"Where are my pills?" I asked the nurse after she had made her round with the little cart, that they always used to bring the medication to every patient.

It confused me that she had already given everybody else there's but seemingly had forgotten mine again.

The day before I also hadn't gotten anything but I had been still to much under the influence of the pills to be able to complain about it. But today there effect had almost completely worn of so that I noticed the mistake.

With a tired sigh, she lifted her clipboard and looked at it.

After a moment she put it back down again and looked at me annoyed.

"There is no medication written down for you boy. So you aren't getting any. Now go back to your room, it's almost time for lights out."

"Wait! Please wait. Maybe you could look into my records? It could be that someone forgot to write down the medication doctor Morris subscribed me?" I bagged her but she just raised an eyebrow and asked "Doctor...who?"

I groaned in frustration.

"No! Not doctor Who! I said doctor Morris!"

She shook her head and started to push her cart past me.

"Boy I don't know what you are talking about but there is no doctor Morris here. Just go to bed and tomorrow you can talk to an actual doctor and get some pills. Seems like you could definitely need some." She said while walking away, mumbeling the last sentence under her breath.

What the hell was going on? I thought while walking back into my room and closing the door behind me.

There was nothing I could do about this at that moment so I just shook my head and then got ready for bed.

That night was restless because normally I would have taken something to help me to sleep but without it or at least the after effect of it, it seemed near impossible.

I rolled from one side to the other desperately trying to fall asleep. Even counting sheep and doing relaxation techniques didn't seem to help at all.

So I just ended up laying there and starring into the darkened room.

I wasn't sure how much time had past until an oh so familiar throbing and stinging sensation in my forehead made me sit up again. I took a deep breath and breathed myself for what was about to happen.

As always my visions went blurry, I rubbed my eyes to see clearly again. What I then saw was very different from my other hallucinations.

For some reason it also seemed more real then normally.

The room still looked run down as always but way less decraped then how it was the other times.

Also the floor was covered in filth and garbage that looked like it was only left there relatively recently.

The paint wasn't yet peeled of the walls but instead was just stained and wet.

I jumped back when I heard movement in the hallway.

There was usually no sounds in my visions but now I could faintly hear the sound of footsteps and muffled voices just beyond the walls of my room.

Even though those changes to what I was used to frightened me, I still slowly moved towards the door, wanting to see what was going on.

When I was about to grab the doorknob a blaring siren went of, making me press my hands against my ears to shield them from the terrible noise.

Over the siren I could hear people screaming in terror.

They were running around in a panic, making the wooden floor beneath my feet shake.

Before I could wonder what was going the room seemed to light up, as if it had become daytime.

I turned around to look out of the window just to be hit by a blinding white light a second later.

It all happened so fast that I hadn't time to notice how a powerful shock wave shattered the glas and threw the fragments at me.

My own body even got thrown backwards against the wall but I couldn't feel the impact.

All I felt was a horrible pain, as if I  was being burned alive.

I desperately tried to scream but no sound came out of my mouth. 

There was nothing then silence, unimaginable pain and this all engulfing, blinding white light.

"FELIX!" Eddy screamed and violently shook me by my shoulders.

I blinked and came slowly back to reality.

All I could do was just starring in shock at Eddys worried face while gasping for air.

When I came fully to my senses again, I pushed him away and run as fast as I could to the en suite bathroom.

There I threw up into the toilet.

I told my self over and over again that it had been only a bad dream until I noticed something on my forearm.

There was a bleeding cut with a big glas shard deeply inbetted into it. I slowly pulled it out and looked at it in disbelieve.

If it had been just a dream then where did this now bloody peace of glas, I was holding between my fingers, had come from?

"Felix? Are ya okay?" Eddy questioned, standing in the doorway.

I stood up and turned to him.

I could feel the warm blood running down my arm, dripping from my fingers onto the cold white tiles.

Before I could answer him my vision went dark and my knees gave out under me, making me fall to the floor.