"Try again!" Peter commanded. His patience clearly running low by now but so was mine. After all it had been basically his fault in the first place that we where now stuck in the future.

"What do you think I'm doing!" I hissed back but then sighed and added in a somewhat pleading tone, "Look. I'm cold, hungry and god damn tired so please stop pressuring me. It's seriously not helping."

I had already tried to get us back for what I assumed were almost two hours but it still just wouldn't work even with Peter's tips and advice on how to control our powers.

Peter leaned back against the facade of the motel burned out and rubbed his forehead.

"I thought it was impossible but you're even more incompetent then Preston." He grumbled, causing my anger over our previous fight boil up again.

"Oh really?! If he is that bad then why did you punch me?"

"Because you insulted him." He bluntly said and looked off into the distance.

His answer real didn't make sense specially considering he normally didn't seem to get emotional about anything and just now basically agreed that Preston was kinda useless at times.

I squinted my eyes and starred up at him. I tried to read his facial expression but it was impossible because of his blank expression.

His eyes were even half closed, starring at nothing in particular, making it seem as if he wasn't even really there mentally.

I sighed in defeat and admitted to myself that no matter how hard I tried to read expression and body language it would not get me any answers.

So instead I tried a different approach by asking him, "That's really just it?"

He slowly nodded and then said, while looking at me from the corner of his eyes, "Yeah I just don't like it when someone insult my boyfriend."

It seemed like his eyes were searching for some sort of reaction but I just mumbled 'Oh' and looked away, finding it still uncomfortable when he starred at me like that.

It took me way longer then I would have liked to admit before his words finally sunk in and I understood what he had just said. My head snapped back to him and with wide eyes I then almost yelled, "WAIT! BOYFRIEND?!"

For a split second there was resemblance of a smile on his lips before it disappeared again.

"Yes Preston is my boyfriend."

When he said those simple words his voice was so full of warmth and pride that I completely lost track of what I had wanted to say.

I honestly would have never expected to hear him sound like that but it was nice to hear that he was able to feel so much for someone but for some reason it also caused a slight stinging pain in my chest.

Maybe it was because it meant that I was now even more of an outsider in the group. Before I had been just the new guy but now with them being a couple it meant I was actually the third wheel.

But maybe it was also because of the kiss. After all it had been my first and from what I knew those were suppose to mean more.

Sure it wasn't like in the movies and I could have definitely done without getting into a fist fight beforehand but I still didn't regret it.

I also had to kinda admit that if given the opportunity I would probably do it again.

Wait a second! What the hell am I thinking?! I barely know the guy and also he has a god damn boyfriend! But he still kissed me! I thought but before I had the chance to ask him why he had done it he diverted my attention to our surroundings by asking, "Does it always look like this?"

He gestured towards the desolate wasteland in front of us.

"Ahm yeah! Why do you think I didn't want to go?!" I replied snappishly and was about to go on a tirade about how stupid his idea had been and to say to him 'I told you so' but he again was faster.

"But why?" He asked curiously but I just rolled my eyes and retorted by asking how I was supposed to know that.

"You never investigated it?" He inquire further.

His stupid questions really started to get on my nerves. "Uhm no. Remember only a few days ago I still believed that it all was just in my head. Besides I'm a firm believer in 'curiosity kills the cat'." I retorted and was hoping that he finally would get it into his thick skull that for me this wasn't as normal as it was to him and that I wasn't interested in figuring anything out about this nightmarish future.

He nodded and then suddenly pushed himself off the wall and walked away.

I quickly got to my feet and yelled after him, "Where are you going?"

He stopped just for a moment and then yelled back that he wasn't a cat before he continued wall way, leaving me standing there all by myself.

I looked around worried for what could be out there but after realizing that if I didn't stick close to Peter he wouldn't have any way of getting back to the present.

I sighed, shook my head and then decided to followed him even though every fiber in my body was telling me that this was probably the stupidest decision I had ever made.