"You are kidding right?! This is gross!" I complained when I saw the state of the motel room.

I had seen a lot of nasty things in my visions or should I rather say the future but this room managed to top it all.

It was clearly visible that nobody had done any renovation in at least a few decades.

The flowery wallpaper was stained and peeled off in some places. Also the old, worn out, wooden furniture seemed like it would break apart just by looking at it the wrong way.

And if that wasn't bad enough there was also this smell.

A horrible stench of old cigarette smoke, sweet, urine and something else I didn't even wanted to figure out what it was, lingered in the air, making me feel nauseous.

"Well at least it's cheap." Preston shrugged and flung himself onto one of the two queen sized beds. It loudly creaked under his weight and for a moment I was afraid it would break into pieces.

I didn't get how he managed to keep such an carefree attitude even when at a time or rather place like this.

But I also had to admit that his behavior somehow made me less negative about it. Well at least until I went over to the other bed, that I was planning on sleeping in and lift up the blanket.

There were all kinds of nasty stains and even hair.

"I'm not going to sleep in that!" I squealed and stepped away from it, feeling extremely disgusted by having touched it.

"Well I wouldn't recommend sleeping in the bathtub either." Peter said, who just had came out of the bathroom.

Preston rolled onto his side and prop his head up on his hand. "Is it that bad?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Peter slowly nodded and said, "Almost as bad as Chicago."

Preston rolled back onto his back and stared up at the ceiling with a mortified expression. After a moment he then muttered under hisbreath, "Oh fuck."

Seeing Preston's mood change so quickly got me curious about how something could be possibly worse then this filthy motel we were currently staying at so I asked, "Was Chicago that bad?"

But instead of an explanation they just quickly looked at each other and then Peter grumbled, "What happens in Chicago stays in Chicago."

Getting the feeling that I wouldn't get much more out of them I just rolled my eyes and snappish replied, "Pretty sure that's Vegas but sure what ever."

I signed and leaned against the old wooden table near the door, not wanting to awkwardly stand around but also feeling to disgusted by the the room to touch anything.

"Anyway... could you guys finally explain to me what the hell is going on? I mean time travel, seriously?!"

Preston turned his head towards me and shrugged. "Well yeah that's exactly what it is. Pretty cool right?" He said and grinned from ear to ear, like a child that's waiting to be praised by his parents.

I was about to aske for further explanation when Peter interrupted me.

"To be more accurate I can travel back in time and Preston can stop time, at least for a certain period." He explained dryly.

It wasn't really what I wanted to know but it was still somewhat useful to know so I just nodded.

"Okay but how does it work?" I asked them, hoping that a more specific question would get me a better explanation on the matter.

But I got disappointed when insted Preston replied, "Well you gotta concentrate and visualize where you wanna go."

"Or rather when." Peter interrupted, looking just as emotionless as always.

Preston nodded in agreement and then continued, "Yeah true. It's more like a when then a where. But you still gotta be really careful about where you end up because if you aren't you can end up in mid air or inside of a wall. Oh or-"

At that point I started zoning out while Preston continued babbling. I didn't want to hear all those things that could go wrong because I was already afraid enough of it and wasn't planning on ever even doing it willingly.

The only thing I was really interested in were how to stop those powers or maybe even permanently shut off.

I mean sure time travel sounded cool and all but I just had seen to many things to really be happy about knowing that this wasn't just my mind being messed up but instead the future. Also having had two close calls so far where I could have potentially died made my already non existent enthusiasm even less.

Having had enough of Preston's self monologuing I yelled, "That's not what I fucking mean! All I want to know is how I can get rid of it!"

Both were stunned by my sudden out burst. They both looked at me for a moment and then at each other, seemingly talking with each other without saying a word.

"You can't get rid of it. It's like trying to hold in a sneeze. If you don't use your powers for an extended period of time it will just happen and you won't have any control in what time you end up in." Peter explained with a slightly sad look on his face but almost as soon as he was done talking it when back to his usual blank expression.

I was shocked to hear there was no way to prevent it from happening. But there wasn't really any time to process it because Preston jumped up from the bed and then cheerfully started babbling again.

"But hey time traveling isn't so bad! You just have to learn how to control it and then we can do all kinds of cool stuff." He said with a wide grin, probably hoping that this would somehow convince me that this nightmarish powers were something positive.

Peter just shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Preston how often do I have to tell you we shouldn't mess with time?" He grumbled, seemingly annoying by having had this kind of conversation with friend already multiple times.

"Oh come on! I mean I get then we can't do stuff in the past because it could cause a butterfly effect but the future is a completely different thing!" Preston argued but Peter again shook his head.

"No we don't know what kind of effects it would have."

"Who cares?! It's the future! It isn't set in stone so it doesn't really matter if we change it or not." Preston argued and then started listing of all the things that 'we' could do with such an opportunity.

But Peter rebuffed all his ideas and tried to point out how dangerous it could be to play around with time no matter if it was the past or the future.

"I need some fresh air." I exclaimed, feeling to exhausted to care if either of them had heard me.

A/N: Sorry for the late update I had a lot to do over Christmas and new year and just couldn't find the time to write.

Anyway happy new year everyone.