The days went by but I didn't even noticed it much because of the increased medication.

It had made me feel numb to everything. The already barely seasoned food tasted even less like anything and even the sounds around me had become nothing more then muffled, distorted background noises.

The seemingly only good thing about this condition was that my visions had also become less and where now only fleeing glimpses.

But was is really worth it feeling like a brain dead zombie just so I wouldn't have to see those things? I could just hope that the doctor was right about that my body just had to get use to the medication and that this state wouldn't last for ever.

When I was sitting in the common room, I noticed the scary guy was starring at me again from across the room. I just looked back at him blankly and started to wonder if he was like this because he was also on similar medication. That would have at least explained his emotionless expression and the constant starring.

But strangely he turned away just a moment later and started talking to someone sitting next to him. How strage I never seen him talk with anybody before, I thought and then focused on the other person.

Even in my drugged up state, I was very sure I had never seen him before because I heavily doubted that I could have forgotten a guy like that.

He seemed to fit in just as little as the tattooed guy but in a completely different way.

Where the other one looked more like he rather belonged in jail, the new guy looked more like a total frat boy.

His smug grin, wide muscular build and tanned skin, for some reason gave me the expression that he was probably one of those jerks that bullied others just for fun.

Ofcourse my experience and judgment was mostly based on what I had seen in movies or on TV, because I actually never had been to college or even high school.

But still there had to be at least some truth to how it was in reality. Right?

While I was still hung up in my thoughts about how much truth was really behind the things on TV, I failed to notice that the new guy was walking over to me.

Only when he crouched down in front of me and spoke, I noticed him.

"Hey buddy. How are you doing?"

I wanted to tell him to leave me alone but when I opened my mouth to answer I had already forgotten what he had asked.

Seeing my confused face he chuckled.

"Wow you are totally drugged up. Aren't you?"

Before I had the chance to reply, he yelled to the tattooed guy

"Ey Peter! I think he is high!"

I tilted my head in the direction of the tattooed man and looked at him.

Peter...hmm... that really doesn't fit him. He looks way to frightening to have such a normal, boring name.

"Yeah the name really doesn't fit but don't worry he isn't as scary as he looks." Reassured the guy in front of me while laughing, making me realize that I had spoken my thoughts out loud.

"Oh and by the way I'm Preston." He added and extended his hand towards me.

I just starred at it, not knowing what to do. It wasn't like I didn't know what a handshake was but it just seemed so strange because nobody ever really did those kind of things around here.

Actually most patients seemed more like they rather tried to avoided any kind of physical contact with anybody and even the staff wasn't a fan of it either.

Even when it came to greeting someone veryone just simply resorted to saying hello or nodding but a handshake where something extremely rare.

While I was contemplating what to do, he still sat there in front of me, smiling and patiently holding out his hand.

After convincing myself that there was no harm in it, I grabbed it.

I was surprised by how warm and comforting such a simple interaction felt.

It made me wonder if it always felt like this or was it just like this because I hadn't really any physical contact with anyone for such a long time.

Before I could ponder further about it, Preston pulled his hand away and stood up.

"Listen. We gotta talk about something very important with you but I don't think you are... well there enough right now to really understand. If you know what I mean. Anyway... do you think you could maybe not take your pills for a few days?"

I shook my head.

"No... need them." Was all I managed to mumbled.

But did I really needed them? Was all of this really worth it? Either way I couldn't live normally, neither with the visions nor with the medicine.

I desperately tried to find an answer to this dilemma but before I could my mind went blank again, leaving me in an empty and dazed state again.

"Don't worry man. Me and Peter take care of it. Trust me in a few days you will be okay again." He exclaimed with a wide grin.

I again shook my head, even though I didn't even know myself really what part I disagreed with.

Was it the thing about them taking away my medications or was it the trusting them part.

I had no idea but what I was very sure about was that I wouldn't be 'okay' in a few days.

"See you Felix." He said and winked playfully, then he returned to his chair next to Peter.

Leaving me with dozens of questions on my mind.

But soon they were all whipped away again and I just continued to stare out of the window.