
i quickly finished my shower and put on some boxers only to walk out of my bathroom to see becca on my bed

"what the actual fuck are you doing" i quickly put the towel around me making sure i covered up the mark on my shoulder.

"damnnn your right, your not skinny your pretty toned", she said refering to our conversation at lunch.

this compliment caused me to slightly blush out of i dont know me being BASICALLY NAKED

"thanks, now get the fuck out before someone walks in and thinks the wrong i dont know..... someone like your dad!!!", i grumbled as i moved to my dresser pulling black joggers out quickly putting them on

"are you just gonna stalk me you creep"i hissed which caused her to laugh.

"actually no, i came to check on you and make sure you were didnt look all there when you walked through the door i came to see what was up like the good Samaritan i am but only to come in here and realize your suprisingly shy" becca said casually as she peaked around my very simple clean room checking it out.

i sighed and put a black muscle shirt on to match the joggers and walked to her.

"im fine so leave my room-",


my door slammed opened as the child ran to me.

"hey bro, suppers readyy lets eat", aly Said with a bright smile.

"ok", i smiled back forgetting about me and beccas incident and forgetting she was there..damn my adhd

now that i look at her.

i got on my knees to match her level and cupped her cheeks gently as i inspected it.

"why is your cheek bruised", i asked the child as a protective instinct i didnt know i had started to take place, which caused her eyes to widen as she gripped my hand and began to pull me.

"oh i just fell yesterday when i left this place big bro, now come on we have supper lets eat"

i nodded and stood up following her.

"guess im a third wheel", becca mummbled out causing me to look at her and poke my tounge out at her.


as soon as i walked into the dinning room mr. eye patch stared me down.

"come on Arthur your gonna scare the kid", uncle said as he laughed and took a seat at the head of the table and the white haired guy named Arthur took a seat at the other head of the table.

"hmph he should leave my princess alone", the overly protective dad said.

which caused a chain reaction. becca ran to me and wrapped her arms around my arm that wasnt holding the childs hand and put her breast up against it....damn this was like an anime scene....even though i hate touching i didnt let it faze me.

"what are you planning", i said looking down at becca which made her grip tighten and my eyes widen.

fuck i hate feeling restricted

"shut up and go with it", she whispered back loosening her grip feeling how tense i was.

"dad come on stop worrying so much theres nothing between us, besides we just met", she smiled Pushing herself more on me

.....holyshit not good with females just found that out.

i cleared my throat trying to keep my blush away.

i look at the table only to see my cousin with a hand over his mouth trying not to laugh.

"so um", my cousin began cracking a laugh every now and then.

"so when can we eat...or are you already full becca", my cousin went to laugh but Arthur slammed his fist on the table and sped walk to me gripping my fore arm pulling me out of his daughters grasp.

all i could do was stare at the spot he was gripping me

"we need to talk.alone.outside", he began pulling me to the door.

"looks like i dont have an option either way", i looked back at my cousin and read his lips.

'ill plan your funeral cuz'

i was yanked out the front door and shoved to the wall of the house before i could respond to oliver


his grip on me got tighter and tighter making me slightly wince.

"listen hear you little nuisances, you will leave my daughter alon-"

i interrupted him

"let go of me first", i whispered my eyes not leaving his as i could feel my anger rise out of annoyance, i just couldnt stand this guy...and i dont fucking know why. he just pisses me off i think its cause he kinda has some features as my own father.

"and who are you to order me" i slowly looked at his arm as he said this, my hand slowly moved to his wrist and when i looked back in his eyes mine were glowing a dark blue since i was starting to activate my Ability but pain began to rise on my shoulder again causing me to flinch and immediantly stop.

ngh fuck

i quickly looked down closing my eyes trying to bare with the pain while the white haired guy looked at me unfazed

"hmm it hurts to activate your ability right...i bet now you felt yourself get more angrier than usual huh". the guy calmly said.

"look me in the eyes when im talking to you kid", with a sigh and biting my lip due to the 'amazing' feeling my shoulder was giving me i looked up.

"where does it hurt at", he spat out no emotion on his face.

i shook my head and pushed him off me...yep that look is the look my own father always gave me...that emotionless glare.

"leave it be sir, ill respect the love you have for your daughter. she was really just fucking with you, so calm down. besides whats happening with me is none of your concern", i began to walk past him but he put a hand on my bad shoulder to stop me causing me to do his command and flinch hard.

"listen kid, dont you dare hurt my daughter ok"

"tch theres nothing going on between us ok", i shoved his hand off letting out a relieved sigh.

"i dont mean dating wise, shed never date you, shes more into men not boys. i meant controlling yourself, you should also tell your uncle about this....or you could end up hurting yourself or your loved ones", he stated calmly as he opened the door for me.

"lets go inside child, theyll be thinking i killed you if we stay out anylonger"

"exactly what i was thinking" i shoved past him and walked to the table to eat with everyone.


oliver was telling us his expérience while becca pitched in and said hers.

"woah thats cool yall are like super heros", the little girl named aly said as she Quickly grabbed my hand

"hey, hey big bro. your a hero right", she gleamed as my phone began to ring which caught everyones attention.

i looked at my phone and noticed the familiar digits that popped

"big bro??"


"oh uh" i looked back at my phone.

"no not really, im no hero aly", i rubbed her hair messing it up as i stood up.

"im gonna excuse myself", all eyes were on me as i stood up and pushed my seat in with and quickly left the room and picked up the phone

/in the dinning room/

"whats wrong with him", oliver spoke out reading the confusion in the room.

"oh uh hes about to figure somethings out", uncle liam said with a sigh.

"what do you mean", aly said confused and worried.

"well lets just say someones gonna be coming in for a couple of days and when that happens were not taking any guest ok, or maids other than coming here and cleaning then leaving", liam said faking a smile that was hiding worry and stress.

"what about our buisness proposal", Arthur said confused and slightly angered.

"itll have too wait" liam replied quickly as he put his fork down only too look up and see oliver with his mouth wide open.

"why wasnt i informed of this dad..what about becca and stella they can come over right?",oliver said while swollowing his food.

"it just popped up im sorry...and i dont think they should be over while hes here...hes not use to the civillian world and he doesnt know how to really act right"

"who are you talking about", becca asked now intrigued

"yall wouldnt know him hes been gone for years, last time i saw him was when jack was what, 5 or 6 its been in total of about 10 brother hes coming too visit".


"what the hell do you want", i growled as i spoke into my phone.

"easy kid remember who gave you life..anyways make sure a extra room is ready im gonna be there tomorrow afternoon", my dad spoke with a rough voice.

"wait what-"


i looked at the flashing screen that was blinking that said end call.

he hung up.


what the bloody hell.

i hesitantly put my phone back in my pocket as i squeezed the bridge of my nose..fuck fuck fuck what the fuck just happened


minus today, i thought life was gonna look up.

now i gotta fucking deal with going to a damn battle school, and officially my dad...i thought i got away from that motherfucker..quite literally.

i walked through the front door, by now everyone was done eating and getting ready to head home.