

as me and Oliver walked through the door the atmosphere was silent and heavy.

I suddenly felt a fist rush towards me which caused me to quicky jump back and push Oliver back out the door as I closed it and heard a fist hit it.

"tch your lacking jack",a all too familiar voice said from behind the door as it slowly opened.

(Oliver pov)

a man with features similar to jacks walked out. he was wearing a military camo out fit as if he just got back from war.

"if it isn't my nephew". the taller man laughed as he walked closer to us only to cause jack to walk back and pull me with him.

"ok what did I do", uncle Daniel sighed out as he rolled his eyes.

"what do you mean" jack replied coldly

"you look like you wanna rip my head off", he laughed as I looked at jack and...if looks could kill unc would be dead right now.

"sorry that's just how my face works", jack huffed out in a monotone way as he let me go and pushed past my uncle and my dad.

that's the coldest and most emotionless look I've ever see someone make


ok then.

uncle Daniel cleared his throat as he walked to me and held out a hand "nice to meet you again kid"

I just nodded ignoring uncle's hand and followed in jacks footsteps, which he went upstairs into his room.

knock knock

I knocked softly on the door causing jack to slowly open it suspecting someone else but letting out a breath of relief As he realized it was me.

"we're you the one who bent my door nob" he questioned as he glanced from the door nob to my hand which fit the perfect size of bent part.

"uh-huh possibly....anyway not to change the subject or anything buttttt do you wanna skip this disgusting family reunion and sneak out" I gleamed with a smile and within seconds he yanked me in the room and slammed the door shut running to the window opening it.

"hell fucking yes" he said as I walked to him and looked out the window realizing were on the second story.

" are we gonna get down, what's the plan...".jack mumbled thinking out loud

"well my plan was to follow your plan", i huffed out with a thinking face quickly sparing a glance at a now calm jack..he was just pissed earlier, now he's fine??

jack quicky brought me out of my thoughts as he began to speak.

" ok hear me out...I have a plan."

I hummed and nodded letting jack know I was listening.

"it involves fire".

I looked at him and gave him a scold.

"absolutely not".

his head went down pouting as he began to think after I denied what ever that tiny brain of his was trying to come up with.

before we could figure anything out uncle barged through the door with a grin.

"let's go out to eat, it's been a while since I had a good meal....oh and no escaping. meet me in the car out front in five minutes" he closed the door without giving us another chance to speak

" uhgggg" I hear jack groan as he closed the window which caused me to laugh and wrap an Arm around his shoulders.

"it's ok jack..I gotcha plus..I know how your father he really is." after saying this jack got slightly serious and gave me a nod.

"I don't know how but I'll believe you cuz...thanks and..please don't just do everything he says. you'll get use to it, he'll get pissed but quickly get over it." jack said with a breathy laugh as me and him walked out the room, down the stairs and through the front door making it to the long black car in no time.

the car ride was quiet and stressful as me, dad, uncle Daniel, and jack all sat around each other in the limo finally arriving to a restaurant for lunch.

"ahhh I remember the good times here" uncle said as he elbowed dad which caused him to laugh.

"I can't say your wrong brother, we use to get the ladies" dad laughed out as a lady in a pencil skirt seated us at a table.

"use to, I still do old man" Daniel laughed.

as they were talking I was zoned out but quickly brought back by a jack kicking me under the table, I was about to throw hands with this man cause that shit hurted, but I noticed his facial features were twisted with a slight stressed out look.

I followed his eyes which landed at a table with a white haired man with and eyes patch, a Blondie, and a white haired girl with a bunch of body guards around them.....shitttttt this day just gets better and better.

(jack pov)

"can you excuse us for a second",Oliver said with a sweat drop and a forced smile.

"yeah sure-"before uncle liam could finish talking my dad interrupted.


his face was serious and it said don't fuck with me.

"we have to use the restroom",I blurted giving him the same look which caused our quiet table to get tense once more.

"ah so without talking y'all can tell when each other have to take a piss tch", my dad's posture went straight as his hands clenched around the silver ware warning me, not to fuck up.

ignoring his heed, i stood up and pushed my seat in

"as a matter of fact, yes. yes we can."Oliver said speaking for me, thinking what I was thinking as he stood up alongside of me and pushed his seat in.

my dad quickly followed and stood up causing my uncle to growl and put his hand to his head stressfully.

"can we atleast pretend to be a normal family for one god-damned second",uncle liam said while not so gently putting his fist on the table making a scene.

"sorry continue eating", uncle liam said with a sweat drop holding his other hand up. eventually everyone went back to eating and talking....but me and Olivers luck still was on a losing streak.

"quite a ruckus is this why we couldn't continue our business proposal at the moment",a white haired man with an eye patch asked as two girls followed along, while his bodyguards stayed still, but kept us within they're field of vision.


three more chairs were pulled too our small wooden table causing me, Oliver, Stella, and Becca to be cramped next to each other.

"hm buisness partner little brother", my dad asked quickly sitting down and held an emotionless glare at the eye patched man.

"huh",uncle liam sighed out and nodded.

"yes he is Danny..can't you see I'm trying to have dinner with my beat it",unc said looking at Becca's dad.

" he's the reason why you didn't want us over",the eye patch guy named Arthur said with a smirk as he looked from my uncle to my dad's finally looking at me and Oliver to see our reaction.

Oliver was holding a nervous smile while I held no emotion which made the white haired dad more interested.

"no little brother, don't be rude to these guest. any friend of yours is a friend of mine don't be ashamed of me", dad said putting on a fake smile and sweet persona

"yeah treat your guest kindly", Arthur smirked as he pointed at Becca.

"this is my daughter becca",after he said this my eyes lingered to her for a little too long which she caught. a small smirk came to her face.

"staring", She whispered, which I could hear due to how close our chairs were.

"and this blonde kid is Stella, Becca's friend since diapers" Arthur continued to brag which made my attention go back to him.

"ah I see. well you must know liam and his son oliver, well I'm his older brother Daniel but you can call me Danny. this is my son jack" my dad said gesturing to me while holding a hand out to shake.

the white haired man just stared at his hand but quickly ignored it making my dad retreat his hand with a glare causing tension to rise.

"I'm well aware of your son Mr.Daniel, he needs to stay away from my daughter" Arthur said as his attention focused on me feeling my own anger start to rise.

great just what I wanted, this dicks attention on me-ngh

I quickly looked down as I felt pain surge through my shoulder again....i thought this shit ended..nope just my luck

"he's a interesting child I'll give you that", Arthur spoke as he saw me rub my pained shoulder.

he cleared his throat and looked at my dad "he's also... nevermind, hmph..your uniform, your a soldier?", Arthur said changing the situation so the attention was off me and onto just him and my dad causing me to let out a relieved sigh.

"ah yes, I'm back in town for a couple day.. actually i came to check on my son and see how he's adjusting here",the last part took me by he serious?

his eyes say he's saying the truth and... damn

i could feel the pain slowly go away as I rubbed the back of my head out of embarrassments...i knew my dad wasn't a total asshole.

"yeah dad I am thanks", i mumbled looking away from him but doing so I didn't see Olivers expression which held disbelief.

"ah speaking of y'alls school, i heard from your principal Mrs. White that school was back on next week. they still do need to interrogate yall and see what happened on y'all's side." Arthur groaned stressfully "you all should be thankful your alive".

"hm?" my dad looked at Arthur with an eyebrow raised."what happened?" he questioned.

"ngh I'll explain later tonight when we get home"uncle liam sighed out

my dad looked at me with a confused look then nodded signalling me that as soon as he gets home he wants to hear "everything".

"hey nerd", Becca whispered too me causing me to look at her as our parents continued to talk


"what was the yelling and tense shit about Earlier", Becca said talking about before when uncle slammed his fist on the table.

"family stuff leave it alone",i hissed at her feeling her arm slightly flinch but then I felt a pinch on my leg causing me to slightly jump. i looked down to see Becca's fingers pinching me.

"stop being a dick..I've never seen Oliver this serious, what's going on."she whispered as she finally moved her hand back to her lap. i looked over to observe Oliver and...he did look quite serious his lips were in a thin line and his eyes were glaring at the grown-up's, he wasn't even paying attention to Stella, i looked at her as could tell she was pouting.

"like I said family stuff...i doubt Oliver would wanna get y'all involved trust me",i growled out getting annoyed.

i felt a small hand grip my arm with great strength feeling my fight or flight kick in causing my adrenaline to rush.

"he's knows shit about me that could get him killed jack, trust me I'd do anything for him..he's saved my life before, the least I can do is get to know him better cause apparently I don't know him or atleast i didn't until you and your father over there came along. we've experienced a whole new side of him",Becca whisper yelled at me.

"....oh my god your annoying as hell you persistent ass",i whisper yelled back causing a smirk to form on her face.

"i know dumbass, now are you gonna tell me what's been up with Oliver and you?"

i thought about it for a bit but in the end it's probably for the best that we don't get them involved.

someone cleared there throat and I saw my dad stand up holding a phone to his ear.

"please excuse me i gotta take this"my father spoke as his eyes lingered on me and turned hard carefully he walked outside the restaurant like he was being precise with every step

"so what does everyone want, seems how y'all are apparently eating with us"liam sighed out as he handed us menu's ignoring his older brother....not gonna lie. I'm just gonna get some fries, not that hungry. i lost my appetite earlier

"i want some chicken soup" Oliver said and Stella nodded saying she wants one as well

"hmm I just want some tea"Becca said as she looked at her dad.

"fries-" before I could finish i felt a mans hand grip my upper arm and yank me out of my seat.

"i need to talk to you" the man dad.

"hey Danny calm down do that later, were getting our food-"uncle liam couldn't finish cause my dad interrupted him

"tch did I ask 'little' brother" my dad said more in a threatening way putting everyone at our table on edge.

the look Arthur had was one of curiosity and almost hate.

"yes father"i said quickly gaining my composure trying to diffuse the situation as my dad grip tightened on my arm more and he pulled me out of the restaurant.


"here", my dad handed the phone at me leaving me with a confused face.

"uhhh hello?" i questioned to the phone

loud bangs and sounds of yelling and guns could be heard on the other side.

"is this jack", a tired stressed voice urgently called out.

"yes, how can I be of assistance"

"your gonna be back for the delta mission right? it's good to hear that your still alive kid ",

"ngh shit dad.... why did you bring me out here..whats the meaning of this", i said with a sweat drop as I stared my father down questioning everything.

this honestly was the last thing I was expecting to happen today

"cause your old team misses you kid"my dad said with a smirk...for some reason I feel like he kinda wanted this.

"like I said"i handed the phone too him.

"i don't do this shit anymore figure it out"

i then walked back into the restaurant and sat next to Becca again.

i could feel uncle starring me down curious as to what my dad wanted

"what was that about", Stella said with a small smile as she looked at me saying what almost everyone was thinking since they were all surprised by how dad yanked me out of the restaurant.

"oh uh...dads just gonna have to leave soon, work is getting stressful for him",i said as I held a small nervous smile while scratching the back of my head.


i watched as jack walked in with his head slightly down and a bitter look in his eye.

what did that dumbass brother of mine say this time.

"what was that about",the adorable blonde headed girl asked curiously...I swear I better be this girls father in law.

jacks face twisted into a nervous smile as he scratched the back of his head.

"oh uh...dads just gonna have to leave soon, work is getting stressful for him"the dark haired kid quietly said.


after everything was said and done we finished our food and was outside the restaurant waiting for our drivers to bring up the cars.

"it was nice meeting your Arthur i hope we can do some buisness in the future as well", my oldest brother spoke causing me to roll my eyes.

"hm let's hope it never comes to that", Arthur said swiftly which caused me to cough out of surprise as i began laughing.

"ngh" Becca looked from her dad to Daniel with a interested look.

"and you Liam...sorry to say this but our buisness deal is still on, your "brother" has no say in it. I'll be over tomorrow to go over terms and conditions"

"dad the car", Becca said as she smirked and winked at jack.....wait a minute..what did I miss? she winked at jack...that girl has never done shit like that towards anyone.


when Becca winked at me i started chuckling as I was shaking my head.

she's up to something..wonder what it will be.

without giving the girls any time to think the white haired man with a cool ass eye patch grabbed there collar's and pulled them away....Stella looked like a Lost puppy as she got further and further away from Oliver.

"I guess it's our turn" uncle sighed as the car pulled up for us to get in.

"it's just you and Olivers turn me and jack are gonna walk, i need to have a talk with him before I leave", my dad grumbled out.

not giving uncle time to respond he grabbed my hurt fucking shoulder and pulled me down the side walk quickly leaving them behind.