
"No matter how fast you run, I will catch and bring you back where you belong." his harsh voice echoed in my ears. I was running towards the main road, I was in a forest and the sun was right above the lush trees, raging its rays on us.

The dried leaves were crunching beneath my legs, my chest was burning due to fatigue and breathlessness, my legs were bleeding due the tight ropes that confined me in that dark room.

The main road was just meters away when I tripped on the fallen branch of a tree, falling face-first on the rough ground injuring myself further.

I heard footsteps getting closer and I knew I don't have time to mull over the fall and my injuries, I got up again and started running towards the road.

As soon as I reached the road I breathed a sigh of relief at least now someone will see me if he catches up and tries to drag me back towards that filthy place.

But my relief was short-lived as I didn't calculate my steps and I was standing in the middle of the road and to my luck, a car came towards me and crashed.

I was laying on the ground, I felt numb as if the crash took away my pain, my vision was blurry, My heart barely pumping, I wanted to take my last breath peacefully, I hope I don't see him before I close my eyes.

Before I did close my eyes I saw red, a deep dark shade of Red, the color somehow soothed me. I gave a smile seeing that red and finally closed my eyes. I am free.