First of all thanks for giving the story a try. I hope you won't be disappointed.

Now a little warning:

This book is a acton, adventure with sci-fi elements yes but it's also a slow burn romance between three guys.

So yeah this is gay and also polygamous. If that bothers you then well.... go away, eat some rainbow cake and then you can come back.


Okay now that we are all filled with sweet rainbow stuff let's begin.


"How are you feeling today, Felix?" The doctor asked while picking up a pen and clicking it.

"The same as always doc." I replied with a long, dramatic sigh.

This routine had really gotten to me.

Every day started and ended in the exact same way. A strict time schedule dictating everything in between, with barely any free time. I didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing, because even when there weren't any appointments there wasn't really anything else to do. The only entertainment available were watching TV, reading or talking to the others. The last one being the least exciting out of them.

After years of being in here I had stopped talking to most inmates.

It wasn't really necessary anyway because most people left after a few weeks anyway and those that stayed longer were either to drugged up to really interact with or were completely nuts.

I chuckled over the irony that I thought about the others long time residents that they were nuts, even though I had been here the longest of all of them.

Maybe I was the most insane out of all of them, I wondered.

Almost like in response to my question my head started to hurt again and my vision became blurry. I rubbed my eyes, to help myself to see clearly again.

What came next used to frighten me a lot when I was still a kid but by now it was just a nuisance to me.

The room around me started to decay right in front of my eyes.

Mold spreading everywhere, paint shipping off the walls and furniture that had been in good shape just a moment ago, quickly turned old and decrepit looking.

I took a deep breath and turned my gaze back to the doctor.

She had been sitting in a office chair behind her desk but now there was just a corpse.

Well not really a corpse at that point it was more of a skeleton.

A dusty one with dried up skin, that almost looked like gray paper holding the bones together and cobwebs all over it.

If it hadn't been for my familiarity with these kind of visions, I would have most likely freaked out but instead I just starred at it.

She was probably still talking to me but I couldn't hear anything. There was as always just this odd silence. No not just silence, it was more like a complete lack of any sound what so ever.

No birds, no wind, no nothing just this horrible deafening silence.

I knew the vision wouldn't last but it was still very uncomfortable. Specifically because I never really knew when it would stop. Sometimes it lasted only a few minutes but other time it took me even hours to come back to reality.

I only ever noticed how much time  really had passed afterwards because in those day dreams time didn't seem to work the same way it normally did.

I was abruptly taken back to reality by someone grabbing my shoulder. After shaking my head, in order to get rid of the last bit of dizziness I looked up to see the doctor standing right beside me.

"Felix?" She asked softly.

"Yeah... sorry doc I just zoned out."

She petted my shoulder and then went back to her chair.

"I think we should increase your medication." She said with a sigh.

Even though it hadn't really been a question I still nodded.

"Also I think we should try the electroshock therapy, we had talked about before."

"No!" I emidietley blurted out.

"Felix you don't need to be scared of it. I have already explained to you that it isn't like what you see in movies. You would get anastasia and won't even notice the shocks. Also I think it could be really beneficial for your progress." She explained to me carefully.

I shook my head.

"Well if you really don't want it then we won't do it. You are in here voluntarily after all but I still urge you to at least think about it and maybe also try it out first."

Again I shook my head. The idea of getting electrocuted just didn't sit right with me. Even if she promised all those things, it was still something I would rather avoid having to go through.

Just imaging it already gave me goosebumps.

A knock on the door then drew me away from the images in my head. She told the person to come in and just a moment later Eddy stepped into the office.

"I'm here to bring Felix back to the ward." He said with a polite smile.

Eddy was one of the nurses that worked in the part of the hospital I lived in. He was actually my favorite nurse, for many reasons. One of them being that he actually gave a damn about patience and treated even the so called 'lost causes' just the same way as anybody else.

The doctor glanced at the clock on the wall and nodded.

"Yes unfortunately our time is up for today but I really would like you to think about, what we discussed till our next session." The doctor said.

In response I just nodded and the walked out, closely followed by Eddy.

"Ya wanna go for a smoke?" He asked while pulling out his lighter and cigarette pack from his pocket.

"Yeah definitely." I replied while chuckling because of his accent.

He normally tried to hide it but on some rare occasions his strong accent from the south still came through. It always reminded me of a cowboy from some old western movie and definitely didn't fit the way he looked.

Eddy was red haired, a little bit chubby guy in his midd thirties and from his complexion it looked more like he had spent all his life inside instead of on a farm.

"Hey Eddy do you know how to ride a horse?" I asked him while we walked through the door that led to the fire escape.

"Nah but I know how to ride something else. If ya know what I mean."

I had no clue to what he was talking about but still nodded.