
...i dont see a red he-

hands quickly wrapped over my shoulder but my instincts kicked in and i grabbed his forearm and his wrist, i used my body weight as momentum and threw him over my shoulder,

making this man hit the ground hard.

"ughhh yep just like your dad", the voiced from the man groaned out rubbing his head.

"its me uncle max...didnt your dad tell you about me", the older guy got up and pouted while looking at me, we were about the same height and surprising he had the same muscular build as me, so hes gotta be working out and the fact that i cant sense his mana means hes probably a b-ranker and can hide his power.

"hellloooo earth to...ermmm what was your name again kid?"

"o' sorry sir, im jack-" i quickly closed my mouth and looked him up and down.

he has red silk like hair and a expensive ass black suit, with auburn yellow eyes to make his outfit pop.

"so im guessing your my uncle??"


"damn kid i thought your dad would've told you stories atleast one or two, plus dont sound so disappointed damn, or ill take phone privileges away early", the older man grumbled as he grabbed my duffle bag and began carrying it outside the airport and i followed like a lost puppy trying to find its mom.

"sorry sir i was just trying to confir-", before i could finish my new found uncle max laughed and punched my arm playfully.

"easy with the formality kid, im your uncle not your damn commander. your dad already told me your situation, in all honesty i think you should've lived with me alot sooner, too keep you from witnessing all that shit", maxe went from happy to a chilling feeling of anger.

"whats done is done im here now,"i sighed and watched as he put my bag in his limousine?? what the fuck...its so shiny and niceeee.

"close your mouth you might catch a fly", unc laughed as he opened the door for me.

"get in kid were going home".

not once have i ever been 'home' and now...i was about to have one, damn life sure is full of surprises.