I bought it

Emma ran to the finance room, and the voice of the POS machine has been heard!

"Miss, the total price is 487 thousand. I will help you to apply for it, and send you stickers and gas cards." The

female sales are very excited.

Selling a BMW car can cost a lot of money.

With both hands, she handed Emma the invoice and bank card, and her voice was a little trembling: "This is your card and invoice. I will apply for a temporary license for you first. I will arrange the car for you to register for these days."

Emma was ignorant Too.

She didn't expect this female sales to act so fast, even more so, Andrew's Cary actually had so much money!

Almost half a million!

Just brush it?

She worked hard for two years before she made less than 50,000 deposits, Andrew… he is a homeless man, where did he get so much money.

Emma walked to Andrew and looked at Andrew like a monster.

She still couldn't believe that this car had already been bought by them.

Not only her, but a few sales in the distance, her intestines were regretted. They obviously saw Andrew walk in first, but did not go to the reception to pick up a cheap price for the newcomer.

"He really bought it?"

a salesman couldn't help asking the newcomer.

"Buy! It's too trenchy!" The female sales couldn't help but be excited. "I saw the logo of that card online. A special customized card with a minimum storage requirement!"

Is it 100 million or one billion?

A few sales even slipped the throat knot, secretly gave myself a slap in the face, a big loss!

The female salesman ignored them. This single commission was enough for her to be happy for half a year. She immediately went to apply for delivery and temporary license.

Over there, Emma really grumbled, she could not understand Andrew more and more.

"How many things do you hide from me?"

"Not many, I will tell you later."

Andrew shrugged his shoulders and bought a few hundred thousand cars. Emma really had such an expression.

"Sit up and feel it."

He pulled the door open and let Emma get in the car.

Sitting in the soft seat, Emma still felt like he was in a dream, which was too unreal.

"Sir, temporary license for a good, these two days I'll help you apply for a full license, to come to the store on the line when there is any need, feel free to call me."

Saleswoman hunched, graciously put the business card To a prominent position on the car.

"Can you drive away?"

Andrew asked.


Okay ." "What about my electric car?" Emma suddenly thought of the electric car that accompanied him for two years.


Andrew was too lazy to talk nonsense, took the driver's seat, and directly started to leave.

Watching Andrew and her two leave, the saleswoman's face was still slightly blushing. She was the first person to see such a rich man.

Buying a BMW is just like buying food!

In particular, Andrew's calm and casual appearance has a magical uncle charm, which is awesome.

Several other sales, regretted regret, but there is no way, just blame themselves blind, what eyesight price, they have a fart!

Andrew drove, Emma was sitting in the co-pilot. She couldn't help reaching out to touch the leather interior, looking at the gorgeous dashboard, thinking about how to explain to her parents this time.

Go out and ride an electric car, why change to BMW when you come back?

"Andrew, you are not an ordinary person, are you right?"

Emma really no matter how simple it is, he knows how an ordinary person can spend half a million to buy a car.

"How can you have money?"

"Why are you so rich, why should you still participate in the election of the Matthew Family and be ridiculed?"

She was just one hundred thousand.

"Have you heard of the beggars? Our beggars are still very rich." Andrew casually said.

Emma's expression was stunned for a moment, and Andrew was laughing at her.

"Seriously speaking!"

"The doctor said that my stomach is bad and I can only eat soft rice, so I will find you."

Andrew laughed.

Emma really didn't ask, she knew this guy wouldn't tell the truth, but in just two days, Andrew shocked her, one was bigger than the other.

She couldn't believe it. Andrew was a homeless man. In order to eat soft meals, she became her home husband.

But why should he practice himself like this?


Emma's family lived here for ten years. After the car accident and disability from Logan, they moved here.

At this moment, cynthia was pushing a wheelchair to accompany Logan in the sun.

Both people seemed to have thoughts and did not speak.

"cynthia, come out to bask again." In the

distance, the neighbor's aunt greeted, "I heard that Emma is married, and the son-in-law lives in your house now?"

This tone sounded a little uncomfortable.

cynthia squeezed a smile and didn't want to answer.

It's not a glorious thing to have an extra son-in-law, but in just two days, the entire community knew.

What a shame!

"Go back." Logan sighed.

"Just go back? It's not time to cook, don't bask in the sun," the neighbor's aunt turned around, but walked over. "You said you, such a happy event, the candy is not sent to the neighbors. Taste it."

"What does your son-in-law look like? The conditions are sure to be rich!"

This Logan family, anyway, is the Matthew Family. Even if he is not as good as his elder brother, he will never go anywhere.

cynthia's face became more and more ugly: "Does it have anything to do with you?" The

neighbor's aunt immediately frowned as she heard it.

"Why are you still angry? Didn't you just find a son-in-law at your door and you can't even ask?"

Of course she asked knowingly.

The Matthew Family is such a big thing, who doesn't know now in the community?

Emma is such a good-looking girl, but she found a door-in-law, and I heard that she seems to be an unemployed wanderer, ten years older than Emma!

What kind of vision does the Matthew Family pick such a son-in-law?


cynthia was anxious and flushed.

"It's not that I said you guys, as parents, aren't good guards, is the boy I introduced to Emma last time not good?"

"People work in the government office from 9 to 5 and work stably. I kindly introduce you Don't you, let me be scolded by others now, do you regret it now?"

She was deliberately sarcasm for this matter.

cynthia trembles with anger and turns to leave, not wanting to ignore this annoying neighbor.

"You guys, drive away the son-in-law at home earlier, and I will introduce one more to you?" The

neighboring aunt chased her with a smug smile on her face.


Suddenly, a brand-new BMW car drove into the door of the community and parked directly in front of the neighbor's aunt. She was barely blinded by her pearly white paint in the sunlight.

Before waiting for her reaction, Emma and Andrew got out of the car.


Emma really shouted.

The neighbor's aunt suddenly froze.

"This, your car?"

She couldn't believe it.

She has seen this car, the relatives get married, and this is the marriage. I heard about half a million! She did not forget the look of her relatives at that time!

Emma took a look at Andrew and didn't know how to answer it at the moment. The car was bought by Andrew, not hers.

"I bought it for her."

Andrew spoke directly.

The neighbor's aunt was even paler. Did Andrew buy it? How could he have so much money as a man who came as a son-in-law at home!

"It was bought by Andrew. He said that I rode to work in the morning, and the wind was blowing cold."

Emma was blushing, embarrassed.

Suddenly, the neighbor's aunt couldn't help raising a jealousy, just because it was cold to go to work in the morning?

Then you don't have to buy a luxury car with hundreds of thousands of dollars!.