

oliver led us to an aesthetically pleasing café that was modern but more of a warm feeling.

we decided to sit at a table in a corner so that we'd have a better view of the room. this cat with black fluffy fur and bright green eyes hoped on my lap causing me to hold a small smile while petting it letting the others talk while i zone out listening to the purr of the cat.

"uhmmmm i think ill just have a milkshake with two straws ", stella said winking at oliver causing his face to turn a cherry red.

"ima have to go for the strawberry milk what about you jack...jack", becca nudged my side which caused me to look up and rub the back of my head in which the cat jumped off my lap from lack of attention...greedy little shit.

"im gonna go with matcha boba tea"

they all nodded and called a server over to order our drinks. after hearing them talk for what felt like hours we all finished and got up and began walking around the park that was next to the cafe, these people clearly knew perfect placement for a business....

I thought trying to distract myself from worry, my dad will be here any minute and soon as he sees how loose uncle liam and oliver are hes gonna try to fix that and i don't want him to fuck with these people they're nice, not in a mean way but he just...he's just damn sure not use to how civilian's live.

"hey jack", stella whispered catching my attention as she gripped my arm steadying herself out due to her hurt foot which i really didn't mind.


"whatcha thinking about, i know your usually quiet but today your just zoned out completely"

"am i that easy to read", i chuckled softly as i looked and saw oliver and becca arguing over the flower in olivers hair that Stella had placed there earlier today.

"you are like the least subtle person i know, your 'i have a secret' literally radiates off of you"she giggled out as i looked back at her.

"im fine stella im just tired", i said with a breathy chuckle calming her slightly.

"hm? tired??are you not sleeping well jack, bad dreams?",she questioned.

"my mind is scary", i whispered getting a little serious which Stella had heard catching her by surprise.



"my mind is scary" jack whispered getting serious....wait what?

then something clicked....

"are you afraid of your dreams jack", i asked as i stopped Walking causing him to halt as if I wasn't suppose to hear what he had said

"...yes", he whispered barely audible as he found his way out of my grasp and quickly changed his demeanor.

"aye cuz come and get your girl, if i keep looking after her she might want me", jack joked leaving behind what ever we just talked about.

...he's trying to get me away from he afraid of me prying to deep?

"ayeee don't even joke about that" oliver groaned as he came and picked me up.

"you ok stella", oliver asked as he read my facial expressions.

....jack is so Fucking weird..can we trust him...


"hey Oliver I think it's time our guest leave", jack said in a kinda pushy way as we got closer to the Asher estate.

"huh?" Oliver looked around and saw his house."oh yea the family thing" Oliver mumbled nervously...he's hiding something, I know my boyfriend and this is not him.

he told me that his family was different but we're talking about an uncle he's never met, how would he know. wait he said he never met him...he wouldn't be lying to me about that right??why would he.

I sighed as I grabbed Becca's hand cause I could tell she was about to retaliate.

Becca's blue eyes scanned mine and nodded

"love you babe", Oliver said but I glared at him and pulled me and Becca down the road away from his house towards mine.


I watched as the girl who holds my heart walked away angrily...damn ittttt I fucking hate this.

..I hate our fucked up family

I could tell jack could sense my anger cause his eyes were squinted at me trying to figure me out.

..truth is..I've met this damn uncle of mine and let me just say I wish he were dead...only last night did I find out that jack was his son I didn't see jack when he visited couple years ago, so that means one thing. I know uncle is military so jack was probably stuck on I'm positive jack isn't as weak he's just hiding, and he's damn sure not from a school over seas...I just hate the fact jack is lying and won't talk to me.

when me and uncle Daniel his nickname is Danny I think... we first met when I graduated middle school, he wanted to observe how strong I was for reasons that are unknown to me, and let's just say he didn't go about it the nicest way and my dad...he just watched and said it was for the best.

...what game is he playing at, why did jack move here out of Everytime. why now when shits going down with Becca and her family...

I sighed

what the hell is going on.

I thought as I lightly held my neck thinking of when jack grabbed my throat.

can I trust him...