Alice and Zeke are here

While kissing Saeko, Demolus heard the barking of a dog and recalled what was going to happen next. He remembered, Zeke and Alice but most importantly he decided to save Alice's dad, after all, he needed another driver to drive the bus to transport the students because all of them wouldn't fin in the Humvee, and leaving the Humvee would be wasteful.

"Saeko I have something to do, and you can finish up with the late-night snack I won't be long," Demolus said while shapeshifting to hide his demonic features.

"And where are you going?" Saeko inquired while licking her lips.

"To save someone Don't worry I'll be fast," Demolus said while putting on his shoes and taking his trusty pipe which was leaning on the wall.

"Well alright be safe and good luck," Saeko said while waving to him.

Demolus waved back while nodding and went to save Alice and her dad, While going in the direction where they should come from Demolus started killing every zombie he could see.

Smashing heads left and right he finally noticed a dog, a girl, and a man, The dog was a small puppy with a white coat and black ear flaps. He also wears a red dog collar with a bone ornament that hangs at its front.

While the girl has shoulder-length pink hair with bangs reaching down from the side of her temples stretching outwards, a mole under her left eye, and wears a white headband on her head.

And the man was average looking with light brown-gray hair Brown eyes while wearing a white shirt with a red necktie and brown pants and shoes.

"Hey, there come here," Demolus said loudly enough for them to hear and notice him while waving his hand for them to see.

they noticed him and carefully approached him, after all, seeing someone waiting at you from a street littered with headless corpses was terrifying.

"Follow me I'll take you to a safe place where you and your daughter can rest," Demolus said.

"Thank you very much but who are you and why are you helping us" The man was confused.

"Well this disaster happened, and we should stick together it's easier to survive like this, and you have a child with you I can't just leave guys to fend for yourselves and you seem tired by the way my name is Demolus but there's no time for introductions we need to go follow me" Demolus explained and started leading them to Rika's house.

While Demolus was out Hirano was actually on gourd duty and was surprised when he noticed Demolus out of the house but just in case he readied his gun if he needed to help.

The other guys were sleeping while Kazu was still watching tv and saw how the panic of people was getting worse and everyone started attacking each other this made Kazu panic a bit he felt bad and uncomfortable after all the bridge where this was happening was near this house.

This news made Kazu scared with led him to go to the balcony to observe the situation and join Hirano on his gourd duty.

Komuro and Hisashi were discussing what they will do next.

"Komuro you must calm down it's not good for you to be so tense" Hisashi worriedly said to Komuro.

"But I can't calm down especially when that guy is here he's a psycho he broke Shido's legs and tossed him out the window like some trash bag and then did the same to the blond guy whatever was his name," Komuro said with distress in his voice he felt like he was losing things but he didn't understand what or how.

"Komuro I know he was cruel and all, but he did help us survive and help us escape the school, not to mention he was the one with the idea to get water and food and we could have been starving by now" Hisashi tried to calm his friend and stop him from trying to antagonize the strongest guy in their group.

"Why are you defending him?" Komuro furrowed his eyebrows.

While the two were staring at each other, Rei opened the door, saw them, and smiled brightly.

"Hey guys what are you doing here in the dark all alone," Rei said with a tint of red on her face.

"Umm, nothing important just guy talk right Komuro?" Hisashi started panicking internally waiting for his best friend's reply.

"Uhh oh yeah guy stuff" Komuro stuttered he didn't know how to act in front of Rei anymore, he was hurting inside but didn't want to show it and decided to talk to Hisashi about his problem later.

"I see" Rei looked at them suspiciously and was distracted by the sound of the front door opening and closing.

"Huh did someone leave or enter the house? let's go check it out" Hisashi offered them while standing up.

And so the trio descended the stairs.