The emperor

Li Jing felt her mouth become dry. She wanted to tell someone to get her water but her words stuck down in her mouth by looking at that hot man in front of her.

This man before her was too gorgeous to be true. Her first impression of him was, " God must have taken a lot of time making him. He's beyond just beautiful. "

His height was about 177cm or maybe more. It's perfect for her as she was too short, about 147cm.

His jaw was the most perfect-looking, the best jaw she has ever seen. His hair was raven and silky. It looked so polished and smooth. Just like a waterfall, his beautiful hair was collapsing till his mid-back. Li Jing's hair was quite longer than his but to her, his hair looked perfect. All she wanted to do is run her hands all day long in his head.

His eyes were perfectly shaped. Neither too small nor too big. He has a mole under his nose. His lips were neither too thin nor too full. It's just perfect sized and pinkish looking.