A/N: short reminder that even though this is a sci-fi, time travel story it does have bl elements too..... any way enjoy 😏


"This is a terrible idea." I grumbled while following Peter down the stairs to the motels parking lot.

According to it was better to be in a wide open space when traveling through time because otherwise you could get stuck in a wall or end up in mid air.

To be honest I wasn't sure if I really believed that.

Sure he had probably more experience in the matter then me but I had unknowingly traveled into the future multiple times and never had anything like that happening to me.

He ignored my protest completely and just continued to walk down the stairs.

"PETER! Seriously I don't want to go there! It's a god damn nightmare!" I tried again to convince him but he just replied that he didn't give a fuck and that if I wanted him to believe me I had to show it to him.

His aditude really started to get on my nerves. No matter what I said he was just so stubborn about it. It was almost as if he didn't trust me.

"Wow and I thought you were the intelligent one of the two of you." I grumbled and pushed past him on the landing but he quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me back. He then stepped infront of me to block my way

"What's that suppose to mean!" He growled and I could see in his eyes that he had probably taken my comment the wrong way, so I attempted to explain what I really meant.

"Look all I mean is that I thought you would understand that I don't want to go to the future because unlike Preston you don't seem to be such an airhead."

It didn't seem that I had managed to get my point across because he was still glaring at me as if I had just insulted his grandmother.

I sighed and shook my head.

"Oh come on I know you are friends and all but you have to admit Preston isn't the smartest or most reasonable person. Also doesn't it bother you to that he is constantly so extremely cheerful? Like come on even on my medz I was never this annoyingly happy."

Half jokingly I then edited, "But at least he has his looks to make up for his lack of brain cells."

When I saw his fist flying towards my face it was already to late. It ended up colliding with my nose and caused a horrible crunching sound. Almost emidietley I felt an excruciating pain pulsating from where I he had hit me. Dazed I staggered backwards and my back hit the wall.

I took my hand from my battered face and looked down. There was a lot of  blood dripping from my nose onto the flower patterned dress that I was still wearing.

When I saw that my head started to throb, my sight got blurry and before I could even think clearly my body already moved on it's own.

I flung myself at him and caused us to tumble down the rest of the stairs. We both hit the concrete floor at the end of the stairs and for a moment I was disoriented and wasn't able to see clearly.

But when got to my senses again just a moment later I quickly crawled over to Peter and after quickly making sure he wasn't badly hurt, slapped him over and over again while screaming, "You hit me! You fucking bastard!" Followed by a bunch more swear words and curses.

I had gotten a few good slapps in before he manged to grab my wrists and flip me over onto my back. He pinned me down with his weight and held my wrist down above my head.

I tried to get out from under him but no matter how hard I tried, he was just stronger then me.

When I couldn't find another way to get rid of him I started screaming at him.

He hissed at me and said I should shut up but I did the exact opposite and just started to scream even louder.

At least until suddenly he leaned down and placed his mouth on top of mine.

I was stunned and had no idea how to react. Not only because I had not expected him to go this far just to make me shut up but also because it was the first time anybody had ever kissed me.

His tongue made It's way into my mouth and instead of listening to my brain that was telling me to bite it off, I closed my eyes and clumsily tried to mimic his movement.

The kiss got more and more passionate by the second and I lost myself completely in it.

Any sense of time or our surroundings completely was completely gone. The only thing I could focus on was his hot breath on my face and his hands that let go of my wrists and slowly made there way down my arms. One hand settled on my neck, his thumb slightly pressing down on my throat, making it even harder to breathe properly while the other hand made it's way even lower.

When I felt him groping me I emidietley came to my senses again and kicked him off.

"What the hell?! Why the fuck did mhmmm..." before I could finish he had placed his large hand over my mouth and gestured me to keep quiet and then did a hand movement as if to tell me to look around.

I rolled my eyes but still did what he wanted.

The first thing I noticed was that it was no longer where we had been just a moment ago or should I rather say when we where.

Because the Motel that we had been at just a moment ago was now nothing more then a burned out, crumbling ruin that had only it's outer walls still standing. The cars in the parking lot looked also as if they had been on fire at some point and the lush forest that had been around the motel was now completely gone. It had been replaced with a desolate wasteland that seemed devoid of any for of life.
