first day pt.2

"listen up you bastards", the PT teacher named dane yelled.

"hey you ok bro", oliver whispered as he elbowed my side trying to get my attention but i was zoned out.

"jack?"oliver whispered louder.

i felt another elbow to the side but this time it came from becca.

"hey get your head out of your ass and pay attention"

surprisingly this brought me out of my trance butttt it made my cousin depressed cause she got me out and not him, he wanted to seem like the cool cousin to look up too, so far becca was taking the cool part.

"were gonna split up into group of four, now find your damn partners or ima do it for you. you got 15 seconds", he grumbled as everyone quickly stood up and went off to find someone, scared of seeing what would happen if they didnt make it in time.

"good we have just enough-" before oliver could finish a big brunette brute shoved Oliver to the side and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"come on pretty boy, your with us", he said dragging me, not giving me a chance to comment anything.

"HEY", stella yelled angrily at him only to cause oliver to shove his hand over her mouth.

"dont you dare, that guy is a brute and hes not afraid to get kick out. jack i give you my condolences, ill put a white rose on your grave", he teased with a slight bow and a fake sad smile trying to hold back a laugh.

which i only shook my head and sighed

i can already tell, these people will be the death of me.


i was dragged across the field to the other side where this guys two lackeys were at.

"aye you brought the rich kid" the blonde twins said in usion with a toothy smile.

"names ace", the left one with a star shaped birth mark on his cheek said.

"im jason", the right one with freckles said.

all i did was nodded and gave them a slight bow of appreciation.

"the big guy is nate" the freckled one said.

"hes also sorry about his outburst in class today, we're just confused as to why a asher is in our class". the one with a scar spoke curiously as he walked close to me observing every inch of me.

i just shrugged

"ok you maggots the people you see in your group are your friends right, they're your enemies. were gonna simulate a fighting situation and the people in your group are your targets the last to survive wins. of course you can team up with other people but that means your also carrying there burden of being hunted as well", the teacher named dane smirked and a mischievous glint was in his eye.

"since this is everyones last class itll be longer so, survive the next 45 minutes until you go home, and you win. oh and dont kill eachother", and with this the teacher disappeared in thin air and everyone took off.

there is woods next to the training grounds so people took off there, but some stayed behind. like me

this will be fun.

i look over to see my cousin running for the woods but stella ran towards the school and becca, she just stared me down..which if im being honest, gave me chills.

shes not planning on using this simulation to take me out and say it was a accident right?? righttttt??


"hey dumbass", i turn behind me and it was becca??? how the hell??

"your like a deer in headlights, come on", she gripped my wrist but it was cool and light.

usually id freak out butttt i dont know why i didnt, i think its because of how gentle her grip it.

"thanks", i mumbled as i started picking up my pace to catch up with her.

we were heading for the wood, seriously everyone basically went there. and im prettt sure i saw the Siamese twins and the brute go there too.

"listen, im only gonna say this ability isnt just ice its water it self. i can use anything that contains water, like ice or water droplets in the air i just fancy ice. now if were gonna win this then you gotta keep up with me and we need communication and compatability. so what can you do", she said effortlessly even though we are running and jumping over dead logs.

i got my wrist out of her grip and ran side by side giving her a slight glance.

"what makes you think i wanna team up", i questioned just to see her reaction, she gripped my forearm and pull me to a halt.

"cause i thought you werent a dumbass and the fact your still here..tch the point of this exercise is team work. you fail without it, you gotta have someone to watch your back while you watch theres", she huffed out which caused me too smirk.

i knew this exercise all too well, back at base when dane was in the military with my dad. they use too do this exercise to practice and show the importance of team work,and how having eachother can get you out of sticky situations.

it also helps train your mind to get use to stress.

seems dane cant get over his military career entirely, they prepare soldiers for battle. but they dont prepare you for a civillian life afterwards.

"what if i still say no, Besides. how do you know im strong enough so i wont be a burden", i smirked leaning against the tree.

"listen here buddy", she huffed once more as she gripped the collar of my shirt causing frost to cover it pushing me farther on the tree.

"i dont know who you think your fooling but its not me, now be serious...are you willing to help me i cant afford to get a worse grade in this class",she grumpily spoke as she let go of my shirt and backed up.


"yeah i guess, i got your back you got mine. the best offense is a good defense i suppose",i slowly pushed myself off the tree using my body weight as i looked around us.

"besides its not like i know where i am, so i kinda need you. and..."my stomach growled.

"i dont wanna starve to death out here" i said causing her to shake her head and let out a breathy laugh.

"you shoudve ate more of his sushi"

"then that would be robbing, like stealing candy from a baby.....i bet you would", i said looking at her in all seriousness but i was actually just picking.

"whattt do i look that mean", she gasped

while we were having our little arguments the burning scent of wood could be smelled around us.


" smell that", she sweat dropped which caused me to nod.

"i think we should get the teacher", i mummbled causing her to look at me.

"why, lets just go see whats going on real quick"

"cause...something feels..wrong", i replied as i gripped her wrist just like how she did me and started to jog trying to find where the smell was coming from so we could tell the teacher where it was at...did i Give into my own curiousity..yes..yes i did. i kinda wanna know what could be on fire out here. as we got closer muffled screams could be heard.

"thats cortney", becca whispered.

her pace picked up a little bit and her once joking expression turned all serious.


flames...big, bright, hot flames were everywhere.

"ok becca we need to leave", i said raising my voice, it was a little bit harder to hear eachother through the crackle and popping sounds of the trees.

"no i heard cortney", she kept Pushing closer to the fire.

"becca im being serious lets go,shes probably already with the teacher", its been 20 minutes since we heard the scream shes gotta be safe by now, i began to turn around but i quickly notice beccas stubborn ass was still walking to where the scream was heard.


"becca your genes are water you idiot, you cant last long in a place where the water is being taken out of the air", i mummbled.

andddd my dumbass quickly followed her.

"lets make this quick" i said due to the fact i could see she was already sweating and tired.

i mean i give her props, due to her gene ability she must be weaker since shes water and, fire does not mix well. and yet shes still pushing on


"whats wrong with you", a girl yelled as we turned a corner and was frozen at the sight that laid before us.

a girl was holding another female that had burns on her and blood coming down her face her arms were burned as well as her clothes.

the girl that was holding her looked bruised and was crying as Flames danced throughout the area..pretty but destructive.

"luke please stop this madness", the girl cried once more.

as i looked around i saw more people on the ground injured.

"that asshole, he took it too far this time", the ice user hissed as she started to take off, but to her dismay i grabbed her and stopped her.

"i know your mad but in this situation not only are you in a weakend Environment for your gene but you also need to look around, this area is gonna light up in flames in a few seconds. we need to get the people out before we actually try and get him ok, now listen. if you distract him i can slowly remove the people. clearly you have a grudge against him so he wouldnt be suspicious of you plus im new he wouldnt know i was here and who would wanna be in this situation" i exclaimed taking a deep breathe as i sweat dropped at the last part.

"becca" i said seriously, "make sure he doesnt know im here ok then the whole reason for us doing this will be ruined. we would have to fight him and were both in no position to fight a fire user in his own Environment. and for the love of god dont use just water attacks and waste your energy this heat is already taking a toll on you", i huffed as she looked me in my eyes and nodded.

"let do this", she then took off running to the boy named luke and so it began.