

these seats are uncomfortable,' i thought as i began trying to adjust my self on the Leather that covered them.

"moving like that you must be uncomfortable kid, thats understandable, your probably use to metal seats unlike ones with cusions and such." uncle max said with a sigh and looked up me.

"were gonna stop by cellcia high school first for you ok, im gonna get you signed up and you should start tomorrow or next week it just all depends", max continued ranting about this and that and just about anything he could think of, everytime i thought he would run out of air, he just surprised me and continued going, this went on for....the entire ride.


i got out of the black long vehicle only for my jaw to drop by how large this school was, how can one keep up with the security here if its this large...i mean they gotta have security right???because the fancy suit and limousine hes gotta have money and be a respected man right??and hes gotta have enemies?? so his child could be a target, and if his kid goes here, then all the kids here are from a high-class to royal family.


"jack... stop trying to asses the situation."

uncle said as he lightly hit me in the back of the head causing me to stumble, i know it was meant towards a teasing way or else i would have gotten pissed.

i regained my composure and looked at the suited red head with a light scolding look.

" its not nice to bully those younger than you uncle", i scolded only for him to chuckle and pat my back.

"good, i thought you didnt have a sense of humor there, you had me thinking that you was basically a zombie back in the car, since you didnt say anything" uncle max said as he began walking ahead of me as if he was showing me the way to the office.

"i mean i didnt really get a chance", i grumbled as i rubbed the back of my head.


"huuuh are you indicating that i talk alot", max said with a dramatic gasp.


"you said it not me", i sighed and caught up with him getting ready to go through the big white double doors.


"as long as he doesn't cause much trouble it'll be fine", the administrator of the school said. she was a pretty older lady, with black hair and streaks of white flowing with it, she was doing amazing for her age. she wore a basic magician white robe and her top was white with golden trimming, her skirt that went to her upper calf was white.

"yes maam of course, hes a behaved and well rounded young man", my uncle said with a sugary tone that made me wanna gag, i knew he was faking it. it was one of those sweet talk situations, and i could tell she knew cause her face held a suspicious expression.

"uh huh, what about you kid", the older lady said while looking into my eyes as if she was challenging me. "i dont want anymore trouble ontop of what i already have to deal with"


"jack", my uncle nudged me too talk, which only made me regret coming too school more.

"ill try ma'am", i sighed breaking eye contact and slightly bowing out of respect.

"hmmm good, now..he can start tomorrow if hes alright with that." the older lady said as she looked back too my uncle.

"thank you, you wont regret this", my uncle said as he stood up and bowed.

"i said if HES alright with that", she said once more and looked back at me to clarify.

"yes ma'am thats allright", is all i said as i stood up and began to walk to the door but before me and my uncle could escape the lady spoke up once more.

".....hes gonna have to do an AOE [Ability observation exam]"

"ill do it tomorrow thank you", i piped up and walked out the door closing it in my uncles face.