First day of college (31 January)

~That day couldn't be repeated. I will not let it happened.~

After a long and fun holiday, a new semester came. It meant university students like Victor and Evelyne had to go to college like they used to do. It may be tiring and annoying, but it's part of life.

It was 7 am and Victor had arrived at Eve's apartment. After he entered the pin and opened the door, he walked to Evelyne's room. There was no sign that the owner, Eve, had woken up; her apartment was so silent.

"Eve... wakes up," Victor knocked on the door while calling Evelyne's name several times. Yet there was no answer from inside, which made him grow impatient. "Eve!!! You'll be late if you're still sleeping!" Still no answer.

Being impatient, Victor tried to open the door. To his surprise, the door wasn't locked. Such a weird thing since Evelyne always locked her room when she was sleeping. What surprised him more was, the room was empty. There was even no sign that Eve was sleeping there.

"Eve!!! Where are you?!" He left the room and went to Eve's study room. "Eve! Are you there?!"

Without knocking on the door, he entered her study room. He was relieved that Eve was there, sleeping peacefully on the mat. 'What was she doing last night so she's sleeping here?' He frowned.

Slowly he walked closer to Eve, then shook her body so she would wake up. "Eve… Wake up!"

Weird. It was never this hard to wake her up in the morning, even when she was exhausted. Suddenly, a memory flashed in his mind. He saw Evelyne lying on a hospital bed, unconscious. 'No. I will not let that day be repeated!'

"Eve!!!" Victor shook her body even harder and tears slowly dropped from his eyes. His right hand touched Eve's forehead to examine her body temperature. She had no fever. But still, he was worried about her and the memory disturbed him a lot.

Finally, after a few seconds, Eve opened her eyes. "Huh? Vict?" She looked confused until her head had gathered all the information she needed. "Wait, is it Monday? What time is it?"

Victor sighed in relief that Eve had woken up and wiped his tears to hide the fact that he was crying. "It's 7.30." He said it randomly, without even looking at the clock.

"WHAT! You! Why don't you wake me up earlier!!!" Eve's eyes widened and she was fully awake now. She then checked the clock to make sure Victor's words. But the time written on her clock was 7.10 instead of 7.30. With a low voice, Eve groaned. "Vict. I forgot that you don't know how to read a digital clock."

Victor smirked. "Don't you know how hard I tried to wake you up? What time did you sleep last night? I told you not to overwork yourself!" There's a hint of frustration in his voice.

Evelyne was stunned, noticing that she made Victor worried. She looked up at Victor's face. His eyes were still red. 'Seems like I made him worry. My bad.' She lowered her head and apologized. "I'm sorry. I don't realize that I made you worry."

Didn't want Evelyne to feel bad, Victor rubbed her hair and smiled. "No problem. Seems like you worked so hard last night. Since today's the first day, find a good time to rest."

"Okay," Evelyne smiled back at him.

She then prepared lunch for Victor and herself. When Victor had off to his college, it was her turn to prepare herself. Once she was ready, she left her apartment and off to college.


Evelyne, with Eve in short, which meant night. As her name suggested, she was a cold girl, as cold as the night breeze. She was cold and elegant, leaving the impression of an untouchable girl. Up to now, people who were close to her could be counted with fingers. Victor, Elanor, Jovan, and Raimon.

With her black hair and purple eyes that made everyone freeze, she looked mysteriously beautiful. To make it perfect, she was the best student who got above 95% for all of her exams and participated in countless competitions. No wonder a lot of guys adored her even though they didn't have the courage even just to say 'hi'.

This morning, Evelyne set her feet on the campus for the first time this semester. Her presence caught a lot of attention and gathered people around her. But her cold purple eyes made no one dare approach her up close.

"She's as beautiful as ever!" "I wonder if she has a boyfriend." "I heard she's still single." "Whoever her boyfriend is, that man is surely a lucky person." "I envy her!" Comments showering Eve in every step she took, while she chose to ignore those all.

'Oh… Geez… I just arrived!!! Why is it always crowded!?' Eve got a headache from people who crowded around her. Honestly, she didn't want to be the center of attention like this. All she wanted was a peaceful life where there was no problem at all. But there was nothing she could do. She couldn't possibly shout or chase them away.

"Look there!!!" The crowd's attention changed to a guy that looked like he was approaching Evelyne. "Who's he?" "Is he here to meet Evelyne?" "Seems like that. He looks nice."

Every eye focused on the man and those people almost screamed when the man stopped in front of Evelyne. "Are you Evelyne? Sorry for asking all of the sudden," said the man with a nice smile on his face.

Looking at that man really came to Evelyne, everyone was silent. They wanted to know what kind of conversation they possibly had.

"Yes, I'm Evelyne. You?" Evelyne was confused but tried to hide it with a professional smile.

"Ah, so, I'm Bryan from architecture study. I saw that you want to participate in the innovation competition. If it's okay with you, can I be your team?" Explained Bryan.

"I see. Well, it's okay. When do you have time to discuss the topic? And for your information, the team is still you and I." Evelyne's mood changed. She was so happy that finally, she had a team, even though it seemed it was only the two of them.

"I'm okay with that. We can decide the other member when we ourselves already have the topic. How about we discuss it tomorrow? Or maybe through a call?" Suggested Bryan.

After giving some thought, Evelyne answered. "Tomorrow afternoon through a call? How does it sound?"

"I'm okay with that."

Their conversation ended just like that and they parted their ways. Evelyne continued her walk to her classroom for her first lecture.

Unfortunately, a lot of eyes were still watching her and once she entered the room, people were hyped. "Whoa, she's in the same class as mine!!!" "Waaa, I'm so fortunate this semester!" "The angel is in my class, I can die peacefully."

'If this continues, I don't even know when I can rest!!!'