


i walked to the black door and before i could open it, the door barged open on its own only for a small brunette child to be revealed.

"hey hey sir, supper is done", the child that looked 7 years of age said with a cheerful tone.

"uhhh thanks", i bowed gratefully but before anything else could happen a women that looked to be in her 60s with a maid outfit on, ran to the child and pulled her to her side quickly bowing.

"im sorry young master my granddaughter doesnt know manners,shes young and still learning. i hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us", the older lady said with such an apologetic tone it made me feel bad for no reason.

"uhm uh i-its ok ma'am, she didnt do anything wrong and please dont call me master, jack is fine", i sweat dropped as the little girls eyes lit up.

"you heard him mom, dont be so formal", the girl giggled as she grabbed my hand and took off towards the dinning room.

"hey Mr. we should hang out more, you seem cool, the names alyssa but you can call me aly", the child giggled holding the brightest smile.

i stopped walking and forced my way out of her grip, i held my hand out to her as i got on one knee.

"nice to meet you aly, im jack as you may know", i gave a small smile as the kid shook it.

this child, she reminds me of someone


"PLEASEEE pleaseee dont not my baby", a mother screamed out trying to get to her daughter but couldnt. she was being held down by guys as she sat there and watched them constantly hit the little brown haired girl.

"dad i...i cant do it", i cried out as i sat the rifle down next to me.

"listen to me, that child will suffer, she'll be beat, raped, and tortured constantly", my father scolded as he slapped the back of my head.

"now focus, pick up the damn gun"

...i should've protected them better....

"come on danny, hes just a boy barely even eight. Plus hes not even in the military he shouldn't do this, its wrong that little girl is the closes kid too his age and the only one he warmed up too.", dane said as he crawled over to me and dad.

....it was my fault her and her mom got taken...

"shut the hell up dane, if hes my son he'll do it". my dad commented as i looked in the distant at the little girl thats getting hit.

"why cant i just shoot the people that are hurting them", i sneered back at my father only to have him hit me in the back of the head again.

he picked up the rifle and slammed it against my small chest.

"your not that dumb you know what would happen if you shot them, plus i said so, so do it. besides its just the citizens they dont care about them. And if we end the girl and the moms misery then they wont have to live in this hell hole", my dad said signaling for me to shoot, but i only shook my head and held a bitter look.

"that makes us just as bad as them, we're taking control of there life and there death without consent", i said slamming the rifle into his chest repeating what he did to me giving him a cold glare.


i held my now bruised cheek

"watch your tone boy, and if you cant do the job then leave right now ill find someone more....reliable. go back to base and go skip and play with the nurses tch".

"hey danny calm down, kid you dont need to worry about this ok, come on lets go", dane sighed grabbing my hand about to pull me away.

"ngh....fine", i huffed in anger as i jerked my hand away from dane and took the gun from my dad

and layed in a supported prone position






as i was slowing releasing a more controlled and calmer breath i lined the cross hairs at the little girls head, i wanted her to feel as little pain as possible.

i was taught to try and go for the body cause its a bigger target and one has a better chance of hitting, then trying to get a headshot. but i dont care about that right now, my dad was right. the mother is begging and the daughter is crying in agony from the abusive treatment these "men" are giving her.

i felt the cold metal trigger once more and


smoke rose from the end of the gun barrel due to the bullet, the little girl fell to the ground lifeless as the red liquidy substance surrounded her, confirming that my shot had hit.

"ayeeeee thats my son", a big calloused hand started patting my back, i put the rifle down as i look at my father sickly.

"can we go back to base now, im tired father". i mummbled only for him to sigh and look back at the field where the little girl laid.

"what about the mom"? he questioned

"you killed the daughter infront of the mom, she must be grieving pretty hard right now. no telling what those damned men will do to her, they'll just continue where they left off from her daughter to her", my dad pointed out which made me go even whiter...i had just killed a girl my age that i use to hang out with.. infront of her mom, her mom trusted me and now...holyshit..i feel like throwing up, crying, frustrated, angry, sad, i feel-

"damn it you insensitive ass", dane whisper yelled at my father as he grabbed my hand.

"im taking the kid back to base, you deal with this shit got it. its your job anyways not his", dane pulled me down the stairs of the rooftop and from there we traveled back to base.

"listen kid i should've stepped in and stopped it..im...im sorry kid", dane apologized as he kneeled down holding my arms.

"its fine, whether you couldve done something or not. i wouldve had to do it eventually", i said looking into the mans dark hazel dull eyes, hes been in the military for years, Ive heard some stories. hes seen some shit and his eyes say it all

they say its the window to ones soul.

the older man shook his head and pulled me into a hug.

"i promise one day...one day ill get you out of this hell hole".

a year later dane got injured on a mission and he was sent home, never heard from him since, he was the closes thing i had to an actual father.and the girl i killed, i was told about the mission after i took her life. she was the daughter of an enemy and they didnt want lose ends so they wanted her dead,she knew too much about our military and she could've snitch so they wanted her gone and they got what they wanted.


"come onnnn im hungry", aly said as she pulled my hand to the dining room and as soon as we walked in my uncle and cousin that were sitting at the glossy long white table.

"hey cuz.....whos kid did you kidnap",

"uhmmmm...i have no idea"

i heard a quick woosh of a door open and the childs grandma walked in and quickly bowed once more.

"mine sir's, im very sorry. ill make sure she doesn't interrupt yall again", the older lady didnt dare look up from her bow, she was too nervous to, but my uncle quickly broke the silence with a loud laugh.

"haha, your the new maid aren't you", uncle max laughed as he stood up and walked to her holding a hand out.

"ah y-yes sir", she slowly raised up and hesitantly shook his hand.

"calm down, we're a pretty relaxed house hold...but him", he said pointing at me.

"hes pretty up tight".

"what makes you say that" i quickly intervened with a monotoned voice.

my uncle and cousin just looked at me with a...really look

"oh i see", the maid said with a slight giggle as she let go off her grandaughter who just happened to run back to me.

"heyyyy dont pick on him he's cool", the girl named aly said as she wrapped her arm around my leg not letting go.

"aweee seems like someone has a crushhh", my cousin said teasing the little girl who just puffed out her cheeks and her face lit up red with a mixture between embarrassment and anger, the little girl grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the table and pulled her out a chair and me a chair and sat down.

"so whens the food", she smiled showing off her teeth but has one front tooth missing.

"Alyssa dont be disrespectful, this is there dinner we got food at the house", the maid bowed once more in a sorry way as she grabbed her daughters arm and began to pull her away.

"its fine, let the girl eat shes growing, besides. it looks like shes good company for my nephew", uncle said as i was holding a small conversation with the child and held the slightest smile.


after dinner we all washed up and went our separate ways, oliver went to the court yard going on about practicing for school, uncle said he was ready for bed due to his age and the little girl left with her mom after helping clean up dinner.

as for me.

im outside checking the house out, there's alot of cameras for security reasons which kinda gave me relief since i didnt see any body guards.

i sat on the dry green grass and leaned against the huge ass house, between the light of the moon and my phone everything seemed dim and dark.

i looked at my phone and dialed a number with shaking hands and held it up to my ear listening to the ringing



damnit just pick up




i looked at my phone as it told me that he cant come to the phone right now.

"fucking hell", i clenched my jaw as my grip tightened on my phone as i looked up at the sky.


"DAD", i screamed as my head was slammed into the dirt and my hands we cuffed so tightly to the point i couldn't feel the blood flow in them anymore.

"let me go", i yelled at them thrashing to get away only to be kicked in the stomach hard making me double over.

i could feel the light rain began to get harder as it was the only noise i could hear that was calming my rage.

...that asshole used me as a distraction..

"take the kid to HQ get him cleaned up", there general said giving out more orders.

as the guys grabbed me by my arm and sat me upright i tried to activate my ability but couldn't due to the cuffs.

"listen kid how old are you", the general said looking into my eyes. all i did was spit at him with a glare causing the soldier's to get pissed and they went to hit me but the man that was talking grabbed there arms and pushed them off me. i looked small on my knees compared to this 6'5 buff man standing tall and proud infront of me.

"easy hes just a kid, hes like what. your 15 kid?", the man asked and i just glared him down with hatred, my eyes captured those of a wild beast, one that cant be tamed, this only amused the general.

"you wanna know my favorite part of this job", the man spoke with a twisted smile as he got down on one knee and held my chin.

"watching kids like you think they're men, and proving them how wrong they are". he stood up and laughed a generic villain laugh and began to walk away and waved his hand.

"continue on captain, see what the kid knows. its obvious we cant get ransom off of him they clearly dont care", he said mentioning that they left me for dead purposely.

this caused me to chuckle and him to glare at me, clearly hes ignorant. hes right about the ransom part but...

"what are you laughing about child", he fumed

"how completely incompetent you are", my rough tired voice spoke as i looked him dead in the eye once more.

"you said get info off me, dont be a dumbass. if i knew shit they'd make an effort to not 'forget' about me, and they damn sure wouldnt use me as a distraction.", after i said this i could feel this fierce pressure around me... it was coming from the general the one i had just laughed at.

"hmph Damn peasant", he walked to me and kicked me hard in the face causing me to topple over on my stomach as he stepped on my back shoving me farther into the ground.

"maybe i should teach you manners kid, clearly your father didnt teach you"

"you have no idea", i chuckled out antagonizing him more but i quickly went quiet as i heard something get unsheathed.

"have you ever felt a msw kid" i could the conceded smirk from down here even with my back turned.

"no what is it a sex toy, oh no your gonna threaten me with your dildo", i chuckled knowing i was digging a deeper hole, why not dig it till i can bury myself right...right?

"tch allow me to explain you peasant", he continued as i felt his body slightly jerk and heard a loud pop, it was a whip. it didnt sound normal though, it sound more like clinking and pieced together.

"a msw is a morphed spine whip", he said popping it one more time but closer to me causing chills to run up my own spine and i suddenly found myself no longer in a joking mood.

"i can turn it into a sword made out of bone marrow or into a whip, which ever i desire and may i say, that boy, is way more fierce than any leather." his ego grew bigger as he showed off his toy.

"now let me know what you think of it".



my jaw was clenched as i felt the blood stream down my back binding with the fresh rain water with every hit the rain poured harder and harder. i couldnt move because of his body weight holding me down and my cuffed hands were so numb they were basically useless.

"hmph your well trained kid but how long can you put up that strong facade", the general holding the whip said as he let out all his stress and anger he had built up throughout the day.

'fuck you dad' is all i could think before i blacked out due to shock and pain holding back my cries of help.


i looked back at my phone, trying to get the memory out of my head lightly massaging my shoulder remembering the pain.

wish the dumbass would pick up, some father he is. still pissed off at me for getting out of the military, i mean i dont even have a military ID.


i looked back up at the moon and sighed as i stood up only for me to quickly get distracted by grunts of frustration soooo i followed where it was at.

i ended up hiding in a bush that was in the court yard where oliver was training and had apparently snuck some guest over, the two girls from earlier the blondie and white head.