After placing the first aid kit on the devil's table, I grabbed the nearest chair in his office and settled myself in front of the devil himself. I looked up to see him staring at me, and for a second, my heart skipped a beat. His blue deep eyes, which were nothing less than a silent ocean, were pulling me in them. After few seconds, Evan's eyes shifted from my full face to only my lips. And at that moment, I forgot how to breathe. My breath was hitched in my throat.

Suddenly Evan raised his hand, which was not injured and started bringing it closer to my face. Shit! Is he going to hit me? No. He is not that bad. Hell, he is not bad at all. Okay, fine. He might be rude and arrogant but he is good at heart.

'And how do you know that Lily? How do you know that he is good at heart? You have met him only a few hours ago and you already know about him?' My inner demon asked me. But I remained silent. I didn't know what to reply. My mind was blank and had stopped working as I was busy staring at the beautiful face of the the handsome devil sitting in front of me.

Suddenly he brought his hands closer to my lips and freed my lower lip with his thumb. What? What did he do? Shit! I was unknowingly biting my lower lip and I didn't realise it till Evan's thumb freed my poor lower lip from my sweet torture,

"Stop hurting it," Evan's deep voice hit my ears,

"And are you deaf? Didn't I ask you to leave my cabin?" He asked me, while rubbing my lower lip with his thumb. And his that action was driving me crazy. At that moment, my heart started beating wildly, in my ribcage, with an increased speed like I was participating in some running race. My breathing became deep and heavy. Sparks of electricity were flying around us. And everything around just vanished away. My mind was hypnotized by his little action, which was definitely not little for me.

"Reply me, Lily," Evan told me, while taking his hand back from my lip. Shit! I was already missing his not so little action, his not so little sweet torture.

Wait! Did he just call me Lily? Wow! My name sounds so sexy from his mouth. I wish that he always calls me by my first name.

"Lily," Evan called my name again and this time I had to return back to reality from my little fantasy world, which I definitely did against my will. Man! I was enjoying there. Why bring me back?

"How can I leave you alone when I know that you have hurt yourself? I can't let your hand bleed like this," I told him and lightly held his injured hand. Carefully raising it in front of me, I started examining it, making sure that there was not piece of glass left behind. After thoroughly examining it, I took a piece of cotton and after dipping it in the disinfectant, I started cleaning his injured palm.



Lily started cleaning my bleeding palm with the cotton dipped in disinfectant. Whenever that dipped cotton would touch my exposed wound, she would hiss in return, like it was she who was getting hurt. Now I wonder, who actually is hurt? Me or her? Thinking about the fact that she actually cares for me, automatically brought a smile to my face. She was busy playing with my palm, while I was busy staring at her beautiful face.

Her wide blue eyes were the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen in my life. They were deep and mesmerizing. Her long straight nose fitted perfectly on her beautiful face. Her full pink lips were so kissable that they were inviting me to eat them. Her long blonde hair were put in a messy bun, yet they managed to add charm to her beautiful face. While mesmerizing her beautiful face, I noticed that a few strands of her blonde hair were falling over her eyes and were preventing her from getting a clear view. She tried to push them away with the back of her hand, but failed miserably each time. She made an irritated look on her face, which made her look too cute to resist. This girl is something.

I held the strands of her soft blonde hair, which were disturbing her, in my hand and carefully placed them behind her ear. She looked up with her beautiful blue eyes widened in astonishment,

"Umm. Thank you," Lily softly whispered to me and then again resumed to her work.

After applying the ointment on my palm, she wrapped it carefully with a bandage.

"Here you go. It is done, Mr. Paxwell," she told me and a satisfactory smile spread on her face. After placing everything properly in the box again, she went to stand up, but due to our closeness, she tripped on her feet and fell directly on my lap. Her soft little hands were placed on my chest and my arms were wrapped around her little waist, preventing her from falling on the floor. She looked up at me, and man, my heart skipped a beat. Our lips were only a few inches away and I could feel her minty breath lingering over my lips. My mind was losing all its senses and I just wanted to kiss the breath out of her. Electric currents were being generated between both of us. It was something that I had never felt before with any other girl in my entire life.

I might have slept with thousands of girls, but none of them managed to give me such sparks. I might have fucked thousands of girls, but the satisfaction which I was getting from just holding this girl in my arms, was the one I have never got in my entire life.