A/N: Hey what's up?

I just wanted to say really quick that updates will be around once a month and that I always appreciat getting comments because it really helps me to know what you guys like and what you don't like.


Okay back to the real reason why you are here.


"Oh gosh dang it." Eddy swore after failing for the fifth time to light his cigarette.

I took a long drag from mine and then teased "Maybe this is a sign from above that you should stop smoking?"

"Well if that's the dang case. I ain't gonna listen. I need my god dang nicotine or else I'm probably gonna kill someone."

With a smile I took the cigarettes from his hand and lighted it with my burning one.

"How showed you that?" He questioned and raised an eyebrow.

"You did."

"Oh yeah right..."

I look at him with the best straight face I could manage and said "You are a horrible influence you know."

He just shrugged and leaned against the railing.

"Yeah so what? It ain't like I'm getting you hooked on crack or some shit."

I took the last drag of my cigarette and then stomped it out.

"True but is it really wise to give someone how is already nuts an addiction?"

He huffed and shook his head.

"Felix ya ain't nuts buddy. Ya are just ... different."

"Yes. Just like van Gogh or Nikolai Tesla" I commented quietly.

Eddy just gave me a confused look but then he just shrugged it off.

He was a great man of many talents but art or science where definitely not his strong points.

But what did I expect, he was probably way to busy in his free time to read some boring books about dead people.

And to be honest I probably wouldn't have read that stuff either if I had the option to do anything more interesting.

My mind wandered of to the things I would have wanted to do, if I had the freedom to choose.

I imagined how it would be to eat at a restaurant, to go to a club, getting my first kiss and a bunch more things that, thanks to being locked up in an asylum since the age of nine, I never had the option to experience.

Those thoughts were bitter sweet because on one hand I knew that I wasn't sane enough to function in normal society but on the other I just felt as if I was missing out on the most important things in life.

I was ripped away from my gloomy thought, when Eddy grabbed my shoulder and shook me. In surprise I jumped back.

"Wow, calm down." He said with his hands in the air.

"I just said that we could get going before they start to miss ya."

It took me a second to process what he had said but then I agreed.

"So was that one of ya ... day dreams?" He asked while leading the way back to the ward.

"Uhm kinda. I was thinking about how it would be to have a normal life. "

"There ain't such thing as a normal life." He stated with a huff.

I lifted an eyebrow and questioned him what he meant by that.

"There ain't a normal life because normalcy doesn't exist in the first place." He explained in a meter of fact but when he say that I was still confused, he continued.

"Normal is just a matter of time and viewpoint. Like for example, two hundred years ago in europe it was normal to just bathe once a year but now it's once in a week."

"Uhm I'm pretty sure you are supposed to bathe at least ever two days." I tried to correct him but he just grinned and said that, that was my viewpoint.

Before I could argue about it we had reached the common room of my ward.

We said our goodbyes and then Eddy left, leaving me alone in a room full of people that I didn't even bother to remember the names of.

I sight and walked over to a armchair, that was standing near the big windows.

I sat down but then I noticed someone starring at me.

When I looked over I wasn't really surprised to see that guy.

Since he came in here around three weeks ago, he had been starring at me with a blank expression every time we were in the same room.

I wouldn't even have minded it much, because I knew some people here were crazy like that but there was something about him that gave me a strange feeling. 

It was probably because of all those tattoos all over his body. They somehow made him out of place, as if he rather belonged into jail instead of a psychiatric institute. Or maybe it was his stature that made me feel uneasy. With almost two meters (6.5ft) tall he easily towered over most people I had ever seen.

Ofcourse I had tried to approach him before to ask him why he was starring at me like that but when I did he didn't say anything and just continued the look at me with those cold, gray eyes of his.

His behavior had freaked me out quite a bit.

So I had just excepted that I probably had to live with his constant starring and could just hope he would be released soon.

I gave him one last angry glare back and then turned around to look out of the window.

While watching the birds fly around outside I pondered about how it would be to have wings that can carry you whenever ever you want when ever you want.

It must be nice to have such freedom.