Check-up (20 February)

Sunday afternoon, was the time for Evelyne to have a check-up with Raimon. She was still confused by Victor's attitude. Weirdly, Victor, who disliked Raimon so much, looked like he didn't care at all this time. 'Honestly, what happened with him? He used to hate it when I talked highly about Raimon.'

"Ms Evelyne," called a nurse who assisted Raimon.

Evelyne went into Raimon's office. "Hello, long time no see," she said when she saw the familiar face.

Raimon, the doctor sitting behind the desk, smiled back at Evelyne. "Indeed. Long time no see, Eve. Take a seat."

Both of them were smiling awkwardly one to the other until Raimon snapped. "Alright, let's begin. Is there something you feel uncomfortable with? Or maybe you feel something isn't right?" He began asking some questions.

"Well, nothing. It's just that I feel too tired lately, but it's normal isn't it?" Answered Evelyne as she looked at the ceilings, trying to remember.

"Hmmm, do you have too much work lately?" Raimon asked and got a nod from Evelyne. "Seems like now I understand why my cute little brother sent you here." He chuckled.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Evelyne frowned.

"Nothing. Let's check your condition now. Please rest your body on the bed," Raimon changed the topic.

The nurse then guided Evelyne to the bed and prepared the tools for Raimon. As everything was ready, Raimon began the check-up. When he did his job, the bright aura changed to a more serious one. He didn't speak or joke, his eyes and mind were focusing on checking Evelyne's condition.

"Okay, we're done." Raimon put his tools back on the table while the nurse helped Evelyne. "There's nothing wrong with you except you're too tired. If it's possible, take as much rest as you can."

Eve laughed a little. "Understand. But yeah, it's harder to find time to rest. I guess you can agree with it."

Raimon laughed as well. He found it relatable with his condition. "I agree with it. Anyway, mind taking a walk with me? If you have a loose schedule after this I mean."

"Sure. I'll wait for you at the gate." Evelyne nodded with a smile.

"Okay, good. See you then."

The check-up session ended just like that and Evelyne went to the hospital gate. It had been a long time since the last time she met Raimon, let alone talking. Both of them were tied with their work; they even forgot to take care of themselves.

After waiting for ten minutes, Raimon with his car stopped in front of Evelyne. The window was opened and showed Raimon. "Let's go. I know a good place to talk," said Raimon before he closed the window and opened the door lock.

Evelyne opened the door and sat beside Raimon. "So, where's the good place you mentioned?" She asked.

"Secret," Raimon answered with one word, making Evelyne pout. As he started driving, he chuckled. "Anyway. I thought my cute little brother would come with you. Is he that busy?"

"Yes, he's busy. Well, I have the same thought like you, and I was surprised as well. But, yeah. He isn't here," answered Evelyne in relief. She wasn't the only one who felt weird about Victor, but his older cousin also felt it.

"Did he say anything like: 'Go home right when you finished', 'Don't get too close with him', or something else?" Raimon wanted to make sure.

Evelyne shook her head. "Nope. Surprisingly, as you said earlier, he 'sent' me to you. You know, I'm surprised. I don't really know about your sibling relationship, but as I know you're competing against each other and so on. So I'm surprised that Victor asked me to visit you."

Based on Evelyne's explanation Raimon could understand what happened. "Don't overwork yourself. If you can, reduce your work and rest. You have to think about those who worry about you." Raimon realised that Victor was too worried about Evelyne so he let her have a check-up.

"Uhuh. Why are you saying that all of sudden?" Evelyne frowned.

"Nothing. I just think that you need to rest. That's all."

In five minutes, both of them arrived at the place mentioned by Raimon. "Here we are. The view from here is great. I'm sure you're going to like it." Raimon parked his car and got out followed by Evelyne.

"This place?" Asked Evelyne while looking around. She knew that place and she had avoided coming here as well. Yet, since Raimon brought her there, she decided to follow him as long as they didn't step foot on 'that' place.

"Yup." Raimon nodded. "Let's walk this way. The lake has an awesome view."

Evelyne flinched. "The-the lake? No." The lake there was the place Evelyne wanted to avoid the most from all the places in the world. The memory from the past burst into her mind, giving a headache. A memory about the accident happened to her that caused trauma for her and Victor as well.

Raimon looked back at her. "Why? What happened?" He walked toward Evelyne who didn't move at all. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. Just don't go there please." Evelyne tried to look alright in front of Raimon. She didn't want to cause any problem.

Understood Evelyne's request, Raimon brought her to a cafe near their place. After they ordered drinks and snacks, a conversation started. "Do you want to tell me about that lake? It's okay if you don't want to." Raimon was confused and curious about the lake and Evelyne's reaction.

"Uh… well… Something bad happened there. I believe it's better if you don't mention that place to Victor. Also please don't tell him that you brought me to this area."

Even though Evelyne didn't tell him what exactly happened, Raimon could understand something. "Eve. Seems like there's something you need to think about seriously. If you want to help Victor I mean."

"What do you mean?"

"Can you give more attention to him? Check if he rested well, at least when he's visiting you. Next, don't get sick, at least to make him strong," said Raimon seriously. Victor never told him anything, yet Raimon knew Victor couldn't sleep well. He noticed that Victor looked weirdly tired. As if he had never slept for a long time. So he guessed that Victor had trauma or something.

Luckily, from Evelyne's explanation, he could find a clue. Something happened to Evelyne in the past causing Victor to have trauma and couldn't sleep. That was his best guess.

"I don't know why, but I will." Evelyne scratched her head, confused.

With a smile, Raimon told her one thing. "You know, Victor actually had a special feeling toward you. Open your heart and you'll understand something," he whispered.