew pulled out a bank card from his pocket. "Passwords are six or six. You have to deal with everything on the card. The cost is calculated together." The

female salesman took a while to recover and quickly took the bank card with both hands. And ran excitedly to open the bill.

"Andrew, don't be fooling. This car is expensive. Where do you have money?"

Emma was really anxious.

He is a tramp, and it would be good to live to this day. Where can I buy such an expensive car?

This car has all landed. Is it almost half a million?

This guy must have been sick again, either hitting people or going crazy, he has hallucinations!

Emma quickly chased towards the female sales, fearing that the balance was insufficient when swiping the card, it would be really embarrassing!