4th-dimensional tunnel

It was finally summer vacation and the newspaper club was going to the human world to camp. Nekonome-sensei was the one who thought of this and convinced everyone to go. Well, the only member who will not be able to go was Gin who supposedly had things to do. So right now Demolus was waiting for everyone near the bus while talking with the bus driver.

"You seem to have gotten stronger than the last time I saw you," Nurari said while smiling and smoking his cigar.

"Yeah, I hope you didn't forget our deal?" Demolus asked while looking towards the man.

"Hahaha of course not, no one would let me be the driver if I wasn't trustworthy!" He said while laughing.

"Don't worry young man there are things you can't rush no matter how much you want something. And you already have been here for four months now there's not that much left," The bus driver said while leaning on the bus.

"I guess you're right," Demolus mused to himself while waiting for everyone else.

And he didn't need to wait long as Moka showed up first Dressed in a frilly summer dress. Demolus walked towards her to greet her but the moment she saw him, she hugged him and smelled his scent. Demolus hugged her back and enjoyed the hug.

"Moka, are you ready to go to the human world? Demolus asked while leaning and whispering into her ear.

"Yes!" She answered while blushing.

As the two were hugging they hear Yukari complaining about the human world to Kurumu. Kurumu was dragging her there but the moment she saw Demolus let go of the witch and ran to hug him. While ignoring Moka who was hugging him. After everyone greeted each other, Yukair started complaining again.

"I...I don't want to go to the stupid human world after all!!!" Screamed Yukari.

"What's wrong, Yukari, is there A reason you don't want to go?" Demolus asked while patting her head

"Well don't you think she's just wiping out because she's never been there? She's just a baby after all…" Kurumu commented.

"Someone with only one brain cell wouldn't understand!!" Yukari shot back.

"What? Who has only one brain cell you little…" Kurumu and Yukari started bickering again.

Demolus smiled seeing Yukari bickering and realized that Kurumu provoked her on purpose. She's actually more mature and kind-hearted than she seems, as she truly cares about her friends, even if she doesn't show it. And provoked Yukari would be distracting from the human world, which would make the journey calmer for her.

Well, Demolus was thinking along those lines, Aono like always was ignored or unnoticed by the group. Because of that, he decided to enter the bus and wait for Nekonome-sensei to show up.

Aono Tsukune at the beginning of the school year was a scared human and he still is. But now he has a chance to return home and ask his parents to let him go to another school. After all, he was a weak human in the monster-filled school, it was only natural for him to want to return.

He of course wanted to return but the bus driver or the bus was nowhere to be found, so he had no choice but to say. But now everything changed he was going home, and this made him happier than ever before.

Aono looked at everyone at school like they were out for his blood while in reality, no one cared about him. He thought about this whole thing more than one actually would, and this made him overthink things.

But when he boarded the bus Nurari started talking to him which surprised him. Aono was surprised to see the bus driver that brought him here. But even more surprising was that the driver started telling him all the things he had done in school.

"Perhaps you've had your fill of the monster academy Tsukune-Kun?" The driver asked but the startled Aono was interrupted before he could answer.

"Come on, let's go!" An excited Nekonome-sensei shouted while boarding the bus with everyone else.

Demolus on the other hand just sat down in the back of the bus while the girls sat down next to him. On his right sat Kurumu, while on the left Moka but to the surprise of the older girls Yukari had a brilliant idea. She sat down on his lap while leaning her head on his chest.

"Why didn't I think of that?!" exclaimed Kurumu while Yukari had this smug smiled directed at her.

This made Kurumu a bit irritated but calmed down when Demolus took her hand and whispered something into her ear. This only made the succubus blush and nod her head.

They didn't need to wait long for the bus to move and drive through the so-called 4th-dimensional tunnel. This tunnel is like a bridge that connects more than one place in the human world and the supernatural one. And so their journey to the world of humans begins.