who are you??

(max pov)

i sighed and got out of the car and walked to the raven haired kid,

"you like it", i chuckled and patted his back hesitantly, i mean i dont wanna set him off again.

"y-yeah its...huge", jack gasped as he looked at it in a star struck way.

"well im glad you like it kid...school should be out and i think its about time to meet my son", i smiled.. oh ive always wanted this too happen. my son to have fun and get introuble with his family and go out and do things and finally he can do it.

"yes sir... again thankyou for housing me"

"dont mention it kid lets go, ill have the butlers unpack your stuff and put it in your room", i snapped my fingers and two men in nice suits and The same gelled back hairstyle came out and began to unload what little bags he had brought..damn im gonna have to take him shopping.


"and this is the kitchen", i smiled and looked at him....his facial expressions said fuck this.

"eh whats wrong", and with a emotionless voice he replied back.

"im gonna get lost in this big ass house".

"ngh hahahaha..seriously kid, you'll be fine..now go to your room and unpack, uncles gotta go to work. better be glad i took this much time off." i sighed and gave him one last look.

"oh and, welcome home",


(jack pov)

"thank you uncle max", he nodded and left as i went to try and locate my way around.


after what felt like hours i finally found a black door, same color as my rooms door. so what did i do. opened it....like a dumbass.


what i saw i couldnt unsee.

a kid my age with dirty brown hair making out with some blonde chick.

"WHAT THE FUCK", the guy yelled and basically threw the girl off of him.

"hey whats going on", a soft girls voice said from behind me as she squeezed herself past me.

"uhhhh nothingggg" the blonde girl said blushing from embarrassment as she stood up brushing herself off trying to regain her composure.

"were you two..UGH i leave yall alone for 5 damn minutes and this is what yall do", the soft voiced girl said. now that im looking at her she has pure snow white hair and dark ocean blue eyes.

"uhmmm Yeah thats bad and all but whos this bitch", the blonde said pointing at me still trying to hide her embarrassment

"hmmm good question, who is he oli", the white haired girl questioned as she looked from the brown haired boy to me.

i quickly cleared my throat and straightened my posture and held my hand out to the white haired girl.

"im Jack Asher its a pleasure to meet you", she looked at my hand then back at me and then to the brown haired kid named oli according to what she called him.

"he has your last name??".

"ooooooh i get it", we all stopped and looked at oli.


"allow me to explain", he laughed.

"i kinda forgot you were coming today, anyway bec, stella. this is my cousin jack hes living with me for now on since his dad is travelling over seas or something, jack..im maxs son oliver, the blondie is stella and the white haired chick is becca", he said with a small smile as he stood up and walked to me putting and arm around my shoulder.

"welcome to our group cuz, everyone play nice",he chuckled which caused a chain reaction and they all laughed.


next thing i know we're all sitting on the bed which this room wasnt mine, its actually my cousin's, mine is the one to the left of his.

"so why didn't you tell us that you had family coming oli", Stella said as she examined me.

"like i said earlier thats Because i kinda forgot-ow", becca slapped the back of olivers head and gave me a quick glance.

"how can you forget about your cousin you nitwit", the white haired girl cursed.

"tch",oliver huffed and rubbed his now throbbing head.

oliver, stella, and becca were side by side sitting infront of me examining me or, well, it felt like that.


"well do we gotta beg, tell us about yourself", stella said with a smile getting excited as you could see it radiating off of her, if it wasnt for what i walked into. i would have thought she was the most innocent person in the world.

"uhhh i um...i like food...", i replied looking at them for a reaction but they all gave me blank glares.

"are you sure yall are related i mean your hella annoying and hes just bleh..boring", the girls said in sync as oliver gave me a questioning look.

"are you sure were related i mean, what the girls said hurts but it is true, but like damnnnn come on bro", oliver groaned. but our very awkward convo came to an end when the already once opened door came rushing open again.

"Oliver your cousins here, so be nice and-ngh oh i see your already acquainted", uncle max said with a sweat dropas he rubbed his head and looked from me to oliver.

"yeah were acquainted right...we met a couple minute's ago totally normally righttttt jack", Oliver said as he gave me a quick wink.

"...is kissing people customary, like as a greeting in this country??", i asked tilting my head and looking to my uncle only for him to cover his mouth and try not to laugh as my new found cousin held his head in his hands disappointed.

"hey son next time you get excited do it with no one home, and no jack that form of affection is not a greeting.", max said as he laughed harder.


i looked at the blonde chick and she grabbed her jacket and quickly walked out the door blushing hard.

"by MR. Asher it was a pleasure having me over but its getting late i should head home now",the blondie said towards max as she walked out of the bedroom only to have a domino affect and the white haired girl named becca to follow her as she gave us a small smile and waved as she said her goodbyes and followed the blonde chick named stella.

"bye girls", max laughed as he looked at us.

"as i was saying since its just us", he shut the door and hopped on the really comfy bed with us.

"oliver i need you too watch over jack at school ok", max said as his voice shifter to a more serious one.

"yeah sure pops just because he snitched doesnt mean i wont help him out if anything happens", oli said as he patted my back with a laugh.

"....uhm..i dont need protecting uncle, oliver, i can protect myself. besides..its just school", after i said this the air got still.

"dad you didn't tell him", my cousins laugh quickly stopped as he looked at his dad.

"tell me what?"

"no i didnt tell him, i didnt find the chance too"

"tell me what??".

"dadddd, seriously. whyd he even move here it would be easier back at his home than in this school".

"umm you guys....tell me what?".

"actually i doubt that, i think hes safer here than at his home", max replied with a sigh.

"uncle...oliver...what do i not know"....

"tch i still think he'd be safer there than a battle school".

"battle school??? whats that", i said once more only to be ignored, so i sighed and let them argue about what they did or didn't tell me. i walked out of the room unnoticed and went to my room, since my room was next to my cousins, i could still here my cousin and uncles muffled voices.

i went to my dresser and to my surprise all my clothes were folded neatly in the drawers.

i quickly took off my shirt and began to change into a dark green muscle shirt,and some black logoless sweat pants.

once i got changed i began examining my room from top to bottom...i never expected to be in a place liks this in my life.