close call

"hey asshole pick on Someone your own size", becca yelled catching the angry red headed dude named luke by surprise.

"what the hell are you doing here", he said calmly raising a brow.

"im here because your ass is crazy, what the hell are you doing. your gonna get people killed", she hissed.

"hmmm. becca, darling listen. accidents happen, and thats all that were gonna tell the school right", he spoke confidently as he walked closer to becca causing her to take a few steps back.

hes trying to intimitate her, he must have some poweful people backing him, why cause this much destruction, nearly killing kids your age classmates at that. he shows no ounce of fear nor regret, so he must have Someone who can bale him out.

but knowing he was powerful or from a wealthy family did not faze becca it only pissed her off that he was throwing his power around.

"hell no, theres no way just a mere 'accident' happened luke. people are hurt, really bad. because of you, why...whats the point of this"

"you wouldnt understand, you have a perfect family, daddys little princess who gets anything she wants right." luke laughed out as flames danced up his arm you could feel the bloodlust radiating from him, now this...becca wasnt the only one now mad cause...

this pissed me off.

"you know my family secret luke, you also know what will happen if you mess with me. so you wont touch me, so dont try and do anything ok. im getting the people out of here and your gonna clean up the damn mess you made. and then, then you can be envious of me being daddys princess", she was panting hard by now, there was little moisture in the air and the heat was finally getting to her, she was trying to negotiate cause she knew that the physical part or distracting wouldnt be an option anymore.

"hmph not if it looks like and accident", luke laughed as he ran towards her but as soon as he did this i jumped out of the bushes and with great speed i was infront of him and gripped his hand that held flames.

"were you ever taught not to hit a girl", i growled.

now some may think that this flame would be burning me but nope well not in a pain it would still burn me physically though but i have high pain tolérance to heat cause my Lightning heats up to much hotter tempatures therefore my skin has gotten use to that heat, but still even holding on long enough will burn me. in the end im not a flame elementalist so i need to end this quickly

"wait a second how are you-" before he can finish my eyes lit slight blue as the veins in my hands lit up as well and a quick volt of energy went through the guy causing him to fall to the ground, the volt could not be seen nor heard which helped me in the end the only evidence of me using my ability was a burnt mark under the guys feet and the fact my eyes and hand slightly turned blue, anyways it was over 5000 volts soooo....he should be out of commission for a bit.

"how did you-wait jack look out" becca yelled as she tackled me a good distance away from my spot.


a tree that was lit of flame, had fallen down in my old place.

"thanks bec", i smiled which i only got slapped for.

"holyshit! pay more attention to your surroundings, thats what you told me and you dont even do it yourself you idiot. if you got hurt its my ass, your cousin would personally kill me", she said with a worried anger tone, sweat dripping down her face as it quickly morphed into a worried look.

"the people who are injured", she whispered remembering them, standing up so fast it gave me whiplash.

"easy tiger", i slowly pushed myself off the ground still dizzy from her tackle and the heat didnt help anything.

"i got them out theyre in a safe spot, you need to worry about yourself now"

"wait, you did? howd you get them out so quickly", she questioned ignoring my comment.

"one, you were holding a good conversation for about ten minutes. two, i have my ways. lastly, can we get the hell out of here now".

a tree falling could be heard in the background.

"gladly" becca faintly laughed as she began to walk away but i stopped and looked at the guy named luke....the cause of all this shit

"Damnit" i grumbled and picked him up and carried him firefighter style, as i followed becca out of the woods.

"whyd you grab him" she hissed

"hes human too", is all i said as she went quiet and the rest of the trip was silence other than the flames that was burning up some of the forest.

makes me almost wanna drop him now but, i pushed on.


"we have 10 minutes left", becca sighed as i took off my jacket and used it to tie up luke.

we stopped by the small lake this forest had and clearly we weren't the only one.

"hey its rich boy", the twin with freckles mummbled while looking down.


"hey do you ever talk", the brute angerly yelled as he walked to me gripping my collar....seriously what is it with people and my collar.

"let him go" becca cursed at him causing the guy to let me go.

"do you not see whats going on god damnit" nate the brute yelled stomping to her.

me and her exchanged glances and looked back at them confused.

"other than this idiot setting the place on fire and recklessly fighting what are you talking about" becca spoke with slight worry in her tone

"wheres your other slacky" i croaked out talking about the other twin, the one with the star birth mark.

"ngh" the twin that was present started tearing up

"thats what i was talking about...dead....theyre dead all of them", nate whispered sitting on his ass in defeat.

now that i look at them there clothes are torn and messy as if they've been in a fight.

wait dead

"whos dead", i ran to him and this time it was my turn to hold his collar.

"good to see you know how to talk....our class, people started losing there mind. there power got a hell of a lot stronger but there mind...they lost there mind, it just happened. 5 people in our class lost there mind and started killing", nate shoved me off of him and ran to the edge of the woods and began throwing up remembering what happened

causing me to sigh, i forgot the people here are just kids...wait im a kid. ugh is this usually how a first day of school starts. im sure i have the worst damn luck known to man.

"hey becca can you use the water to heal or anything, maybe to even put out the fire", i said getting back up only to recieve a glare from her.

"i was already doing it", she hissed

stubborn ass females

"what about the other", i said walking to the blondie as i rubbed his back to try and comfort him, why. well im not the comforting type but he just lost his brother and is in shock and the only way to get him to speak is too make him feel not alone i guess you would say im more of using him, damn im really bad in these situations.

"i i...i...if your talking about...the other asher...i saw him running to the field where class began before....before", the kid wrapped himself up in his arms tighter as sobs echoed through the quiet area.

its too quiet for my liking

i let him go and began to walk to the woods

"where are you going", becca said quickly but was still unfazed as she began to do this elegant type dance was honestly mesmerizing.

"i uhh um im gonna go see about the others", i fummbled out while i watched her in a trance like state .

her body moved fluidly and elegantly like, water.

"thought we were partners", she said with a smirk as she opened one eye and stopped moving entirely.

"we are, your just in your element now, and i know your strong so you can take care of your self", my eyes wandered away from her to the quickly forming dark black clouds that was carrying a storm.

when i went to look at her she was gone but then i felt a tap on my shoulder.


i turned around and saw becca

again!!how did she do that

"what did you think i couldnt defend myself before..anyway as for you" her smirk only got more prominent.

"you helped me get one of my childhood friends out of a bad situation"

it was that cortney girl right

"as you said im in my element now, you didnt have to help me but you did. so how about you be one with your element", the clouds darkened more as she said this.....that dance earlier. it was a goddess dance, they say if you learn the moves under your element, you can do some amazing things.

some are dances,some require certain weapons or tools to even attempt, some require your life if you are to use it. the only way to learn these is to make contact with your elements or genes goddess or god, actually you dont make contact with them...they make contact with you.

but they dont pick just for her to have learned that, that means shes been touched by the celestial being.

and also, how did she find out about my ability so quickly. did her goddess give her a tip??why??

theres a goddess of life a god of death, theres mother nature or the goddess of nature, a god of fire, a goddess of water, even a god of war and even more than that etc.

"earth to jack" becca laughed.

"ngh yeah", i mummbled and looked back at her

she put her finger infront of her lips

"shhhh keep this secret between me and you ok, im sure you've figured it out i mean..the look on your face says you figured it out",she picked.

"as i was saying now your in your element", as she spoke i could hear the thunder rolling.

"be safe dumbass, or oliver will kill me"


i was running through the woods,i could still smell the smoke, she not only helped to improve my strength and energy but she also is using this rain to put out the

i could see the open field where it all first began

when i walked to the field everything was brighter.

i saw the principle and a couple of teachers, police officers and guys in black suits as well as people in rich looking outfits.

"HEY", the guys in the black suit yelled at me catching everyones attention.

especially my pt teachers, his eyes lit up but he cleared his throat and nodded his head letting me know that we seriously need to talk later.

weoooh weooh

the ambulance sped past me making me stumble a bit, i didnt even see it.

"jack asher", the administrator said,it was the old lady i met when i was Signing up for the school.

i quickly bowed which caught the attention of everyone once more.

"please ma'am there are injured in the forest, and what i have been informed some have died", i said but a hand was placed on my shoulder as i looked up the older lady was holding the umbrella so she did not get soaked.

her grip tightening quickly on my shoulder causing my eyes to widen, her grip was quite painful.

"who died"

our conversation caused everyone to crowd around us.

"as far as my class everyone but two-", my eyes lit up in realization that red head i bumped into in class before lunch he couldnt be...damn it hes the fire crazed son of a bitchhhh

i sighed out "everyone in my class is dead except me, nate, and two more a white haired girl is alive as well as...well i dont know if any of them are alive damnit how did they escape my mind i said remembering the people i rescued"

the administrator was tensed as everyone around us grew weary.

"where are they" a man with white hair and a eye patch said as he quickly stepped in, his voice was deep and sounded unforgiving.

i nodded as my eyes lit up a slight blue at this man for he reminds me of my father.

breathe in and out in and out

'POW' this sound rang through my head.


i held my head slightly remembering that i used the same breathing technique to kill the brunette girl when i was a kid.

"follow me sir", i looked at the cops to get my mind back on topic gotta fucking love flashbacks. "there are a group of injured people in a cave two miles from here, be warned. even though its raining hard theres a forest fire", ...wait why wouldn't they know that already you should be able to see it from here- i turned around and saw a perfectly fine set a woods, my mouth gaped open as i gasped.

"spacial genes", i mummbled out which everyone around confirmed it for me.

"we cant get in unless someone who was already in opens it for us, and everyone who came out was too injured to even think about putting them back in", the older lady said.

"lets go", the impatient white haired man said....say he reminds me of someone else.

"ill only go in on one condition", the white haired man got anger at this.

"well spit it out child"

"not child but teen, anyways. i wanna know if oliver asher and stella have made it out i dont know the girls last name", i spoke quickly.

'not teen more like nuisance' the white haired man thought.

the administrator nodded a yes which i let out a breath i didnt realize i had held.

"ok lets go-" i was interrupted by our pt teacher

"im coming with, these kids are my responsibility and i have failed them, allow me to make it up with what little i can", the old lady nodded and with that i walked into the forest for the scene to change entirely, it went from sunny light rain shower to a dark hard rain pour, smoke was everywhere causing me to cough.

i quickly pulled my arm to my mouth and nose to protect myself from the suffocating smoke.

"holyshit" i heard the pt teacher aka dane mummble.

more people came in through the opening to find the kids i rescued and put in the cave but as of right now im stuck with the man with white hair that has a cool looking eye patch and my formal battle buddy.


we were running through the thick smoke, it looks like the storms not working on putting the fire out. all its doing is just smoking us out.

"jack", i heard her soft yet angered voice yell out.


"sweetheart" i also heard the white haired man yell out, he shoved pass me to get to becca and he held his arms out to her....ooooooh shit i get it, thats her daddddd.

"ngh babygirl", becca ran past her dad to me as she softly grabbed my wrist.

"looks like you listen for once and didnt die but we have an issue", she cursed pulling me towards the red haired guy i tied up.

"what about daddy", the white hair guy said defeated.

she only sighed and ignored him as she let me go and pointed to lukes neck

"i dont know what it is", she whispered as she left me with the guy and walked to her father to calm him and to talk to dane and explain what happened leaving out the part where i used lightening to knock this guy out, she just said shes had to use her own sweat and turn it into ice and knock him out,they were also telling her what was going on about the barrier.

thanks becca i owe you one

now this guy...whats so wrong about his neck..i didnt strike him that hard-ngh what the hell

the veins in his neck were this black color and all the skin around it had started to turn unnaturally pale.

it felt dark and morbid.

i quickly stood up and walked to them.

"what are yuh thinking kid", dane said as he wrapped an arm around me.

"damn i didnt even realize, now your tall as me. you grew up so quickly and a looker too", he said with fake tears as i elbowed him hard trying to signal for him to kindly

shut the fuck up.

luckly the two father and daughter duo was distracted and didnt pay any attention to us

"nows not the time for jokes, listen somethings going on sergent-"

"hey my military days are over kid no need to say such things ok, im your teacher now. and i agree with you", dane said as he looked at all the damage around.

"yes sir and...i mean the barrier, why would that be put up and, and some of the kids went crazy. they got stronger and started fighting eachother but they were losing sanity as this carried that ginger for instance. he has some weird black thing on his neck and-", i was interrupted once more

i swear if that happens again ima lose my mind

"what you say is true?", danes eyes widen as he held my shoulder....great im sore right there due to the damn administrator grip..she has a strong one for an old lady.

"have i ever been known for lying"

"shit" was all he said as he ran to the the red head on the ground tied up.

"if what yall said is true, then hes back", the eye patch guy said.



my shoulder is kinda hurting, the Damn grip that women has.

i slowly rubbed my aching shoulder as i watched them

"whos back", me and becca said at the same time with the same curiousity peak but the patch guy and dane flinched at our words.

"nothing dont worry about it, everyone grab a body we need to get them back so they can be healed", dane said coldly making my eyes go dark....hes hiding something.

dismissing it i nodded and picked up becca piggy back style

she only laughed knowing my plan

"what the hell do you think your doing to my daughter", the tall intimidating White haired male said with an unammused glare.

"i was told to grab a body" i said without emotions glaring back at him, i was just really fucking with him, his impatientness and protectivness of her made me kinda angry and envious but nonetheless he was ordering me around earlier and now its my turn to have fun.

"why you little-"

"jack be nice, like you said to me earlier. this is no time to joke, put her down and come grab your red headed Friend here", dane sighed as he got up and ruffled my hair causing me instantly to listen to what he said. i put her down and immediantly picked up luke and put him on my back. not even caring he said that this prick was my friend.

ok so what, i was like a kid when it came to certain things, for instance compliments...they make me embarrased butttttt they calm me and make me feel i guess you would say happy.

and then my hair, i love my hair Being played with, its comforting. before my mom died of whatever that god foresaken illness was she would always play with my hair.

becca eyed me, looking at how easily i was swayed with just a simple head pat.

dane grabbed the blonde and the eyepatch man grabbed the brute, becca kept moisture in the air for us so we wouldnt suffocate due to the smoke.

and so we walked through the woods finding our way back.

"mhhhhh this will be fun", whispered in my ear causing me to freeze.

"i can smell it on you"

the voice was lukes

"what the hell are you talking about" i whispered back continuing Walking behind everyone.

"mhh you know". his hot hand moved to my shoulder and squeezed the throbbing spot.

"ngh shit", i winced in pain as dane turned around and looked at me.

"you ok jack" i nodded obvious he doesnt realize the man on my back is awake.

"we both got tagged", is all luke said before he dropped his complete dead weight on me causing me to stummble a bit out of surprise.


we made it too the exit and finally walked out.

damn after what felt like forever, i can breathe fresh air.....only to be shoved towards the ground making luke fall on me.

"what the hell are you doing to my son", a female and male yelled with authority.


two people walked to me the male had red eyes blonde hair and the female had emerald eyes and red hair.

"tying my son up like some kind of criminal", the two said causing everyone to stop and watch the scene that played before then.

"thats because your son is", becca yelled walking to me with her father.

"he injured many students" becca's dad pitched in.

"we dont know the full extent of what happened here yet", the old lady said Walking back towards us.

"get your son and go to the medical center, ALL DAMAGE THAT HAS BEEN DONE TODAY WILL BE PAID FULL BY THE SCHOOL, HOSPITAL BILLS AND EVERYTHING ELSE.", the administrator announced the last part louder than her usual collected tone.

she then picked the kid off of me as i pushed myself off the ground with a grunt.

"tch what is your name kid", the blonde father of the kid named luke said.

"jack asher sir" i went to bow out of curtosy but he just snickered and left whispering about how he was gonna sue while his guards grabbed his son.

"im gonna assume school is out", i breathly chuckle which made becca slap the back of my head.

"yes you idiot, school ended when people started to kill eachother", she said slapping the back of my head which made dane gasp.

"hm?" i turned around and looked at him.

"were going to put the school under investigation and find out the cause of this, so until then school will be out. you can leave for your houses now", the old lady dismissed us as she left to resume talking with the cops.

"im leaving im wore out", i sighed and began to walk away.

"hey wait", becca grabbed my arm stopping me.

"you need a ride"

"like hell were giving him a ride-ngh" becca elbowed her dad hard in the side.

this caused me to lightly chuckle.

"no thank you, besides i need to talk to the pt teacher for a second"

"ok, be safe" she said while turning around

"awe you care here i thought you didnt have a diet or a heart, clearly i was wrong, you do have a heart." after saying this she turned around so fast with frost covering her hands.

"what did you say u jerk"

with that i took off looking back seeing becca holding her dad back....interesting...i thought it would be the other way around


"hey jack",dane said as he gripped my arm causing me to glare at him.

"Damn ok sorry, you still hate touching girls can do it guys can't gotcha", he retreated his hand but still winked at me.

"about earlier, how the hell are you here", he said with a small smile on his face.

"long story, im actually out of the army on leave right now", i whispered scratching the back of my head ignoring what he said Earlier about the girls.

quickly his mood changed to upset

"so they can still call you back at anytime", he lowered his head in which i nodded to his response.

"technically yes, but since i dont have a military licences i need to get one. which i dont know how so legally they cant force me to go back....i got injured and they said i can be out on leave and while im healing i can go to school for a bit cool right", i said with excitement lingering in my eyes.

dane looked in my eyes and studied me

"youve use to be an emotionless kid, after what happened on that roof top with your just shut everyone and thing off and now, here you are. smiling, laughing,its really comforting to see that your doing good. but theres one thing that i must tell you that you might not realise...this is a battle school they sent you too, this is where you get your military licenses after you train here and graduate"

oooh so that explains the weird lessons

"ngh so they sent me here so they can just keep using me...makes sense", i put my head in my hands.

"lets catch up some other time teach, im tired" before he could respond i left walking through the gates i had came in earlier this morning, the rain was slightly harder and felt just a little darker.

im never getting out of the military

walking home i couldnt help but recoll some times i had in the military..its fun and exciting, but i dont wanna go back to being who i was before i came here. i took a couple months course interacting with people just so i can figure out how to deal with them and their emotions before i came here...i dont wanna go back to being that emotionless bastard that would take a life without thinking of the consequences....


i looked at everyone in our ripped up uniform, we were all scared to death to be honest. my dad got hurt and i had to take his place here.

thats why me a 14 year old is in a trench with men from there mid 20s to 40s.

i looked at the commander who held a brave smile which could barely be seen through the darkness of the night.

"sitting in my fox hole"

'sitting in my fox hole' we all sang after our commander, we really didnt care about being to loud. the enemies knew where we were at and we have taken out a number of their men we were ready to die, we have no ammunition, we were out of stamina so we couldn't really use our abilities any more and right now we needed renforcements to continue our mission but it doesnt look like its gonna happem sooo why not bring up everyones moral with a cadence, which is a military song.

"i thought i had it made"

'we thought we had it made'

"then all of a sudden"

'then all of a sudden'

"my buddy held a grenade"

'men at warrrrrr aye'

'men at warrrrrr'


they all stopped and looked at me signaling me to continue. i looked between all there dirty and bloody faces and shook my head with a huff.

"late at night when your sleeping theres a drill sergent creepin all around" i chimed which caused them to pat my back.

"you did good today kid, keep up with that kill streak and youll be a pro in no time", i nodded enjoying the praises and the head rubs.

maybe not the praises you should give a kid but anything was better than getting bitched at by my father.

and here in war getting praises like that was an honor.


ughhhh damn it

i held my head, it felt like Someone was punching it over and over again.

i walked to my new home and opened the door only to be greeted by a little brunette.

"big brother your safe", she said causing me to blush at her cuteness and the new i dont usually get flustered or anything....buttttt id destroy the world if she asked me too.

"yes im safe why wouldnt i be", i look up to see the living room full of people...more like body guards and oliver, uncle, becca and her dad.

"great the whole possy is here, i thought yall were going to your house not the one i live at, yep going to bed", i went to move but the little girl was firmly holding my arm.

"big brother pleaseeee dont leave i thought you were dead", the little girl cried out...oh god what a horrid person i am for making this child cry.

"if your tired go get some rest nephew", my uncle said grumpily which caused me to raise an eyebrow.

"did i do something wrong?? Is everything ok", i said picking up the kid and putting her on my hip as i walked to them.

"what heavens no, you did nothing wrong. our Business partners are with these white headed weirdos and were going over sales", he laughed out not realizing how serious he seemed.

only to get a scolded glare from beccas dad for being called White headed weirdos

"now you reek of smoke and its giving me a headache plus your soaked to the bone, put the child down and take a shower were about to have supper with our guests so be quick and then you may get your rest", uncle liam said as i nodded and sat her down which i could feel her watching everystep i made as i went up stairs to take a shower.


"i didnt see stella down there", i thought outloud as i turned the hot water on and began to rid myself of these smelly clothes.

"ngh what the"

i looked at my shoulder through the mirror that would throb every now and then reminding me it was still looked just like what was on lukes neck.

when did i get that

ngh FUCK

pain shot throught out my body as i quickly gripped the sink panting,






the pain began to subdue as i looked in the mirror only to see my eyes glowing a bright blue color it was like my body was trying to force me to use my Ability

what the hell.

my blue eyes slowly came back to normal as the pain went away....ive been marked...thats what luke said...but whats it mean.