Saeko's past

Demolus, seeing Saeko smile at him, smiled back and asked. "Saeko what are you doing so late, everyone else went to sleep already you should go rest"

"Ara ara isn't it Demolus-san, I'm making a late-night snack would you like to join me?" Saeko offered him with a smile.

'Is that the legendary ara, ara, and the naked apron in one package this is the best day ever, and to be ara araed by not other but a hot girl it feels like I'm on cloud nine right now' Demlus thought after all as a man of culture he wanted to witness the legends in the flesh and now he did.

"S-sure I'll join you for a late-night snack, by the way, why are you dressed like that, not like I'm complimenting you, you look great in an apron?" Demolus answered while looking at her up and down.

"Oh, There were no other clothes in my size so I'm wearing this until I finish doing the laundry, and do you not think it's too revealing?" Saeko asked him teasingly and tugging the apron which made her breasts and nipples be seen pressed against the fabric of the apron Demolus could see them pressing through the fabric.

"Well, I do appreciate the look but don't dress in something like that front of guys you don't like, or are you confident enough to beat the guys up? Demolus asked with interest.

"Well, I'm dressed like this because I trust you and the others are weak after all" Saeko answered truthfully.

"Saeko you know your eyes are different from others you acted differently when this apocalypse happened, I could see the smile you had when you were killing them, but there is something more something weighing you down, I don't mean to pry or if you are uncomfortable talking about it then you don't need to but if you want I can listen and I won't judge whatever it is maybe it will make you feel better later on?" Demolus gently asked Saeko with a smile.

Saeko tensed up for a bit and relaxed again looked at Demolus and noded gesturing to a sofa nearby Saeko decided to tell him her story, after all, she remembered him killing with a smile getting rid of Shido and not batting an eye, and he called himself a demon she wondered why he did so.

"Well you see before this all began and everything was well normal I... I almost killed a person" Saeko turned her head and looked at Demolus who surprisingly was listening with interest.

"Four years ago, I was attacked by a man on the street at night, of course, I didn't get hurt because I had a bokken with me, I smashed his shoulder blade and femur. After I told the police what happened they gave me a ride home in the police car but the worst part was I enjoyed doing it I pretended to be scared for him and incited him then without hesitation I fought back" Demolus could hear the desperation in her voice, her voice starting to crack bit by bit.

"I had fun doing it, it was so much fun I didn't know what to do, and that's me Saeko Busujima and that's the truth I was intoxicated by my own power and enjoyed every moment of it" Saeko's eyes changed you could see the despair in her eyes and hear it in her voice.

"Your kind Saeko, far too kind" Demolus gently moved towards her and patted her head which Surprised her.

"Kind?" Saeko didn't understand.

"Yep you could have killed him but you let him live after all when one dies it's the end for most people" Demolus explained.

"Still I don't deserve to be a normal girl after all my heart is different I...I…..I" Demolus closed her lips with his finger and looked at her eyes.

"Hahaha, Saeko but you are a normal girl in my eyes after all you are human" Demolus continued smiling at her after a short laugh.

"Let me show you what I am" Demolus started sprouting horns from his head, a tail from his backside, and wings Saeko stared at him wide-eyed and slacked jawed.

"Now Saeko, tell me what do you think of me now?" Demolus Smiled at her with his most charming smile.

"Y..y...y… you're a demon?" Saeko asked with confusion in her voice but she was smiling sadistically.

"Yep a demon indeed I am one but if you can't accept yourself then I will accept everything you have to offer I will accept all your sins all you regret I'll take all your burdens so be yourself don't be afraid to do what you want to do I'll be there whenever you need me and even if others turn their back on you I won't. So set yourself free Saeko stop holding back, stop being scared of yourself, release your true self" Demolus passionately started saying his opinion because he really liked Saeko as a character before but now the more he spent time with her the more he started understanding that he liked more and more.

Saeko Didn't know what to say. She heard his words were something different from what she expected. She didn't care if Demolus was a demon or whatever anymore. Saeko remembered every word he said and decided to do as he said and kissed him on his lips while he was in the middle of his speech she felt happy while tears started rolling down her cheeks.

While Demolus was being kissed he was confused but decided to just enjoy the kiss.