Fight it.

The heart rate monitor was beeping in a steady rhythm, a figure was laying on the bed hooked with different wires that kept her alive. The body of the girl was covered by bandages, her face was also covered with bruises.

She was sleeping soundly and the doctors have given a warning "She might not make it." But person who brought her to the hospital was adamant that the girl will fight it.

"She has to make it." The person's eyes shined with determination while looking at the sleeping girl.

The person was the one who crashed into this broken girl, she was returning after a visit to her parent's house, out of nowhere this girl came running towards the road and the person couldn't stop the car at the right moment.

"Miss Bo, you need to sign some papers regarding the girl." A nurse came into the private room of the hospital with papers in her hand.

Bo turned to the nurse with her cold eyes making the nurse sweat out of fear.

Bo gave a curt node and took the paper and went to the couch that was placed near the bed, she started reading the papers and heard the door closing gently.

The room was now filled with monitor beeping and occasional noices of page turning joined the monitor.

After filling the papers Bo kept them on the table near the couch and just sat there looking at the bruised girl, she was looking at the girl like a hawk, not wanting to miss even a slightest movement from her. Her heart clinching now and then remembering the condition in which the girl was found, she even remembers the small smile the girl gave before giving in to the darkness.

"she has to fight it." Bo said out loud to the white walls of the room, there was a window behind the couch that shows the busy road outside the hospital, but the room was filled with two girls with different conditions.

Bo suddenly got up from the couch and rushed to the girl, there was a twitch on her fingers.

Bo gently held the cold and bruised left hand of the girl anticipating her next movements and she was not disappointed, her fingers twitched again this time with more intensity and like a hail of storm the girl started thrashing on the bed and screaming on top of her lungs making Bo go hysterical too.

The door to the room opened and doctor as well two nurses rushed into the room, Bo gave them a way and stood near a corner like a statue, she felt numb at the moment, don't know what to do, what to feel?

The doctor injected something in the IV and within minutes the thrashing and screaming died down, the room was again filled with rhythmic monitor.

"Miss Bo may you please wait outside, we need to check her injuries and make sure they are not disturbed due to her thrashing." Bo again gave a curt node and numbly walked outside of the room and stood outside near the door looking through the window that was attached to the door.

The nurse removed the shirt giving doctor a way to check the injuries and like a switch Bo started feeling emotions, emotions that she thought she will never feel, her cheeks started getting moisten due to her salty tears, making her more shock than she already was.

She wiped her tears and went near the bench that was outside the room, her legs were shaking and her hands were forming a tight fist, she was waiting while her heart and brain were swirling with a storm of emotions.

The doctor came out of the room making Bo get up immediately and going to the doctor asking the silent question.

"Her few stitches were disturbed due to thrashing which we stitched them again, as she woke up there might be a chance for her, now if you will excuse me and Miss Bo, you will need a lot of patience while dealing with her trauma."

With that the doctor left to attend his other patients. Bo went inside the room seeing the nurses just finishing dressing up the girl.

Bo went near the girl and took her right bruised hand and held them gently "Fight it." she said with her clogged voice.

Bo was adamant at saving the girl, the girl was the only hope for Bo, her one and only chance to something beautiful, she will hold the chance and try to fight every obstacles, she won't tie herself into the shackles of what ifs.