Chen jiaxin 2

"My question is when he wasn't? He kills people every second. That's why I am here with you," Chen jiaxin replied in an expressionless tone.

"Wait, does that means you are a ghost who is living in my head? oh my god, A ghost is living in my head. Get away, go away, " Li Jing started panicking.

"Thief calling out thief, now are we? You are also a spirit, living in someone else's body. Technically, you are also a ghost but you don't see me screaming ghost, ghost. Do you?"

Li Jing stayed silent for a second.

"DO YOU? ANSWER!! Don't anger me, " Chen Jiaxin said in a serious tone and Li Jing instantly said, " No!"

"That's because I am not a stupid person like you. Grow up. The world is not for childish people like you. I already don't like you."

"Don't you think that you are super rude?"