I clung to the railing of the terrace that connect the motel rooms on the second floor and tried to force some air into my lungs.

Hearing that no matter what I do, I could never get rid of this curse was a bigger shock then I had expected.

Just a few days ago I had still thought that all this was nothing more then me being psychotic but now that the truth finally started to sink in I kinda wished I could go back in time and keep myself from listening to Preston and Peter.

I leaned my forehead against the cold metal and took a deep breath.

"Remember what the doc said. Happy thoughts. Think about your happy place." I mumbled while trying to invision my safe space.

When the doctor first told me about the technic I thought it was stupid but after trying it a few times and figuring out what I wanted it to look like it became a huge help.

The sun warmed my skin and leting me forget that in actuality I was shivering in the cold autumn night. "Breath Felix. Just breathe." I told myself and tried to  concentrated even more on the blue sky, the colorful flower fields that surrounded the small cottage upon the hill and the gravel path that lead to it.

It took another moment but then I was also finally able to drown out the sounds around me and replace them with the sound of chirping birds and the quiet buzzing of bees.

Finally I felt able to breathe freely again and managed to clear my mind from all those tumultuous thoughts.

But this peace didn't last long because the door to our room opened and then slammed shut again. I slightly turned my head to see what was going on but by the time I did that all I managed to see was Preston storming down the stairs.

I contemplated for a moment if I should just ignore there little marital quarrel but then I decided against it and instead went back to the room, thinking that dealing with Peter was probably easier then handling an emotionally charged Preston.

When I entered the room I saw Peter crouching infront of the minibar, starring intensely at the small assortment of various alcohol bottles. At first glance he seemed as calm as ever but still something just seemed off.

He didn't even seem to notice me and just keeped on staring into the fridge, almost as if he was contemplating something.

"Uhm are you okay?" I asked after a few minutes, feeling a little bit uncomfortable with the silence in the room.

But to my dismay his only reaction was a nod before he then grabbed himself a beer and stood up.

I saw that his hands were shaking and that he looked somewhat concerned but I didn't dare to ask him about it. He had already said he was okay so I just didn't feel like asking even more. Besides even though we had spent a few weeks in the same asylum I hardly knew him, mostly because I had tried to avoid him as much as possible because he just gave me the creeps.

Also his overall stone faced, unapproachable demeanor didn't really make it easier to get to know him.

After a moment of just holding the can he finally opened it and took a sip. He sighed and set down on one of the beds, seemingly finally being able to relax a bit. 

But I still couldn't shake of the feeling that something was going on.

To be honest couldn't pinpoint what exactly it was but something just told me that this wasn't a good thing. I looked toward the door hoping Preston would come back soon.

"Don't worry he will come back. He always does." He grumbled and took another sip from his beer.

"It's uhm...not about that." I lied trying not to make it obvious that I wished that Preston was here to handle the situation.

I took a deep breath and then came up with something that I hoped would make the situation less awkward and also maybe would help me to get some things of my chest. "It's about what you two said." 

I took a deep breath and set down next to him on the bed before continuing to speak.

"I just thought that now that I know that I'm not just crazy there would be a way to stop it because believe me if you had seen what I saw you wouldn't want to go to the future either."

Then I added in almost a wisper, "There is nothing but death and destruction."

After an awkward moment of silence he then said out of the blue, "Show me."


"Show. Me." He repeated accentuating both words as if I was to dumb to have understood it the first time he said it.

I shook my head in disbelieve that he would ever ask something like that, specially after hearing what I just said about the future. "Hell no! It's way to dangerous!" I exclaimed, hoping that he would just except my refusel. But instead he just took another sip from the can and then asked, "Do you think the past isn't?"

I was stunned by his question. Sure I knew from that one time where we traveled into the past that it wasn't really save there either but facing a t-rex was still better then the bleak, apocalyptic future where you never knew what you had to face. After all the past was already written down, so all you had to do was read about it to know what you were getting yourself into but the future was something else. Nobody could really predict what was going to happen or when exactly things would take place.

"Listen." He said, making me focus on him again instead of my thoughts.

"When I was eight my power manifested for the first time. I traveled back in time with any control and you know where I ended up the first time I traveled to the past?" He asked but because I guessed that it was a rhetorical question I just keeped quiet and waited for him to continue speaking.

He took a long gulp from his beer and the said, "In god damn Gettysburg on the second July 1863!"

His voice was shaking with anger but I didn't understand why so I asked "And that means?"

He shook his head and then replied with a sad smile, "You should read more history books."

After saying that he emptied the rest of his beer and stood up and walked over to the door.

"Let's go and see what the future holds for us." He exclaimed with a creepy chuckle while placing the empty can on the table.

A/N: If you could travel through time once where would you travel to?