we shall


"jack", a angry voiced boomed as a smack could be heard.

"your doing it wrong dumbass, you could've been killed doing that slip up", the mans voice could be heard through the pattering sounds of the heavy rain.

there i laid in the mud my camo pants torn and my once tan shirt now soaked with mud, my hands were bleeding trying to keep up with me and building calluses, i had a knife engraving in my palm from holding the handle with force.

"dad", i panted holding my hand out for him to help me up.

"tch..you need to start listening to me or your gonna get yourself killed just like your mom", he pulled me up with a sigh and quickly let me go

...my mom died of sickness..or thats what my dad says when i ask but still, he says this??im so confused.

"yeah sorry dad it wont happen again", i whispered gripping the handle of my knife tighter trying to not shiver from the cold water that was constantly pounding on my pale skin drenching me more.

"tch dad??" he growled.

"ngh i mean Sergeant, sorry Sergeant", i looked down cringing at talking to my dad so formally.

"hmph its ok, take a break we'll continue this tomorrow", he then gave me a quick side glance and shook his head as he went to our tent.


i threw my knife into a warn out wooden post causing it to stick.

i looked down at my bloodied hands as i clenched my jaw tightly and looked at the wooden post that ive spent month hitting and stabbing repeatedly, the worn out ground below me held my foot prints that were engraved in a certain way due to the fighting pattern ive been doing when i didnt have to go out and help my dad on missions every now and then therefore no grass grew in that spot

the rain slowly brought me back from my thoughts and reminded me it was freezing outside, i let out a sigh causing a smoke cloud to appear so i could see my breath.

"hey kid", i hear someone laugh.


i turn and look at a man with blonde hair...it was the guy i met when i was ten, the general that fixed the comms that horrid day, he was traveling with us since then for what...aboutttt...2 years now.

"hey come warm up ok kid", the general that goes by dane said as he rubbed my head.....i think i could enjoy this, his touch is so gentle...and warm

i hummed in response and closed my eyes leaning against him, taking note of this he laughed and shook his head as he stopped.

"lets go to the mess hall and get some food in you". i only stared at him in silence and pointed to my head which caused him to sigh

"fine fine, if you wanted me to continue you could've just said so...yuh know..since ive been here all ive seen you do is train, eat, and never smile even barely talk...how about this", he got down on one knee and put his black hat on my head, it was a little big so it slid over my eyes causing him to chuckle and fix it on my head so it could fit but nonetheless it protected my eyes from the rain getting into it.

"ill talk to your dad and tell him i need you to do a mission for me ok, and since im your fathers superior he'll agree",he smiled brightly as the water soaked his blonde hair turning it a brown color.

i looked at my dads tent then back at him...i hesitantly nodded as i was bitting my inner cheek nervous about this new 'mission'. i wasnt the biggest fan of killing.

which he seemed to pick up on.

"hmmm, get ready for this mission its gonna be hard and tough, and challenging for you nonetheless..or atleast thats what were gonna tell your dad, ima take you into town so you can explore and play with kids your age." he giggled like a child excitedly...and im the one thats suppose to be the kid..

i sighed as i corrected my attitude and held a serious look as he laughed and rubbed my head once more.

"now go eat you need the energy", he smiled as he held his hand out for me, i looked at his hand confused and then up at him as i dug in my pockets and pulled out a bullet and handed it to him which he gave me a shocked stare and looked at my dads tent in disapproval, looking back at me.

"you hold hands as a sign of caring or guiding someone", he responded as he stood up getting off of one knee with a groan due to growing arthritis and put the bullet in his pocket.

feeling like i was gonna get introuble if i didnt i grabbed his hand and shut my eyes waiting for a strong painful grip and the cursing..but it never came.

i opened my eyes with my mouth slightly opened in the o position as i looked up at him. he gave me a gently smile as he roughed my hair up once more and pulled me to the mess hall to get some food.


"i think hes dead", whispered oliver as he poked at my forehead.

"hmmmmm jump on him", becca evilly chuckled as she ran to the end of my bed and spreaded her arms out getting ready for flight andddd.. quickly got yanked off my bed by oliver.

"no dumbass dont do that, im trying to get him to like me not hate me", oliver grumbled.

"i think he likes you", stella giggled as she limped over to us.

oliver gave her a soft close eyed smile and dropped becca on her ass causing her to groan and rub her now aching butt.

"dont push yourself to hard ok, your ankle is still hurt baby",

"ok you love birds go smooch it somewhere else...i can wake this dumb dumb up so we can hurry and head to the café before your dad realizes were here.", becca said with a smirk as she glared me down scheming something up.

"no-....yuh know what, yeah fucking do what you want. that asshole left me too die yesterday, our maid had to wake me up and", oliver shivered remembering how the maid woke him up causing him to sulk and pick up stella.

"once your done waking him up come to my room we will plan the day out in there", oliver quickly left shutting the door.

"long as you keep it PG 13", she yelled out

"nowwwww what to do,what to dooo", becca thought about it for a second and couldn't come up with any ideas so she just ripped the covers off me and began jumping up and down on the mattress

now hear me out

i dont have to wake up at 0400 in the morning anymore...im starting to enjoy sleeping in and right now wasnt the time.


i quickly swipped her leg with my own making her fall.

"stop moving...and get out of my damn room" i grumbled out my voice slightly deeper and grumpier than usual since i was still tired and half awake.

becca shot up and opened my dresser and began pulling out clothes..such as my boxers, could've sworn she stole a pair...she got a shirt and a pair of black joggers also thought she stole a shirt aswell.

"do you not know what get out means" i groaned as i grabbed my pillow and threw it at her to which in full sadness...she dodged it and walked to me with clothes and now im missing a pillow.

"get dressed asshat were doing stuff today",

...today..yep today is the day i see my dad i haven't seen him since he left me as a distraction.

"not in the mood today", i kept my eyes closed finding the covers she ripped off me and quickly hid myself under them in a ball.

"plus going threw my boxers..what a perv" i smirked sneaking my head out of the covers looking at her now red mad face with her dark blue eyes starting to glow...shit...

"i swear to the gods i will freeze you and push you off your balcony shattering you to a million piece's"

"do it then", i said challenging her as i quickly threw the covers off of me...bad idea..

she tackled me to the bed making me dizzy for a couple of seconds, i felt this cold sensation on my neck and pressure on my waist.

when i finally came too my senses i realized she was sitting on my waist with her hand on my throat, ice trailing up her arm.

"i will you brat", she huffed, her white hair shining due to the sun peaking through my window blinds revealing some silver in her hair.

"itll take more than that princess", i chuckled and gripped her wrist with my arms and yanked them out causing her to fall toawards my face since she didnt have nothing else bracing her up, i flipped our positions pinning her down. i had an arm on her thoat and my free arm held her hands up above her head which was still fucking cold.

her legs wrapped around my stomach squeezing it for dear life causing me to tense up and flex to try and relieve some of the pressure, the bitch was Trying to break a rib i swearrrr.

"dont call me princess asshat" she huffed squeezing her legs tighter causing me to stiffen up a bit more.

girl could crush a mellon with her thighs

"ngh damn whats your deadlift" i chuckled and looked in her unammused dark blue eyes that screamed im gonna kill you.

"nah seriously get the fuck out of my room and leave,your not suppose to be here today anyways. remember no guest"i huffed as her grip around my stomach loosened.

"ok teachers pet, do you always play by the rules", she smirked."were gonna go out today, oliver is stressing out about this guest or well his dads brother...which is his uncle that he hasnt met...WAIT A MINUTE"she yelled letting go of me completely and slipping her hands out of my grip only to softly cup my cheeks as her eyes sparkled.

"is this uncle your daddddd", she gasped slightly gripping my cheeks tighter causing me to grunt uncomfortably.

"ngh oh sorry", she laughed as she thought of something then smirked.

"what the hell are you thinking you satan spawn",i hissed and went to crawl off the bed but she laughed crazily and yanked my head on her lap and began playing with my hair which immediately caused me to stop moving and go quiet as i shut my eyes.

"now is that your dad", she grinned as if she had found the missing piece to the puzzle.

i only nodded yes as my breathes got slower and heavier

"hmmm ok thats all i needed to know-"she went to move her hand but i grabbed her wrist and kept it on my head causing her to laugh and continue to play with it.

"your like a big baby yknow that you dummy", she mumbled out intrigued by how dark my hair is. playing with it while slowly putting herself to sleep as she relaxed against my headboard which caused me to sleep as well.



"...do you think they should be in here by now". oliver questioned as he stood up and pulled me with him and put me on his back so i didnt have to put that much pressure on my foot.

it really sucks that its hurt, but itll heal and ill be stronger than ever. im just glad i could protect me and oliver during that stuff that happened during school.

oliver walked both me and himself to jacks room.

he seems like a good person just...lost?? he has a very intriguing personality, at moments hes joking and picking and next hes emotionless.

nonetheless if hes olivers cousin i trust him.

im glad we can all go through this battle school together, who knows maybe we'll get the same unit and fight wars together.

i cant help but smile at the thought of all of us in the future working together.

oliver opened the door to reveal jacks head on beccas lap and becca leaned up against the head board making her white hair slightly messy and wrinkling her red shirt and black pants as for jack...he had on black sweats and a black hoodie that had cat ears on it????????

oh hell yeah im taking a picture of this.

and showing it to beccas dad.

"damn my cousin works fast"

i slapped oliver in the back of the head giggling

"shut up you dummy, whens the last time you saw becca sleep that relaxed. usually shes tense ready for anything especially after what happened with the kidnapping", after saying this i could feel olivers aura go dark, as the metal of the door handle began to bend.

"hey calm down babe thats in the past", i quickly said kissing the top of his head and sprouted a white rose from my hand and put it in olivers red hair making the contrast of the flower pop.

he quickly calmed down with a sigh and walked into my room.

"yea yea your right", he half heartedly laughed and gently put me down.

"hey dumbass get up....",oliver grumbled but no budge.

"HEY jack get your lazy ass up", oliver went to push jack but as if sensing it, jack shot up startling becca awake causing her to go pale white. jack gripped olivers wrist yanking him closer as his other hand gripped his neck.

"ngh jack"oliver gasped patting his hand and had a worried smile.

"oliver friendly, jack bad bad ", oliver cautiously said.

"im not a dumbass oliver, i know i have you by the throat...your interrupting something", he huffed which caused oliver to laugh hard.

"i didnt know yall were that close", oliver laughed harder still yet nervous about the whole neck situation.

"by something he meant me playing with his hair nothing more", becca mumbled now in a bad mood..she looked sick, thats sudden wake up must've given her flashbacks of what happened a couple months ago...poor thing.

"damnit jack", becca slapped the back of his head causing him to let go of oliver.

"be nice to your family you damn brat".

"alright geez", jack rubbed his head and picked up some clothes that were messily on his bed as he went to the bathroom to change??

now that i look at it, his room is hella clean other than the bed sheets,and comforter....

"becca what happened in here", i giggled which caused her face to go red out of anger and embarrassment realizing the situation.

"we fought ok, and i won as a matter of fact"

"what kind of fighting did you do that required you too fall asleep on eachother",oliver teased.

"the good kind, isnt that right princess besides im sure i won", jack said smoothly with a cocky grin as he teased becca joining in with oliver...yep theyre definitely related

"listen here you-" jack cut her off as he pushed her to the side Making her stumble.

"so what about a café", he said going back to his neutral look.

...thats what i mean, emotionless. like he cant make up his mind on how he feels..

"its a nice cat café that serves boba tea amongst other types", as oliver said this jack's eyes lit up with excitement.

the first true emotion I've seen from him

"what the hell are we waiting for lets go", he then grabbed beccas hand and pulled the confused girl out the room.

"shall we madam", oliver said as he picked me up bridal style.

"we shall"



as i pulled becca out of the room i noticed my door handle was dented slightly...??????